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Aspects Of The Hobby

Women In Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio Is A Hobby For Men And Women

Amateur Radio is a communications hobby that throughout its history has been dominated by men, well times are changing and more and more women are becoming involved in the varied aspects of the hobby.

Amateur Radio offers a chance for the entire family to enjoy activities together. With the introduction in Australia of the three tier licensing system and especially the entry level Foundation license. Its easy to make a start in the hobby without having great technical knowledge.

Many women combine amateur radio with other activities such as camping and bush walking.
Others like to feel that they are able to share interests with their spouses and family.

Women In The History Of Radio

Women have participated in Amateur Radio since its very start

In 1924 Florence Wallace (as she was then known) became Australia’s first certificated woman radio telegraphist and in 1924, the only woman member of the Wireless Institute of Australia. She was the founder and director of the Electrical Association for Women, established in 1934. In 1939 she founded and directed the Women’s Emergency Signalling Corps, which later became the starting point for the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS). Rosemary Broomham wrote in the biography of Florence McKenzie in 200 Australian Women that altogether Mrs McKenzie trained over 10,000 servicemen in morse, visual signalling and international code, and she trained 3000 women, a third of whom went into the Services. On 8 June 1950 Florence McKenzie was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire for her work with the Women’s Emergency Signals Corps.

  1914, First Canadian YL Wireless Radio Operator
Miss M. S. Colville, XDD, of Bowmanville, ON

  1915, First U.S. YL
Emma Chandler, 8NH/W8NH of St. Mary’s, Ohio, USA Featured in QST issue Oct. 1916

  1898 - 1982
Eunice Randall, 1CDP and W1MPP
Around 19 years of age, Eunice Randall built her own amateur radio station (ER). In 1919, Eunice became the first
announcer, on-air, at AMRAD (1XE/WGI), broadcasting station, in Boston, Massachusetts.

The Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (ALARA)

ALARA (Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association)

ALARA’s mission is to encourage women’s interest and active participation in amateur radio.

ALARA was formed in 1975 by a small group of Australian ladies interested in amateur radio. Membership has now grown to over 200, with many Australian members sponsoring overseas YLs into ALARA. The term “YL” stands for “young lady” – regardless of age.

Alara is active throughout Australia and any ladies licensed or not are welcome to participate in our activities

You can find out more by clicking the following Link

Page Last Updated: Monday 4 June 2018 at 13:44 hours by Webmaster


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)