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Air-Stream Wireless Incorporated

VK5KFM - Club Representative

PO BOX 301
Walkerville South Australia 5081


Air-Stream Wireless is a non-profit community group who use wireless in combination with software technologies to deploy a Wide Area Network (WAN) that supports community participation, local content and communications.


Due to COVID-19, our Members meeting locations can vary and may be conducted on-line.
If the website has no location information posted, please email for details.

Meetings commence at 7:30pm
Information will be posted on our website

Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month, every month except in December.

Every meeting ends with plenty of time to discuss and chat freely with other members about all things wireless and visitors are always welcome to join in. Some meetings include special presentations from guest speakers and all meeting end with a Swap Meet which allow anyone to bring, swap, sell or buy wireless equipment.

Club Activities & Events

The club provides a platform for individuals and community groups to learn about, use and build a wide area network across Adelaide using wireless technologies. Technologies include 802.11a/b/g/n wireless networking equipment on 900Mhz, 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz ISM Bands. Learning and using free and open source software (FOSS) such as Linux, FreeBSD, WRT and other software systems are also very much apart of club life, including hosting content, experimentation and using various forms of communications systems over the network. This also includes the physical aspects of radio such as building masts, coaxial cabling, electronics, antenna installation & alignment.

Air-Stream Wireless has a free open access policy for any non-profit group who wishes to be involved including, Amateur Radio clubs, Scouts, hobby groups, welfare organisations, CUGs, schools or universities. Any organised group who wishes to provide content to the community or just use the network to support or promote their groups activities.

Air-Stream Wireless Incorporated Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

Air-Stream Wireless does not currently run any formal training but does provide detailed support for members on how to build and use wireless networking systems. A number of members are licensed Amateur Radio operators and we have some Amateur Radio clubs who participate in the network including the EARC and SCARC.

We also maintain a list of local Amateur Radio Clubs and refer both members and visitors to the appropriate clubs who run Amateur Radio courses and assessments in their area.

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Referals to other club organsisers
Phone : +618 7324-4748
Email :

Club Contact Details

Air-Stream Wireless Incorporated
PO BOX 301
Walkerville South Australia 5081
Phone : +618 7324-4748
Email :


Sean Lever
Phone : +618 7324-4748
Email :

Andrew Coombs
Phone : +618 7324-4748
Email :

Tony Dalmeyer
Phone : +618 7324-4748
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Saturday, 20 May 2023 at 14:27 hours by Aswi


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)