Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 10
GISBORNE Victoria 3437
The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club has been operating since March 2010. Since that time some 45 amateurs have become members.
The original steering committee gave way to an elected committee in December 2010 and the club became an incorporated body in February 2011.
The first official AGM of the MRARC Inc. was held in Woodend on Dec. 17th 2011
The club has an enthusiastic membership and has been well served by previous committees. Members get together at Saturday Morning meetings where regularly more than 20 people attend and there is a Wednesday morning Coffee Session at the Gisborne CFA station which is looked forward to by regulars!
Guest speakers have covered many topics. A few examples include mobile radio installation, Amateur satellites, Over the Horizon Radar, PSK operation, RFI in vehicles, a WSPR demonstration, amateur microwave operating, an explanation of the WIA awards program - to name but a few.
We all look forward to another year of friendship and growth.
Saturday Meetings are held at 10am on the THIRD Saturday in the month at the Woodend RSL, Anslow St Woodend.
Weekday meetings are held on the FIRST Wednesday of the month, between 10am and 12pm at the Gisborne CFA meeting room.
Club Activities & Events
The club currently runs two nets. Due to the terrain preventing simplex communication between stations, the first net is held on the VHF repeater VK3RMM, 147.250 MHz O/P frequency, commencing at 2000 Hrs every Wednesday. One of the club members will be net controller using the callsign, VK3RA.
There is a net on 3.685 MHz following the 2 Metre net for anyone wishing join in on 80 Metres.
(This net usually commences at 2030 Hrs +- QRM)
Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Location
Training Courses And Assessment Information
Training And Assessment Contact
Club training course coordinator
Phone : .
Email :
Club Contact Details
Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 10 GISBORNE Victoria 3437
Phone : +61418838300 Email :
Joe Balassa VK3MAB
Email :
Graeme McDiarmid VK3NE
Phone : 0418 838 300
Email :
Barry Theodore VK3BRT
Email :
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Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 14:54 hours by Macedon