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2024 Magazines

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About AR Magazine

What Is AR Magazine ?

Amateur Radio is a bi-monthly journal, published six times a year, by The Wireless Institute of Australia, both in print and PDF formats (for member download).

In addition, a quantity of print copies is circulated through newsagents across Australia located in post codes where amateur operators live. Not all newsagents stock the magazine, so you might request a copy or check other newsagents in your area.

Publication of Amateur Radio serves three principal purposes:
(a) to provide a central forum for members to have published articles they've written about a technical construction project or experiment, or technical articles on any aspect of radio communications and related sciences,
(b) a "journal of record" for WIA actions, activities, operations, projects, and achievements, in addition to events of note in the Australian radio amateur community, and
(c) general news of happenings of likely interest in the amateur radio community across Australia and the globe.

The 'contents page' (p.3) of one or more issues will reveal the breadth, depth and range of the topics we cover.

Amateur Radio is proud to be produced and printed in Australia.

How Can I Receive The Magazine ?

The easiest, most reliable way is to join the WIA. The magazine is just one of your membership benefits. This guarantees that the magazine will be sent to your mailing address, normally arriving in your mailbox every second month, usually within the first half of the month. However, production and postal delays may occasionally delay delivery.

Electronic edition
The magazine is also downloadable as a digital file (PDF), another benefit for those WIA members registered with MEMNET, the WIA membership management system.

A unique advantage of the electronic edition of Amateur Radio is the ability to zoom into details of circuits and other diagrams.

Receive AR In Digital Format or Printed

The WIA has introduced an opt-out system for WIA members who only wish to receive the digital copy of Amateur Radio, not the paper copy in the post. That will help ease the pressure on postage costs.

Members who don't wish to receive the printed edition in the post should log into Memnet via this Link and select "Update Details," marking the check box "Do Not Send Hardcopy AR Magazine".

Alternately, you can use the Contact WIA form on the website Home page and send a message to the WIA National Office, provide your member number, and request to opt out from receiving the paper edition. Link

Remember, this is an opt-out system. Members who still value the paper copy of Amateur Radio delivered in the post will not be affected, and do not have to do anything.

Can I Contribute Material For The Magazine ?

Yes. You're welcome.

For a guide to preparing articles, we have an ageing PDF on the topic, How to Write for Amateur Radio, unearthed from a paleontological dig site at Richmond in outback Queensland. Nevertheless, the "bones" of the document remain relevant. Dig here: Contributing Material on the menu at left.

In this digital, online, always-open era, we prefer articles to be submitted electronically.

The primary format for the text is Microsoft Word. However, not everyone is a subject of the demigod, and we are able to accept .docx files from LibreOffice, a free open-source software (FOSS) suite. At worst, we will accept Rich Text Format (RTF) files (.rtf). Mind you, we have worked with body text from emails on rare occasions.

Images are welcome. Our predilection is for JPG files, preferably 200-300 dpi with file sizes of 1 Mb or more, but we may possibly work with 150 Kb, 72-96 dpi. Other formats, such as PNG, SVG, and TIFF are acceptable, too. Best check with the Editor beforehand. We're prepared to be flexible and work with you in this regard.

Advertising In AR Magazine

Commercial Advertising
We welcome enquiries from commercial businesses about advertising in Amateur Radio. We offer spaces ranging from full-page colour through seven part-page sizes, down to a 52 x 52 mm Trader. Please address general enquiries to:

admanager @, with CC to: editor @

Our current Rate Card and Publishing Schedule, can be obtained by request via the above email contacts. Advice on available space sizes can be obtained by downloading our Amateur Radio advertisement sizes document via the link below.

Club advertising
Each calendar year, WIA-affiliated clubs can take without-charge advertising according to these options:
(1) one half-page advertisement, only;
(2) two quarter-page advertisements in any two issues;
(3) three one-sixth page advertisements in any three issues.

Clubs seeking to take advantage of this concession are advised to download the Guidelines for Affiliated Clubs advertising via the link below and then discuss your requirements with the Editor, via email: editor @

Members can submit small personal advertisements for publication in Amateur Radio. Submitting via email is preferred; send to: editor @ Guidelines for Hamads are published on page 66 of each issue.

An online service for Hamads is also available, with dual publication available. Visit:

Who To Contact

We have a somewhat devolved structure, so the way to contact us depends upon the nature of your question or contribution:

General enquiries
Contact: The Secretary,
AR Publications Committee
armag @w,
or via mail to
National WIA office
PO Box 2042 Bayswater Victoria 3153

General articles, technical articles, columns
and also Letters to the editor
Contact: The Editor AR Magazine
editor @,
or via mail to:
National WIA office
PO Box 2042 Bayswater Victoria 3153

All AR Circulation and subscription enquiries or related issues
should be addressed to the WIA office, at:
nationaloffice @,
or via mail to:
National WIA Office
PO Box 2042 Bayswater Victoria 3153

Files For Download

Guidelines for Affiliated Clubs advertising
Guidelines for Affiliated Clubs advertising.pdf

Amateur Radio advertisement sizes
Amateur Radio advertisement sizes.pdf

2024 AR Production Schedule - Advertisers
2024 AR Production Schedule - Advertisers.pdf

Page Last Updated: Sunday, 02 Jun 2024 at 18:24 hours by Armag


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)