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July - August 2023

July-August 2023

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Movement at the magazine
No, I’m not about to launch into another re-casting of a classic Australian bush ballad. The headline is just to catch your attention to showcase a few developments here.
Firstly, this issue, we launch a new column for young people. You’ll find it not too many pages from here under the banner of Below 25. This is to signify that it’s for readers 25 years of age and below. Alec Cherry VK2APC has very kindly agreed to submit articles and to source accompanying photos for each issue of the magazine.
The objective is to have a “young person’s voice” in the magazine, preferably each issue.
If you listen to the weekly VK1WIA broadcasts regularly, you will already know that Alec provides audio segments for that service quite frequently. Coincidentally, you will see from my article in this issue, covering “Highlights” from the 2023 AGM (pages 58-59), that Alec was granted a Foundation Licence Award for 2022. A sterling effort!
The Publications Committee and I had some lively discussions about where to “draw the line” regarding the age of target readers for this new column. A little research into what other amateur radio journal publishers (such as the ARRL, DARL, JARL, Radio Amateurs of Canada, and RSGB, etc) as well as youth-oriented ham radio programs (YOTA, etc), are doing yielded quite a wide variation.
Confusingly, the range of upper ages ran from 18 up to 30, but the median age of the sample was 26. That struck the Publications Committee as ‘odd.’ However, our discussions led us to settle on 25 years of age.

About VK90AR
Most readers will be familiar by now with the fact that we have obtained the use of this special event call to celebrate 90 years of continuous publication of Amateur Radio. Just what form the celebrations using the call sign will take is under furious development.
AR’s ‘official’ birthday is October, but we aim to have something of a run-up to that occasion, get on-air and make some noise while the solar cycle is well and truly crackling.
With a tip-of-the-hat to heritage, we plan to give AM operations on salient frequencies a red hot crack, starting with 7,125 kHz. Listen out for us while you’re tuning 40 metres! May the heterodynes be with you! I promise not to hog the call sign all to myself. It will be shared around, so expect to hear a range of voices.
That said, however, a small sub-committee of the Publications Committee is making plans to have the call sign used across a variety of modes, especially as Amateur Radio magazine has been witness to, and covered, the extraordinary development of communications technologies over the past nine decades.
See you in the log.

Hold it!
Damn it. I’ve had to hold over a couple of great articles that were prepared for this issue, but have had to concede that we have only a fixed number of pages. ”That’s not a problem on the internet,” I can hear the clickeratti chant. Correct.
But then, casting such worthy efforts to the deep envelopment of the internet for it to be lost as mere ephemera, rarely if ever noticed among the enormous dross found there seems rather cruel. Better to place the contributions in a more permanent media and stick it under the noses of an appreciative and actively engaged audience.

WIA President's Comment

Board Comment

Future focus
The Annual General Meeting for the Institute was held as a hybrid event in May this year, both on-line and in person, in Canberra ACT. There were over 100 registrations to attend. The event was recorded, and the minutes will be released shortly.
The Annual General Meeting in 2024 will again be a hybrid event, online and in person in Bundaberg Qld. The event will be held over the long weekend of 4th and 5th of May 2024. Registrations will open well ahead of the event.
The WIA and the Bundaberg ARC are looking to return to holding a Field Day / Convention in conjunction with the AGM. More details will be published online and on the broadcast when a program is finalised.
There’s more on the 2023 AGM later in the magazine.

VK7 centenary
This year marks a momentous occasion for the amateur radio community in VK7 as we celebrate the centenary of the Wireless Institute of Australia Tasmanian Division. From its early days to the present, the VK7 community has made significant contributions to the field of radio communication, leaving a lasting legacy of achievement.
The Wireless Institute of Australia Tasmanian Division was formed in 1923 and VK7 celebrated in a huge manner throughout June. The Board of the WIA congratulates the clubs of VK7 on this memorable occasion.
1901 saw the first Tasmanian to complete a ship-to-shore spark radio contact with the Royal Navy Vessels accompanying the Duke and Duchess of York, whilst 1912 saw spark contacts between Hobart and Macquarie Island and Commonwealth Bay in Antarctica for the Mawson Expedition.
Grote Reber W9GFZ, often referred to as “the father of radio astronomy,” found a home in Tasmania in the 1950s. His ground-breaking work mapping the Milky Way and his involvement as an amateur radio operator exemplify the interconnectedness of scientific discovery and amateur radio.

Communications opportunity
In a recent VK1WIA broadcast, Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY highlighted changes to the affiliated amateur radio club insurance offering. A webinar was arranged with the broker to provide clubs with a comprehensive overview of these changes. The webinar attracted over 80 registrations.
This was an excellent opportunity for club presidents and secretaries to gather vital information and voice their concerns or queries. The Board has received very positive responses from participants and the recording of the webinar will be made available to affiliated clubs shortly.
The WIA recognizes the significance of our affiliated clubs and acknowledges the importance of club members’ input. Hence, invitations have been extended exclusively to affiliated clubs’ presidents and secretaries as they play key roles in shaping the future of amateur radio within their respective clubs.

Volunteer pleas
The Board is also seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) from WIA members for various roles within the organization. One such opportunity lies within the Technical Advisory Committee, that of chairperson to lead this crucial service, following in the footsteps of the late John Martin VK3KM.
Further, the Board is in search of subject matter experts in key areas of amateur radio activity, such as DMR, C4FM, P25 and satellite operations. These technically focused roles entail providing valuable advice and guidance to the board on technical matters. Your expertise can make a significant impact in shaping the future of amateur radio.
Moreover, the WIA invites interested individuals or clubs to express their interest in taking up the role of Contest Manager for the prestigious Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest. This position offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to the organization and management of an event that brings together amateur radio contesting enthusiasts from across the country. Your passion for contests and organizational skills can help make this event even more successful.

Young people
Lastly, the WIA is seeking expressions of interest for the position of Youth On The Air (YOTA) Coordinator. This role presents a unique chance to inspire and empower the next generation of amateur radio operators. By taking on this responsibility, you can help foster youth engagement, organize events, and support initiatives that encourage young individuals to explore and embrace the world of amateur radio.
The WIA thrives on the involvement and enthusiasm of its members. By actively participating in the upcoming webinar, expressing interest in various roles, and supporting initiatives such as YOTA, you become an integral part of a close-knit amateur radio community of like-minded individuals. Together, we can shape the future of amateur radio, foster collaboration, and help ensure its enduring legacy for generations to come.
The Board of the WIA congratulates Daniel Vandenberg ZL2DRV on his election to the position of President of our sister association, the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART), the national association for amateur radio in New Zealand. We look forward to welcoming him to the AGM 2024 in Bundaberg Qld.

Table Of Contents

  Annual Awards: Amateurs awarded for awesome efforts - Roger Harrison VK2ZRH & Publications Committee
  WestNews - Will McGhie VK6UU
  Below 25: Scouts get Radio Active! - Alec Cherry VK2APC
  Centenary of The Trans-Pacific Tests - Part 2 - Peter Wolfenden VK3RV
  AM and CW on ANZAC Day 2023 - Mike Patterson VK4MIK
  A brief history of WIA and local amateur group broadcasts in VK7 -Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW & Linda Luther VK7QP
  Promoting ham radio on a heritage destroyer - Carmel Morris VK2CAR
  Promoting ham radio while promoting your club - Richard Murnane VK2SKY
  Media exposure is there for the taking – grab it! - Ben Daniel VK3NRD
  Tips to help lift your JOTA promo game - Richard Murnane VK2SKY
  ACMA to do what? - Phil Wait VK2ASD
  Highlights from the 2023 AGM of the WIA - Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

  Homebrew three-band 100 W HF transceiver - Lou Destafano VK3AQZ
  VK3AQZ’s 400 W T-network antenna tuner – Appendix - Lou Destafano VK3AQZ


Page Last Updated: Friday, 28 Jul 2023 at 13:53 hours by Webmaster


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)