Gympie Communications and Electronics Group
Please use email for correspondence
Gympie Queensland 4570
We are a like minded group of radio enthusiasts in the Gympie region of South East Queensland promoting amateur radio in our area. We have members of all ages through to over 70, some new to the hobby while others have been on the air for over 50 years. Our group started off in June 2008 and our Clubrooms are based at the Old Gympie Railway Station. We own and maintain northern and southern 2m repeaters, a town 70cm repeater, the WBR02 UHF CB repeater, a high-powered DMR & D-Star HotSpot and Echo-IRLP systems.
Meetings of the Gympie Communication & Electronics Group are held at
our clubhouse at the Old Gympie Railway Station, Tozer St. Gympie. This is the "Mary Valley Rattler" railway station and our building is at the northern end of the platform. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month at 2pm (except Jan) and there is a social get-together at the clubroom every Wednesday morning at around 9:30am until noon.
Club Activities & Events
The Gympie & District Net is run by the Gympie Communications & Electronics Group every Monday night at 7.30pm on the club's southern 2 metre repeater VK4RCM (146.725 MHz, 91.5 Hz CTCSS). A Friday evening Net is run on the northern repeater VK4RGN (146.775 MHz, 91.5 Hz CTCSS) at 7:30pm.
The Club also runs an HF Net on 80m. This Net is on Wednesday evenings at 8pm on 3647 KHz.
Gympie Communications and Electronics Group
Meeting Location
Training And Assessment Contact
Club training course coordinator
Dave Robson VK4FO
Phone : 0427 202 933
Email :
Club Contact Details
Gympie Communications and Electronics Group
Please use email for correspondence Gympie Queensland 4570
Phone : 0438 722 981 Email :
Lachlan VK4LCM
Email :
Catherine Robinson VK4CCR
Phone : 0438 722 981
Email :
Email :
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Page Last Updated: Thursday, 27 Feb 2025 at 11:36 hours by Gcaeg