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Amateur Radio Experimenters Group


P.O. Box 155, Salisbury, SA, 5108
Club rooms, Phelps Court, Fulham South Australia 5024


The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group was formed in July 1998. The members of the Club come from all walks of life and even includes some people who don't work in the electronics industry.

AREG has a practical focus. Members have a strong interest in the technical aspect of our hobby and this is reflected in some of our activities, such as fox hunting ballons, putting together the local D-Star repeater system, playing with software defined radios and assisting other VK5 groups with technical support when requested.

We have built and maintain three of Adelaide's premiere repeaters VK5RWN (D-STAR), VK5RSA (438.025) and VK5RSB (439.900),(53.750) and (1273.500), with 439.900 being connected to the internet via IRLP (node 6214) and occasionally Echolink to provide a worldwide FM quality service.

AREG is also the VK5 custodian of the VK5RWN D-Star repeater system.

AREG has recently added (13/8/2022) a new repeater to our line up, a DMR repeater, that is colocated with the D-Star repeater system, under the same call sign VK5RWN. It is normally connected to the VKDMR networks. Have a play, experiment, enjoy!

If you are interested in becoming a member of an active practical club, come along to our next meeting, there is always lots to do and learn at AREG!

Have a look at our Web pages at


AREG General meetings are the third Friday in each month, except on rare occasions, refer to the calendar on our web page for details.

The monthly meetings are also being held online using Zoom. If you are not a club member and would like to participate, please contact one of the club Committee members to arrange an invitation to the Zoom meeting.


The meetings are generally held at The Fulham Community Centre hall, Phelps Court, Fulham S.A.

AREG requests that members and guests please attend the venue for a prompt meeting start at 19:30 (7:30pm).

Club room doors are now open at 19:00 (7:00pm)

Parking is usually not a problem, as the Community Centre hall has plenty of car parks.

AREG would like to welcome any one that is interested to come along and find out just what we are about, so consider this to be your invitation to find our more about AREG, your ham radio club in the Western suburbs with members from the greater Adelaide area.

Club Activities & Events

The Amateur Radio Experimenter’s Group Inc meetings are generally held the 3rd Friday of the month at the Club rooms, The Fulham Community Centre, off Phelps Court Fulham, SA.

Further information may be found on the AREG web pages at .

Amateur Radio Experimenters Group Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

Please refer to this page for details on upcoming license courses and exam sessions:

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Christopher Platt VK5CP (5-010)
Phone : AH 08 8294 0774
Email :

Club Contact Details

Amateur Radio Experimenters Group
P.O. Box 155, Salisbury, SA, 5108
Club rooms, Phelps Court, Fulham South Australia 5024
Phone : 0407 302 353
Email :


Gerard Rankin VK5ZQV
Email :

Mark Jessop
Phone : 0407 302 353
Email :

Chris Megaw VK5FR
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 08:11 hours by Areg


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)