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Amateur Radio March 2009

Delivery expected from 25 February


Our country

As I write this Editorial, I note that the news media for the past week or two has been full of stories about a couple of the natural features of our climate – floods and fires.

In the tropical regions to the north, we see that “The Wet” has well and truly arrived. Ingham and surrounding regions are experiencing floods, with the likelihood of further rains to come.

In the south, Victoria has had scorching temperatures and raging bushfires.

Whilst I personally have not been directly impacted, the local area has suffered from two major fires.

This month, Peter gives a personal perspective of the fires in Victoria, especially in Gippsland, and some comments from others about the fire impact. It really could have been a story by itself, so he has deleted much of the Editorial from this part of this web page. If you wish to read the whole editorial, you can download the account from the bottom of this page.

The Editorial concludes with:

Closing remarks

Enough reflection on the past few days…. This Editorial is already far too long!

Perhaps it was best that I decided against attending Wyong – it was much easier being at home and considering the actions that I might take if the wind direction had changed to bring the fire towards the town. From all accounts, the event went well. I look forward to some reports in due course.

At the WIA Office, preparations are full steam ahead with all the paperwork for the AGM to be held in May.
Again, I ask that you write up that latest project as an article for AR. Our stock of articles is dwindling, so the turn around time between submission and publication should be shorter than average.

Peter VK3KAI

Cover photo
WIA reviews the ICOM IC-92AD: Waterproof, 2 m & 70 cm, D-STAR, in a dual band 5 W handheld transceiver – what more do you need? GPS? World Wide Coverage? Done! The cover picture shows the IC-92AD and optional HM-175GPS, with the display in “dual watch” mode. Photo by Peter Freeman VK3KAI
See the full story on page 27.

Table Of Contents


New arrangements for the management of amateur callsigns, Michael Owen VK3KI


Assembling and operating the Elecraft K3 transceiver, Chris Meagher VK2LCD
A useful up-converter for the HP-8922S, Peter Whellum VK5ZPG and Mike O’Ryan VK4YNQ
Matching network software, Ron Sanders VK2WB
The Freq-Mite: a you-beaut enhancement for your QRP rig, Grant McDuling VK4JAZ
Handheld with the lot: the IC-92AD, Peter Freeman VK3KAI

New arrangements for the management of amateur callsigns

Michael Owen VK3KI

WIA President Michael VK3KI outlines the new arrangements for the issuing of callsigns and Certificates of Proficiency that will come into force as of 2 March 2009. Briefly, all requests for amateur callsigns must first be processed by the WIA. The WIA will then forward each request to ACMA for the licence issue. As the ACMA contract requires the WIA to charge a fee for service at cost recovery, all wishing to place a callsign request should check the details on the WIA web site prior to making an application.

Handheld with the lot: the IC-92AD

Peter Freeman VK3KAI

AR Editor Peter VK3KAI reviews the IC-92AD handheld transceiver, finding that it packed full of features.

Assembling and operating the Elecraft K3 transceiver

Chris Meagher VK2LCD

The K3 transceiver is, arguably, one of the finest available in today’s amateur marketplace, bar none. It’s receive capability, in particular, is quickly finding status as probably, or at the very least, possibly, the best available. It has been rated as at least the equal to the Orion II – not a bad compliment.

Recent enhancements to circuitry, many made through changes to software, rather than hardware, and additional options made available, for instance a 100 watt transmitter version, an inboard ATU, a second receiver, have all improved the image of this unit – and the choice you have when purchasing, where you can choose a completed unit, or to put it together yourself, as a kit, is almost unique for such a quality offering.

The author describes his experience in putting his kit together, and his early on-air operation and consequent findings – you will find the read a most enjoyable one.

Matching network software

Ron Sanders VK2WB

The author takes the time, in some detail, to describe and illustrate several software packages which make the design of RF matching networks easier, and more understandable.

This article will be of interest to those amateurs active in designing and building RF equipment, or who want a better understanding of the complex mathematics that are sometimes involved in this area of our hobby.

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Author Ron Saunders VK2WB, informs us of this correction in "Matching Network Software" in the March AR:

“On page 21, in the last 2 paragraphs in the first column all references to C2 should be C1. I mixed up the source and load ends of the network on the schematics. One program puts the source at left and the other puts it at right – I usually work left to right (source to load) in schematics.

“On page 22 the reference to power calculation does not show the 2 as a squared value. Probably clear to most readers, but some may wonder how the values are obtained with the formula as shown.
The formula should therefore be:
P = E^2 / R = (70.7)^2 / 50 = 100 W.

73 de Ron VK2WB”


Files For Download

March 2009 Editorial - the complete story

Page Last Updated: Thursday 26 March 2009 at 11:47 hours


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