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Brisbane VHF Group


Brisbane VHF Group
c/o: 10 Geraldine Street
Wavell Heights QLD 4012


The Brisbane VHF Group has been in existence since 1958 and was initially associated with the VK4 division of the WIA.

BVHFG Is a special interest group catering for amateurs interested in VHF, UHF and microwave operating and construction.

As one of the few positive effects of the Covid Pandemic and the subsequent adoption of remote participation in meetings, the group membership now extends across the entire region and into adjoining states.

Most members also belong to other "mainstream" radio clubs in their own area.

Monthly meetings are held on the FOURTH Wednesday each month and are conducted via a combination of face to face and remotely via "TEAMS". All are welcome to participate by contacting the secretary to be added to the invitation list.

Additionally, a "Teams" only chat session is being trialled on the SECOND Wednesday of each month.

The regular meetings and demonstrations cover all aspects of operation on the higher frequencies.

Regular Microwave Activity Days (MADs) are arranged to facilitate both home and portable operation.

The group regularly participates in VHF Field Days using the club callsign VK4IF/p and have been very successful over recent years.

The group operates an extensive beacon chain VK4RBB and VK4RTT covering all amateur bands from 50MHz to 24GHz

The group runs “Tune up days” where test bench instrumentation is arranged for evaluation and optimisation of home brew Equipment and systems.


The Group meets at the Chermside Library venue every fourth Wednesday of the month, from 7:30 pm except in December.

In addition, a TEAMS only (remote) chat session for members is held every 2nd Wednesday of each month from 7:30pm

Club Activities & Events

BVHFG maintains a comprehensive beacon system covering all VHF-uWave bands from 6m to 24GHz from two sites. Look for info on VK4RBB and VK4RTT. The entire chain is GPS locked and CW/digitally encoded (modes appropriate for each individual band).

Brisbane VHF Group Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

BVHFG maintains a YouTube library of video presentations from club activities and formal presentations at group meetings.
- Search for Brisbane VHF Group

BVHFG also maintains a Facebook page where members communicate and publicise group and individual projects and activities.
- search for Brisbane VHF Group

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

BVHFG does not currently run amateur licence training courses or assessments.

We recommend those interested in obtaining a licence contact our sister organisation: -

Redcliffe and District Radio Club.

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Doug VK4OE (Vice President)
Phone : na
Email :

Club Contact Details

Brisbane VHF Group
Brisbane VHF Group
c/o: 10 Geraldine Street
Wavell Heights QLD 4012
Phone : 07 32568712
Email :


Kevin Johnston VK4UH
Phone : 0407799664
Email :

Jason VK4YOL
Phone : 07 32568712
Email :

Phone : na
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Thursday, 14 Sep 2023 at 08:22 hours by Bvhfg


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)