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Mackay Amateur Radio Association Inc.


P.O. Box 1065


The Mackay Amateur Radio Association INC. was founded in 1972 by local amateur radio operators, to better promote the hobby in the region.

Today, the club is still quite active, with around 30 members or so.

We are involved with many amateur radio activities throughout the year, which include participating in field days such as the John Moyle Memorial Contest, Jamboree on the Air (Jota) for Scouts, communications support for horse endurance trials and other various activities.

Check out for more info.

VK4RMK Mt Blackwood. Off air.
VK4RSA Sarina 146.675Mhz -600 91.5 FM and P25
VK4RSA Sarina 439.625Mhz -5Mhz 91.5 Linked to CHARC
VK4RSA Sarina 147.075Mhz +600 Multimode P25, DMR, NXDN
VK4RSA Sarina 438.275Mhz -5.4Mhz Dstar
VK4RBM Blue Mt 146.775Mhz -600 91.5 FM
VK4RBM Blue Mt 439.300Mhz -5Mhz Dstar
VK4RBY Black Mt 146.650Mhz -600 P25, DMR, NXDN
VK4RBY Black Mt 438.600Mhz -5Mhz Dstar
VK4RUS Sarina Beach 438.450Mhz -5Mhz Dstar
VK4RRR Mt Seaview 146.975Mhz -600 91.5 Linked to CHARC
VK4RDL St Lawrence 147.175Mhz +600 91.5
VK4RDL St Lawrence 438.875Mhz -7Mhz Dstar


We have a meeting every second Tuesday of the Month.
Currently meet online using Teams. Details sent out just before the meeting by email. Usually every second Tuesday of the month.
We also regularly meet at Campwin Beach Coral Point Park Lookout on a Saturday for a BBQ and other special events such as John Moyle, Lighthouse or any other excuse for a BBQ.
Please email for the next meeting details and connection information.

I would like to encourage members / visitors to bring something for show and tell if they wish, or anything like that, it would make for a more fun night. Hope to see ya there.

Club Activities & Events

Our Club is involved in many activities including John Moyle Memorial Field Day, International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend, JOTA Jamboree on the Air for Scouts, Horse Endurance Rides and communications support for other events.

Every year on second weekend in May, the club gathers with other clubs in Central Queensland at Clairview. We have a Monster Auction and raffles as a fund raiser for the club.

Club Nets
Monday Night 7:30pm 80 Metres 3597khz
Wednesday Night 7:30pm 2 Metres 146.675Mhz - Offset 91.5 CTCSS

Check out for more info.

Mackay Amateur Radio Association Inc. Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

Training & Assessment Co-Ordinator, Roy Moore, VK4RM, is our Accredited WIA Assessor and is available for exams and assessments on all 3 levels of license as required.

Check out for more info.

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

Exams & Assessments can be organised by contacting Roy Moore at Some notice will be required.

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Roy Moore
Phone : 0409597410
Email :

Club Contact Details

Mackay Amateur Radio Association Inc.
P.O. Box 1065
Phone : 0409597410
Email :


Roy Moore VK4RM
Phone : 07 49564515
Email :

Gary Crothers VK4CUZ
Email :

Wayne O'Donnel
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 08 May 2024 at 19:30 hours by Mackay


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)