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South East Radio Group


PO Box 1103
Mount Gambier South Australia 5290


The South East Radio Group (SERG) has club rooms in Mount Gambier, a regional city of 25,000 people near the South Australian border with Victoria.

Founded in 1962, the club provides a focus for the pursuit of amateur radio as a hobby and with approximately 60 members within a 100km radius it is an active one. The members have an enthusiasm for construction, satellites, repeater systems, VHF, UHF, DXing, foxhunting and EPIRB location.

The club has good links with local emergency organisations.

The annual South East Radio Group Convention in June is a highlight on the calendar and this attracts wide interest, especially as it is the occasion for the Australian Fox Hunting Championships.


The club meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at the club rooms in O'Halloran Tce, Mount Gambier.
On non meeting nights we hold a session on the linked 2m repeater network at the normal meeting times.
A Coffee Club is held every Thursday morning at 10am at the Clubrooms.
The club rooms are located in the Reidy Park centre (the old Reidy Park Junior Primary School),15 O'Halloran Terrace, Mount Gambier at the rear of the Mt. Gambier Naval cadet unit

Meetings start at 7:30pm.

The first meeting of each month is usually an activity night while the second meeting is a business meeting.

Club Activities & Events

The club is active in a wide range of activities. Active participation in the VHF/UHF field Days is one of the highlights with many successes being achieved in the competition.

The SERG runs the very successful National Fox Hunting Championship as part of its Annual Convention held on the long weekend each June.

The club is adept at tracking EPIRBS and assisting with emergency communication having a special emergency comms trailer ready to go at a moment's notice.

The SERG supports the VK5RSE beacons on 50.458, 144.550, 432.550, 1296.550 MHz from its site at Mt Graham near Millicent.

The club also supports linked 2 metre repeaters VK5RMG (146.900MHz) at The Bluff between Mt.Gambier & Millicent, VK5RKN (147.375) near Robe, VK5RNC (146.650) at Naracoorte, VK5RBT (147.350) at Willalooka near Bordertown, VK5RSE (146.800) near Millicent, and VK3RSW at Mt Richmond near Portland (146.875).

The club also has a 70cm UHF repeater located at The Bluff on 439.825MHz which is both a FM repeater and a Yaesu Fusion C4FM repeater (5MHz negative offset for users).

Members are also active in EME, satellite communication and some ATV work.

SERG supports the local Legends of the Lakes Hillclimb event with communications and television. We also provided the communications for a number of local car rallies during the rally season.
In addition to the above we provide communications for the Generations in Jazz event which is the biggest event of its type in the Southern Hemisphere.

South East Radio Group Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

Club assessors Tim Hann, VK5AV and John Drew (VK5DJ) provide assessments on demand. From time to time the club runs a course to support future amateurs.

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

To be advised

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

Tim Hann VK5AV
Phone : 0417 826 720
Email :

Club Contact Details

South East Radio Group
PO Box 1103
Mount Gambier South Australia 5290
Phone : 0459 524 092
Email :


Peter Becker VK5BE
Phone : 0427 897 119
Email :

Col. Huon VK5HCF
Phone : 0459 524 092
Email :

Andrew Fartch. VK5VKC
Phone : 0437 712 590
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 16:12 hours by Serg


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