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2011 Magazines

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Amateur Radio October 2011

Delivery expected from September 23


Callbook 2012

It is early September as this issue of Amateur Radio is prepared and Greg Williams VK3VT is currently hard at work collating the information from the many people who contribute material to the annual Callbook. Details of radio clubs around the country will have been collected, together with the latest known information about beacons and repeaters. All the other information will have been checked and updated. And all of this work is undertaken by volunteers, each making his/her contribution to benefit us all.

The snapshot of the ACMA database will have been ordered and forwarded to the production house for conversion into the printed version contained in the Callbook. This means that any changes in the database after the date the database was sampled will not appear in the 2012 Callbook. This is always the case when any printed item is prepared – there must be a cut-off date. Of course, if you need to check on the status of a callsign, the ACMA database can always be accessed on-line via the ACMA web site.

The Publications Committee and the WIA office aim to have the Callbook completed and delivered by early October. This issue of Amateur Radio will contain an advertisement inviting individuals and clubs to place their orders in advance. The Bookshop will then process and send the orders as quickly as possible after the Callbooks are delivered.


Several clubs have been very prompt in submitting reports on their activities over the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW). The activity was held on the third full weekend in August, so there was only a short period between the weekend and our production deadline.

The ILLW is not a contest; rather it is an activity weekend.

The event is gaining popularity, with many accepting the challenge of activating lighthouses that present logistical challenges. An example of this can be found in the report on the activation of the Sandy Cape lighthouse on Fraser Island by the VI4FI team. Personally, I found their account an entertaining read – I hope that you agree. The official ILLW website ( shows the 2011 event had 66 lighthouses activated around Australia, with a total of 470 entries across 55 countries.

Given the coverage of the event in this issue, I would expect few additional reports to be published this year. However, I may try to fit in another report early next year, if only to stimulate amateurs to consider planning for next year’s event, scheduled for 18 and 19 August 2012.


Bob Bristow VK6POP reminds us that the Jamboree On The Air – Jamboree On The Internet (JOTA/JOTI) event is fast approaching. Hopefully many individuals and clubs will be assisting Scout and or Guide groups locally with the provision of operators and equipment for this weekend. JOTA/JOTI provides an excellent opportunity to showcase our hobby to young people. Hopefully propagation will be kind over the weekend and allow contacts far and wide.

Whilst supervising amateurs involved attempt to maintain operational standards at all times, other operators and listeners may need to display a little tolerance if procedures are not always “spot on”.

Most amateurs involved will already have their plans almost complete by now. However, there may be scope for you to assist, especially if your local club is involved. Read Bob’s article to find out more about the event.


Peter VK3PF

This month’s cover

The JOTA/JOTI event is almost upon us, scheduled for 15 and 16 October. Bob VK6POP gives some important tips for the event in his story on page 6. Our cover this month features a young Scout at the microphone being watched by another member of her Troup. From their expressions, it is clear that they are having fun using amateur radio. Photograph by Bob Bristow VK6POP. We also have a small selection of photographs from the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend. Read the reports inside this issue.

WIA President's Comment

The Wireless Institute of Australia Foundation

Over the years I have had quite a number of conversations with people who were thinking about making a gift to the WIA, either directly or from their estate.

I recall one such discussion where the donor’s desire could not be achieved simply because the costs of administration associated with creating a special trust to achieve the objective would have cost most of what was to be given.

Other persons who were considering leaving a bequest to the WIA were concerned that a change of WIA Board direction could result in their bequest being expended in a manner contrary to the intentions of the donor. Donors wanted confidence that their wishes would be respected on an on-going basis.

Gifts for a defined purpose may create their own problems. Take a bequest to fund research into solving a particular medical problem. What do you do with the funds for that purpose when the problem is fully solved by someone else?

The Board of the WIA has given considerable thought to these issues and for some time have been working on the creation of a legal entity which is capable of receiving donations and/or bequests, is capable of applying them in the intended manner (or as a default in a manner which furthers amateur radio) and is administered in a professional and consistent manner, so that donors can be confident that their contributions are managed carefully.

The Board has sought the advice of a leading firm of independent lawyers.

We now announce the creation of the Wireless Institute of Australia Foundation.

The principal objects of the Foundation as expressed in its Constitution are:
(a) to promote, advance, preserve and represent in any way amateur radio (where amateur radio includes activities by duly authorised persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest) and all other branches of knowledge and activity having application to amateur radio;
(b) to apply the proceeds of any gift or bequest made to the Company for the purposes set out in clause 2.1(a), in compliance with any terms and conditions stipulated by a donor but, in the absence of any stipulated terms and conditions by a donor or, if the donor’s stipulated terms and conditions are inconsistent with the purposes set out in clause 2.1(a), in any manner which the Board considers appropriate to achieve the objects of the Company set out in clause 2.1(a);
(c) to administer one or more funds into which all gifts, contributions, donations and bequests to the Company for the purposes of the Company will be credited.

The reference to the “Board” is a reference to the Board of the Foundation, not the Board of the WIA.

In effect, the Board of the Foundation act in respect of gifts as trustees.

Our object was to make the Foundation a continuing entity, set up in such a way that it would have sufficient independence from the WIA to reassure those who were concerned about the effect of short term changes in those responsible for the management of the WIA.

We have done this in three ways:
First, while the WIA is the Founder Member of the Foundation, and will appoint the first directors, there will be a second group of members and the WIA will not be able to change the Constitution of the Foundation unless the members of the second group also agree.

Second, at least half of the Foundation’s Board will have to have specific qualifications. At least one member of the Board must be a lawyer, and at least one member must be an accountant or financial adviser. Not more than one member may be a radio amateur without any of those qualifications and the chair will be the President of the WIA from time to time.

Third, the term of office of the Directors of the Foundation is for five (5) years, (other than the President of the WIA as Chair of the Foundation) and so operation of the Foundation is insulated against short term changes in the WIA Board.

Initially the Board of the Foundation will consist of myself as President of the WIA, and WIA Director Chris Platt, a lawyer, WIA Treasurer John Longayroux, an accountant and former WIA Director, Peter Young as a radio amateur.

Initially gifts to the Foundation will not be tax deductible, which will not be relevant for any bequests, but the Foundation will seek to have a separate fund within the Foundation accepted as a charity and so gifts to that fund will be tax deductible.

Some of the WIA’s most important activities are, in law, not charitable and so funds for these purposes cannot be a gift to a charity and therefore tax deductible.

In particular, gifts to support lobbying are not charitable, and so gifts to support the WIA’s participation in Australian delegations to APT and ITU meetings may not be for what is in law a charitable purpose.

The second part of the principal objects I have quoted above deals with the problem of a gift for a purpose where the purpose ceases to be relevant or meaningful. If the person making the gift uses the right language, the Foundation will be able to change the purpose so it can still support amateur radio.

We are hopeful that any donors bear that in mind in formulating the terms of their gift or bequest. Our legal advisers will provide a ‘model bequest’ to assist intending donors.
The WIA has benefitted greatly in the past from the generosity of some wonderful people. Andersson House and the generosity of the late Henry Andersson is sufficient evidence of that.

The Board hopes that the creation of the Wireless Institute of Australia Foundation will make it a little easier for those who wish to support amateur radio and the WIA in its important functions.

Table Of Contents

JOTA-JOTI 2011 Bob Bristow VK6POP
Whyalla Amateur Radio Club at ILLW 2011 Alex Glinski VK5ALX
VI4FI Sandy Cape Lighthouse AU0043, Fraser Island IOTA OC-142, ILLW 2011 Derek Toreaux VK4MIA
Amateur Radio Victoria-VK3WI participation in ILLW 2011 Terry Murphy VK3UP
The RADAR club returns to Cape Capricorn Lighthouse for ILLW 2011 Les Unwin VK4VIL
Cape Schanck activated for ILLW 2011 Joe Magee VK3BKI
IARS activates Point Perpendicular Lighthouse VK2AMW for the ILLW Rob McKnight VK2MT


How to manufacture a double sided PCB Murray Lang VK6HL
An ‘SGC-230’ autocoupler repair Warren Stirling VK3XSW
The Simple SDR: a basic software defined radio anyone can build – Part Two Peter Parker VK3YE
An exquisite situation… on short unloaded whip antennas and the effect of shunt capacitance at their base Dale Hughes VK1DSH & Andrew Davis VK1DA/VK2UH

Plus all the usual Club news and columns


Bob Bristow VK6POP

This is a short feature article providing information to any would-be participants in the event of information that will certainly assist in the smooth organisation and operating of the station.
This is, as usual, useful information and advice for this unique scout/guide and amateur radio event.

International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend


We have several reports this month of activations of Lighthouses for the ILLW. The general consensus is that everyone had fun - one of the key aims of the event!

How to manufacture a double sided PCB

Murray Lang VK6HL

This is a short article that explains, with the help of a number of accompanying photos, how to make a double sided PCB, and without any great difficulty. The process explained gives consistently good results, and relies only on a degree of patience, and a careful approach, to achieve this result.

If you are a home brewing aficionado, you will find this of some interest.

An exquisite situation… on short unloaded whip aerials and the effect of shunt capacitance at their base

Dale Hughes VK1DSH and Andrew Davis VK1DA/VK2UH

A recent article in Amateur Radio magazine, on the performance of a particular mobile antenna on the author’s vehicle, evoked quite some discussion among a group of ACT amateurs, such that two of them were moved to present some comments on the views presented, as well as proposing a few alternative perspectives of their own.

For antenna buffs in general, but especially those interested in the theory and (subsequent) performance of mobile antennas, this offering will certainly make interesting reading – and perhaps provoke yet another view!

Advertisers Index

 55 Av-com
 19 Com-an-tena
 55 Cookson (Jackson Bros)
 55 Hamak Electrical Industries
 OBC Icom
 17 Jaycar
 11 Kuhne Electronic
 25 TET-Emtron
 15, 55 TTS
 IFC Vertex Standard (Yaesu)


Page Last Updated: Sunday 18 September 2011 at 21:48 hours


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)