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Bayside District Amateur Radio Society Inc.


PO Box 411
Capalaba Qld 4157


Centred in Brisbane’s beautiful bayside area, our meeting venue is the Redland Museum in Cleveland. Members are from all over south-east Queensland with several based interstate and some overseas. In 2023, membership was numbering in the 80’s.

The aim of our Society is to progress the hobbies of amateur radio, electronics and technology locally both through training courses and accreditation radio examinations, and social and technical meet-ups to encourage and share our experiences.


Meetings are held at the Redlands Museum, 60 Smith Street, Cleveland, Qld
Monthly General Meeting - 1st Monday of Month
Technical/Social Meeting - 3rd Monday of Month
Meetings commence at 7:30 PM

Club Repeaters located at Mt. Cotton
VK4RDB 146.875 MHz (-600 KHz) 91.5 tone FM
VK4RDB 438.450 MHz (- 7 MHz) 91.5 tone FM (Analogue & Fusion)
VK4RDB 438.825 MHz (- 7 MHz) DMR & D-Star

Club Activities & Events

A Morning Coffee Meet is held on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at the Redlands Sporting Club, Anson Road, Wellington, Point commencing at 10:00 AM Local.

Club Nets:
146.875 Mhz - Monday 7:30 pm local
3.570 Mhz - Wednesday at 7:30 pm local
438.450 Mhz - Fusion Net - Tuesday at 7:30 pm local

Bayside District Amateur Radio Society Inc. Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Eddie Tomes VK4TJE
Phone : 0417 155 030
Email :

Club Contact Details

Bayside District Amateur Radio Society Inc.
PO Box 411
Capalaba Qld 4157
Phone : 0404 736 366
Email :


Geoff Taylor VK4MW
Phone : 0412 761 300
Email :

Martin Uljee VK4MCU
Phone : 0404 736 366
Email :

Geoff Fox VK4FK
Phone : 0403 703 251
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Thursday, 02 May 2024 at 21:54 hours by Bars


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)