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Your WIA Board - The Fact Sheets

Why this is necessary?

Some WIA members have noted accusations and criticisms on social media and elsewhere, and asked that the WIA Board make detailed responses to these issues. The Board has decided to produce this series of Fact Sheets to address the various issues raised.

In the Board's view, many issues are either exaggerated, misrepresented, or without foundation. Some statements are totally inaccurate. When reiterated in the echo-chambers of social media, such misinformation tends to be taken as 'fact'

This unprecedented action has become necessary to ensure that all WIA members have the relevant facts and explanations.

The WIA continues to be an effective advocate for Amateur Radio, and is in the process of developing strategies to address the current and future needs of the hobby. It is essential that radio amateurs continue to support the hobby by joining or renewing your membership to ensure a strong and effective WIA. That is not to say that there isn't room for improvement.. A primary function of the Board of any company is to periodically review its services and operations with a view to positive improvement. The digital edition of Amateur Radio magazine is an example. Restructuring of the National Office to improve customer service was driven by this principle. Other positive innovations are in progress: the STEM initiative, the Volunteer Charter, and others to follow.

The following Fact Sheets are not all of the issues that some have raised, and more may be added later.

Files For Download

Fact Sheet - Foundation Licence Manual into profit
Foundation Licence Manual into profit .pdf

Fact Sheet - Claims WIA in trouble with ASIC and ACMA without foundation
Claims WIA in trouble with ASIC and ACMA without foundation.pdf

Fact Sheet - WIA licence assessment system complies
WIA licence assessment system complies.pdf

Fact Sheet - WIA Directors undergo training
WIA Directors undergo training.pdf

Fact Sheet - The WIA Club Insurance Scheme
The WIA Club Insurance Scheme.pdf

Fact Sheet - Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures.pdf

Fact Sheet - WIA Membership Numbers
WIA - Membership Numbers.pdf

Fact Sheet - WIA 2015 Accounts
WIA - Fact Sheet - 2015 Accounts.pdf

Fact Sheet - WIA Achievements 2016
WIA Achievements 2016.pdf

Page Last Updated: Tuesday 21 February 2017 at 10:32 hours


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)