Manly-Warringah Radio Society
PO Box 3192
Allambie Heights NSW 2100
We've been "surfing the airwaves since 1923!" The Society began as the Manly & District Radio Club on 26 February 1923. Listen out for Special Event Station VI 100 MB, which is active throughout our centennial year!
The Society is a group of people interested in Amateur Radio as a hobby, in both a technical sense and as a means of Radio Communication.
As a volunteer group, we can work with accredited emergency service organisations, and can establish short, medium, and long range (near global) voice and low speed data communication links at short notice. Our communications networks can operate without relying on the Internet, telecommunications carriers, Government agencies, or other communications infrastructure.
We are affiliated with the WIA, WICEN NSW Inc, and Amateur Radio NSW. Most of us are ACMA-licensed radio operators (or are studying to be...) but we do not limit membership to licensed "radio hams". If you're interested in radio communications, you're welcome here.
Follow us on social media:
Facebook: ManlyWarringahRadioSociety
Twitter and YouTube: @VM2MB
The Society meets every Wednesday evening from 7.30pm at the 1st Terrey Hills Guides Hall, Beltana Avenue, Terrey Hills.
The second Wednesday of the month is our business meeting night (8pm, about an hour long, followed by fun things);
The third Wednesday of the month is our lecture night, also about an hour long from 8pm, featuring a presentation usually (but not always) on a technical topic. Afterwards, we do more fun things. You can catch up with previous club lectures and other videos on our YouTube channel VK2MB-TV.
The meetings on other nights are informal, where we usually just do the fun stuff!
Some exceptions:
The January business meeting, and the December lecture night, are replaced by informal meetings;
The July business meeting is our Annual General Meeting.
Club Activities & Events
The Society has operational HF (shortwave), VHF, and UHF radio stations, which usually get a workout during informal evenings, and after business meetings and lectures. There is always someone on hand to show newcomers around and get them on air if they wish.
We also operate APRS internet gateways on 2m VHF and 30m HF bands to help keep track of Amateur travellers.
Our 2m repeater audio is streamed live to the internet: listen in wherever you are in the world, or check how well you're getting into the repeater!
Check out our KiwiSDR web-connected HF receiver at
We host visiting Scouts & Guides for the annual Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), as well as visits from local troops throughout the year.
The Society regularly participates in contests and other on-air events, usually operating portable from various locations around the state.
Manly-Warringah Radio Society
Meeting Location
To navigate, press the arrow keys. 1st Terrey Hills Guides Hall Beltana Avenue (opposite no. 6) Terrey Hills NSW 2084
Training Courses And Assessment Information
The Society recommends the excellent training and assessment facilities provided by Amateur Radio New South Wales at Dural. See for more information.
Meanwhile, if you need help with learning for the assessments, we are more than happy to assist! Come along to the club on Wednesday evenings.
Club Contact Details
Manly-Warringah Radio Society
PO Box 3192 Allambie Heights NSW 2100
Phone : 0459999725 Email :
Geoff Osborne VK2TGO
Phone : 0418668502
Email :
Des Cottle VK2TGJ
Phone : 0429 320 919
Email :
Greg Lee VK2XE
Email :
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Page Last Updated: Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 20:15 hours by Mwmanarc