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City of Brisbane Radio Society


Mailing Address:
25 Haines Street
Kedron Queensland 4031


The club was founded as an interest group in the 70's, focused on what was then the CB craze before its formal introduction to Australia. Naturally this led to Amateur Radio and as our club membership grew, most members attained an Amateur callsign via classes given at Mt Gravatt TAFE .

Our members quickly found an interest in Field Day events, winning outright the John Moyle Memorial Field Day Contest from a site at Mt Wolvi (near Gympie) and also winning the VHF/UHF section twice.

As interest in Field Days has increased in the last few years, our club has built an extensive trailer-based field day station, with power supply, radios, amplifiers and antennas covering bands from 6 metres to 10 GHz. Many of our trips away have taken place at hills around 200-1200 metres elevation, selected so as to cover more of our great state and beyond on the bands above HF.

In 2023 we entered all three field day contest featuring VHF and higher bands. We are looking forward to keeping up this momentum.

Our club has had many past projects, including building 2m and 70cm 300-400 Watt Larcan/NEC amplifiers. Also other projects building 1.2, 2.4 and 5.8 GHz transverters.


Our Club meets at Carindale Library every second Tuesday of the Month (December & January subject to confirmation)

An alternative venue will apply for October 2023.

Most other Tuesday's we connect initially on our 2m repeater then meet virtually via Microsoft Teams - see our website for the link. We look forward to meeting you.

Our AGM is held in conjunction with our March meeting with annual fees due at that time.

Club Activities & Events

John Moyle, Winter, Spring, Summer VHF/UHF field days.

We are also considering doing a couple of overnight trips away exploring potential contest sites.

Our Club repeaters VK4RBR
2m (147.350 + 600kHz 91.5)
70cm (438.275 - 5 MHz 91.5)
6m (53.975 - 1MHz)

Carindale Public Library
Meeting Room 1
1151 Creek Road, Carindale QLD 4152

In-person meetings on 2nd Tuesday of the month (December & January subject to confirmation)
between 6pm and 9pm.

An alternative venue will apply for October 2023

Training Courses And Assessment Information

One of our members is accredited with ACMA as a license assessor. License assessments are scheduled based on requests received.

In 2024 we may also conducting training if there is demand.

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

Please contact our secretary by email.

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Peter - VK4APV
Phone : Ref email
Email :

Club Contact Details

City of Brisbane Radio Society
Mailing Address:
25 Haines Street
Kedron Queensland 4031
Phone : 0468 671 030 (Peter VK4QRP)
Email :


Ron - VK4CRO
Phone : Ref email
Email :

Peter - VK4APV
Phone : Ref email
Email :

Craig - VK4CJM
Phone : Ref email
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Saturday, 15 Jun 2024 at 15:15 hours by Cobrs


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)