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2025 Magazines

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Contributing To AR Magazine


Amateur Radio is the membership journal of the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA).

The magazine serves three principal purposes:

(a) to provide a central forum for members to have published articles they've written about a technical construction project or experiment, or technical articles on any aspect of radio communications and related sciences,

(b) a "journal of record" for WIA actions, activities, operations, projects, and achievements, in addition to events of note in the Australian radio amateur community, and

(c) general news of happenings of likely interest in the amateur radio community across Australia and the globe.

The 'contents page' (p.3) of one or more issues will reveal the breadth, depth and range of the topics we cover.

Contributions are not rewritten to a "house style." In general, they are edited to ensure accuracy, clarity, and readability, while correcting, where necessary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The popular word processors have facilities to review your text and suggest revisions.

It is easy to write for Amateur Radio. Many, many amateurs have already done so. Few contributors are, or were, professional writers. You can obtain a lot of satisfaction from hearing that readers enjoyed your article/s.

Most people can write about something they did, or an event they were involved in.

Please note that no fees are paid for contributions.

Writing Your First Article

When starting out, don't expect too much of yourself. Just explain what you have in mind, keeping straight to the point.

Write down the chief points you want to say. Outline an article plan.

Before you start to write the article, outline the various topics and points of what you want to say.

There's also an old rule that goes like this: Explain what you are going to tell them; tell them; then summarise what you've told them. Or, in more formal language: introduction, body, summary.

Follow this format for construction articles: introduction, theory, construction, alignment and/or adjustment, and summary. The title and opening paragraph are particularly important, as are diagrams and photographs. You win or lose most readers right at the beginning.

When writing, remember that Amateur Radio is an informal, hobby magazine and that you are writing for friends. Don't be a stuffed shirt. Go lightly on impersonal third-person terms, such as "the author". It is in order, however, to use the first person, but do not overdo it.

Be sure to define any abbreviations at the first use of the term, other than standard units. For example I can define a term as follows: "Yet another three letter acronym (TLA). The modern world is full of TLAs, what a pain - the same TLA can mean different things in different contexts."

Diagrams And Drawings

Put all drawings in separate files. Don't embed them in the text. If the standard of your drawing is not good enough to be published as-is, we will attempt to have it redrawn for you. Be sure your sketches are complete, neat and readable.

Put parts values on the schematic or circuit diagram and include a separate parts list. Use terms R1 and C2, etc. Label the drawings numerically, for example Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. At the end of your article text, list the figures with a caption for each one.

If you are proficient in using CAD programs, such as AutoCAD and Protel, please submit your drawing in your program's default format, as well as a .PDF, or .TIF file, if possible. You might also send a flat (not folded) hard copy printout of the diagram/s.


Digital images are welcome. Our predilection is for JPG files, preferably 200-300 dpi with file sizes of around 1 Mb or more, but we may possibly work with 150 Kb, 72-96 dpi.

Other formats, such as PDF, PNG, SVG, and TIFF are acceptable too, if JPG is unavailable. Best check with the Editor beforehand. We're prepared to be flexible and work with you in this regard.

How To Submit Your Article

You can submit your article in several ways. We prefer it electronically as an attachment to an email message. If the attachments total greater than 5 Mbytes, please send your submission in two or more emails.

Email to:

If you have many illustrations or digital photos, we prefer that you use the free online file/image transfer website called Wetransfer." Simple instructions on sending files via Wetransfer can be downloaded below from About using the Wetransfer website.

You can also post hard copy or computer disk to:

Publications Committee
National WIA Office
PO Box 2042
Victoria, 3153

When Will It Get Printed

All copy, diagrams and photographs become the property of Amateur Radio unless specific arrangements are made otherwise. If you wish photographs, or diagrams, submitted in hard copy to be returned to you, please advise us accordingly and provide a SASE.

The editors will arrange publication of your article at the earliest possible opportunity, depending in part on issue themes and available space in an issue. It can take time to prepare your submission for publication and place it in a particular issue to ensure a balanced magazine.

Schedule Dates for regular column contributors

Deadlines to submit material for an issue of the magazine are set out in the Authors Deadlines PDF, which can be downloaded from the link below

Note: There are only 6 issues in each year.

Deadlines are set according to PRINT Dates so that your material can be processed in time for production in the magazine, allowing for AR to mailed out on time.

Send all content to:

Files For Download

How to write for Amateur Radio
How to write for AR magazine.pdf

A word about photographs

About using the Wetransfer website
Using the Wetransfer website [as at Aug2024].pdf

Deadlines for Authors
2025 AR Production Schedule - Authors.pdf

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 07 Jan 2025 at 16:25 hours by Armag


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)