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January - February 2022

January-February 2022

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The rewards of having a go
There’s no doubt that contesting is exciting. If it wasn’t, this aspect of amateur radio ‘as sport’ would not have survived to this day. As a keen shortwave listener (SWL) in the mid-1960s, I entered the 1963 Remembrance Day Contest. Bands full of stations – curiously intoxicating. Submitting a log under my WIA- assigned SWL No. – L3158 – I was chuffed to score a not too shabby 243 points (AR, Dec 1963, p.11). I was hooked. In mid-1964, while a student at RMIT, local amateur Alan Reid VK3AHR (SK), suggested I “have a go” at the next licence exam. I did. I passed.
My first contest under my newly- minted VK3ZRY was the 1965 John Moyle Memorial National Field Day. Running QRP on six and two metres as a portable, I entered a log with no expectations and won the VK3 section, the first VHF-only operator to do so! (AR, Sept 1965, p.13).
Last year, while out and about one weekend with Trent Sampson VK4TS, we visited a couple of Sunshine Coast hamfests, where we crossed paths with a colleague in common, Greg Ackman, founder of Mobile One antennas (www. Greg built the business from a garage-based operation during the 1970s. Hence, we knew him as a magazine advertiser.
Trent urged Greg to sit the Foundation exam at the Sunshine Coast hamfest that Sunday. Greg was reluctant, believing he wasn’t ready. Trent urged him to have a go. He did. He passed. Welcome Greg VK4BBX!

Change and renewal
Doubtless you have noticed the design change to our magazine banner. Same name, but quite a new look. The purpose is to refresh the look and ‘feel’. Here we are at Volume 90, so I thought it would be apposite to ‘amp things up’ since the magazine’s banner was last re-designed – back in Volume 78, March 2010, the year the WIA celebrated its centenary.
This current exercise actually began back in 2020, after I was appointed Editor in Chief in July. The 2020 WIA President Greg Kelly VK2GPK raised it with myself and our layout artist Sergio Fontana VK3SO. After discussing and deciding on some design principles and goals, Sergio quickly produced some samples. However, the matter went into suspension as “the heat was on” to maintain the momentum of completing five issues before Christmas.
The ‘strap’ above the banner, and forming a component of it, is to spark the interest of potential readers browsing newsagents. The purpose is to highlight – without being ‘shouty’ – the wide range of topics covered in AR. Truth be told, we could extend the list so that the strap would run down the right hand edge, across the bottom, up the left hand edge and back to the banner! Practicality won out.
I think Sergio has succeeded in producing a clean, attractive, eye- catching new banner. We hope you like it, too. Well, most of you. Long experience has taught me that you can’t please everyone.
You may notice a variety of other changes this issue, too. As I often heard in my previous career serving government ministers, “I commend it to the house!”

WIA President's Comment

Board Comment

This is WIA President, Scott Williams (VK3KJ) and a warm welcome to the first edition of AR Magazine for 2022.
I am sure like you, we were all hopeful that 2021 would see COVID-19 behind us, or at least a significant reduction in case numbers. Of course, the Omicron variant quickly put a stop to that with significant case numbers and tragically the loss of many lives across Australia.
Let’s all hope that early in 2022 we can see a reduction in the spread of this terrible pandemic and a return to some normality in the way we live right across Australia.

The Year Ahead
2022 is again shaping up as another very busy year within the WIA.
With the Annual General Meeting (AGM) now locked in for Saturday 7 May 2022, it will be a busy time within the WIA as we finalise 2021 and prepare for the AGM. Like last year, the AGM will be held as a virtual event, and we will release details shortly of the commencement time and appropriate access details.
Board nominations for 2022 will also close at the end of January, so by the time you receive this edition of AR Magazine, most likely nominations would have closed. Subject to the number of nominations received, this will determine if an election will be held.
Returning Officer John Marshall will confirm in early February that nominations received are valid and will then either declare successful Directors or, subject to the number of nominations, confirm that an election will take place.
I wish all members that nominate all the very best in the Board elections and a strong Institute is when there is a strong interest to join the Board by many and contribute to the future success of the WIA.
Many readers of AR Magazine I am sure would have participated in the Trial Australia Day Contest that was held on Australia Day, Wednesday 26 January 2022.
This contest was only recently introduced as a Trial for 2022. Thank you to Trent Sampson (VK4TS) and Alan Shannon (VK4SN) for pulling this all together and getting the contest off the ground.
Once the contest has concluded, feedback and comments will be sought and changes considered for a potential inclusion to the permanent contest calendar for 2023.
There is of course lots of activity within the WIA as we engage with many different stakeholders. The WIA will be meeting with the ACMA in late January to discuss the ACMA work plan for 2022 and how the WIA can support and contribute to this workplan.
I look forward to reporting on this activity in the near future.
The first WIA Board meeting for 2022 got underway on Tuesday 25 January. The WIA Board will continue to meet twice each month and also meet as necessary to deal with various matters as they arise.
The WIA Board is always happy to address any matter and we welcome feedback to
On a final note, the WIA Board of Directors was saddened to hear of the passing of Mike Subocz VK3AVV / VK3JV / AI7MS on Wednesday 5 January 2022 after a long illness.
Mike was the creator of the very popular VKCL Contest Logging Software. Mike leaves behind a tremendous legacy of his hard and dedicated work and his love for amateur radio.
The WIA extends its sincerest condolences to Mike’s family and friends and will be deeply missed by all.
On behalf of the Board, I hope all readers enjoy this edition of AR Magazine. We hope you, your family and friends stay safe and well through these difficult times.
Thank you once again to all those members for supporting the WIA and a special thanks to all of those volunteers that make the WIA what it is.
Best Wishes,
Scott Williams - WIA President

Table Of Contents

Ross Hull & the Selden Hill Gang - download article from link below
Charles Dub, W1LCD

How to enjoy operating HF radio contests and log lots of contacts
Martin Luther, VK7GN

Ten tips for tyros
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH & Trent Sampson VK4TS

Beyond the horizon – strategies for VHF-UHF field day contesting
Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH

Christmas Island DXpedition
Steve Kennedy VK6SJ

Rig Review - Lab599 TX-500
Simon Rumble VK2VSR

Digital dooverlackie defeats distortion on any transmission mode - download article from link below
Gregory Mew VK4GRM

The VK3AQZ HF antenna tuner project - Part 2 Fourth article
Luigi Destefano VK3AQZ

Unravelling the mysteries of connecting radios to antennas - Part 4
Brian Clarke, VK2GCE


Files For Download

Ross Hull and the Selden Hill Gang
Ross Hull and the Selden Hill Gang.pdf

The Red Pitaya and PureSignal 2_AR-1-2022
Ross Hull and the Selden Hill Gang.pdf

Page Last Updated: Saturday, 29 Oct 2022 at 13:08 hours by Armag


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)