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St George Amateur Radio Society


PO Box 530
Engadine NSW 2233


Welcome to The St George Amateur Radio Society, which is based in the St George and Sutherland Shires, south of Sydney. Generally, we are dedicated to the advancement and enjoyment of amateur radio and associated activities.

We have a particular focus on the provision of relevant educational activities for our members and our community. We provide training and assessment for Foundation, Standard, and Advanced qualification levels.

Our membership is made up of licensed operators, those who would like to become licensed, and others interested in amateur radio.

If you would like to know more about amateur radio and our society, please contact one of our committee members, browse our web site, call into our weekly club net, or come along to one of our gatherings.


Our gatherings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) starting at 07:30 PM at the Mortdale RSL Club is located at 25 Macquarie Place, Mortdale NSW 2223, a 5 minute walk from Mortdale railway station.

Our meetings are informal, and do not usually include any business, unless urgent. We normally have a guest speaker or a member give a presentation on a particular subject within amateur radio. Details of upcoming events are posted on our website.

Visitors are most welcome. Come along and meet other amateur radio operators from the St George and Sutherland Shire.

Club Activities & Events

Regular Club Net - Thursday evenings commencing at 08.00 PM local time on the VK2RLE 2m repeater, located in the southern suburbs of Sydney, 146.800 MHz (Input - 600 kHz). This net can also be accessed via our Echolink node VK2RLE-R.

Other Activities - We participate in JOTA, various contest/field weekends, and other amateur radio related activities that occur on an ad-hoc basis.

St George Amateur Radio Society Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

We provide Foundation qualification training courses and assessment, held within the Sutherland Shire. Assessments are also available for those upgrading to Standard and Advanced qualification. Generally, these courses are run in Sutherland NSW.

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

Our courses are run on an as required basis. If you wish to participate, please contact our education officer via email address or leave an expression of interest at

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Paul Howarth VK2GX (acting)
Phone : 0423 454 626
Email :

Club Contact Details

St George Amateur Radio Society
PO Box 530
Engadine NSW 2233
Phone : 0423 454 626
Email :


Tony Edward VK2ALE
Email :

Paul Howarth VK2GX
Phone : 0423 454 626
Email :

Peter O'Connell VK2EMU
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 12 Jun 2024 at 21:38 hours by Sgars


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)