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Jamboree On The Air weekend 17-19 October.

This annual event is in its 57th year. About 1.5 million Scouts and guides
are gathering on air and online to exchange ideas and learn about each other.

Today, we sadly report that Les Mitchell, Radio Call-Sign G3BHK, the
founding father of the Jamboree On The Air (JOTA), passed away on October 6
after a few months of illness.

VK6POP has details.

"Les started JOTA in 1958, after launching the idea at the World Scout
Jamboree a year earlier. The Jamboree had an Amateur Radio station on board
for the very first time, and there has been one ever since at jamborees.

Les said in a speech he made in 1968 that he, like most Scouts, had little
opportunity to experience international scouting, and that he had his first
experience of international scouting when the navy posted him to the USA and
later in Australia, where he continued his involvement with Scouts.

Les said that after the war, on coming back home again, he found that the
Navy had hammered enough radio into him to enable him to apply straight away
for an amateur transmitting licence, so when the end of the War arrived,
there he was as a Radio Amateur with a very good taste of International

Les said he tried many, many years after the War to get Scouts interested in
Radio, and to get the Movement as a whole interested but without success
until the 1957 Jamboree at Sutton Park, when one of the finest Amateur Radio
Stations that I think I have ever seen was established in the Jamboree area.

Les got to thinking about how Scouts could embrace Amateur radio, and called
a meeting of overseas Scout Radio Amateurs (of which there was quite a number
attending the Jamboree). This group met every morning just outside the gates
of the Jamboree site, at a little cafe where they enjoyed a cup of coffee.

Whilst at one of these meetings, the idea arose almost spontaneously - Why
don't we have a day each year when the chaps around that particular cafe
table should contact each other on the air? Immediately they said 'Come along
Les, YOU organise it!'

The rest, as they say, is history.

Les said "The point I would like to make is that the great attraction for
this event for me has been the fact that other Scouts like myself, who were
never really top class Scouts would get the chance of making International
contacts and chatting, in fact, the boy who joined the Movement only last week
can have a chance to chat to someone a long way away and get the thrill of
chatting to an overseas Scout, at very little cost. J0TA is one way of making
international contacts at very little cost to the boy and the Movement, and
with great enjoyment to the people who take part."

With the 57th JOTA upon us, we remember Les Mitchell, G3BHK, the founder of
Jamboree On The Air, now silent key, gone home.


New Zealand's JOTA JOTI National Organiser was the source for this info:-

The JOTA and JOTI is an annual event in which Scouts and Guides all over
the world speak to each other by means of amateur radio contacts and
internet. Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared.

When Scouts want to meet young people from another country they usually
think of attending a World Jamboree or another international gathering.
But few people realize that each year about half-a-million Scouts and Guides
"get together" over the airwaves for the annual Jamboree-on-the--Air (JOTA)
and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI). Modern communication technology offers
Scouts the exciting opportunity to make friends in other countries without
even leaving home

Since 1958 when the first jamboree-on-the-Air was held, thousands of Scouts
and Guides have "met" each other through this event. Not only is it fun
to talk to Scouts from other parts of the world but it provides also a
chance to find out about other countries and about Scouting elsewhere.
Many contacts made during the JOTA have resulted in pen pals and links
between scout troops that have lasted for many years.

With no restrictions on age, on the number that can participate and at
little or no expense, the JOTA provides an opportunity for Scouts and Guides
to contact each other by amateur radio. The radio stations are operated by
licensed amateur radio operators. Many Scouts and leaders hold licences and
have their own stations, but the majority participates in the JOTA through
stations operated by local radio clubs and individual radio amateurs. Today
some operators even use television or computer linked communications.

( JOTA JOTI National Organiser )


Scouting Jamboree on the Air, known by its acronym JOTA (pron Joe Tah)
is in full swing and Amateur Radio Newsline's Mark Abramovich, NT3V,
brings us details from the USA:

This is the single-biggest annual international Scouting
event. And, the numbers back up the claim.

"Seven-hundred-thousand Scouts get on the air from 150
countries across 12,000 stations and nearly 22,000 amateur
radio operators. It's a big deal!"

That's Jim Wilson, K5ND, who's the USA national Jamboree on
the Air organizer and a member of the World Jamboree on the
Air team.

Wilson says the event gives amateur radio operators the
chance to share the brotherhood of the hobby with the
brotherhood of Scouting.

More than 300 stations already have signed up to take part
in the U.S. and there's still time to get in on the fun,
Wilson says.

"A lot of the stations that have registered this year really
fire up Saturday morning and run all day
Saturday. But there's a lot of stations, too, that are on
the air Friday evening," Wilson says.

Wilson says this is the 57th year for JOTA activity on the
bands and it also marks a first for the event - at least in
the U.S.

"This is the first year that K2BSA/1, 2, 3, 4 and so on,
will be on the air from every call sign area in the
continental USA," he says. "Here in Texas, K2BSA/5 will be
on the air from the National Scouting Museum."

Wilson says it's not a contest in the traditional sense -
but really a worldwide gathering of Scouts and their leaders
on the air, sharing things about themselves such as their
Scouting ranks, their experiences in Scouting, things like

Many of the stations are set up at Scout camps or Scout

The idea is to get the boys, and on the international side -
girls as well - talking on the air.

"What they're looking for are conversations," Wilson
explains. "It's not about making 100 contacts an hour or
something like that. It's just about getting the Scouts in
front of the microphone and having conversations.

"So, anybody can do that and we really appreciate the
amateur radio operators who are tuning across the bands,
come across somebody calling 'CQ JOTA.' Answer back, engage.
Tell 'em about when you earned Radio merit badge or when you
got your amateur radio license."


2nd Herrington Scouts are on the with GB2SHG air for Jamboree on
the air on the 18th and 19th October. They will be on all HF bands
as well as 2m and 70cm and PSK31 from their Scout headquarters at
Crow Lane, Herrington, Sunderland, SR33TE.

GB1GLO will be in operation over JOTA for Gloucester District Scouts,
run by members of Gloucestershire RAYNET from the Murray Hall, Tuffley Lane,

Scouts in the Forest of Dean will be using GB1ALS and GB0FOD,
operating from Lydney this weekend 18th & 19th October.



Next Saturday 25th October, the Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club,
Burwood will host the 2nd VK3 Dstar users group meeting from 11am at the clubs
rooms in Burwood.

For more information and the EMDRC club website for address details
Head to

See you there.. and with only 3 weeks until the 3rd annual VK3 UHF / SHF
Microwave test and tune morning, Sunday 9th November from 9am at the
EMDRC clubrooms in Burwood make it a plan to be there.

Bring your microwave band equipment along for a test and tune morning, or
come along and see what it takes to start out on the higher bands. We plan
to test some 3.4Ghz gear but all bands and equipment is keenly welcomed, we
will have a test bench and some "higher band experts" on hand to assist with
troubleshooting. even if you have never dipped a toe in the microwave water,
come and have a look.

The BBQ will be going for lunch as well. See you there, everyone welcome!
head to for more details.

(Andrew VK3BQ for EMDRC Committee)

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

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NORTH Burnett residents needed to retune their TVs this week as free-to-air
television channels moved to new frequencies to free up space for mobile
broadband and other services.

The North Burnett retune took in Biggenden, Gayndah and Mt Perry and
Eidsvold; Mundubbera and Monto residents who may need to retune again shortly.

To check which transmitter you receive from and which is best

To commemorate ANZAC 100 a series of articles is to appear in Amateur Radio
magazine by the WIA Historian, Peter Wolfenden VK3RV. Here's is one of them.

Born in Hobart 1911, Fred Bibby VK3OL first appeared in the 1933 amateur
callsign listing.

A couple of years earlier he joined the RAAF. Taken into the No. 2 Signals
Course in May 1936 together with 27 others, Fred tackled an arduous
communications qualification which dealt with general science, electrical and
radio principles.

The course also involved workshop practices and hands-on communications
including signal lamp practice. Fred was above average and on a number of
occasions selected for special duties and during WWII he was the regular
wireless and telegraphy operator on many VIP flights.

Fred's interest in amateur radio appears to have always been with him;
even while involved with his VIP activities such as transporting Mr. Duff,
Minister of State in the East, to Batavia in 1941.

He proudly demonstrated the plane's very sensitive R1082 receiver to the
Dutch airmen. The equipment fitted to the Hudson VIP aircraft performed
better than the gear in the Dutch Glen Martin aircraft.

When hostilities broke out in Korea during 1950, Fred had been elevated to
Squadron Leader and became the Signals Officer of No. 77 Fighter Squadron
in that area.

After WWII he was in occupied Japan in January 1951 and must have been active
while there, because the WIA Archive holds a copy of a licence issued to

Flight Sergeant F C Bibby was Mentioned in Despatches and received the USA
Bronze Star Medal.

He had a long career with the RAAF. In 1967 as Wing Commander Bibby, he
presented a trophy named after him, for Air Electronics Officers.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


What use is an F-call?

Real Hams have an RF burn scar. That's a signature from one of my Amateur
friends. To that I can now add from personal experience, "or a drill hole."

It all began innocently enough.

I'm still looking for that elusive indoor antenna, something that will at
least get me on air while I'm at home, something that doesn't spark the ire
of my non-amateur neighbours, something that doesn't cost the earth and
preferably something that will be portable enough to move around, pack up and
bring to a field day when that opportunity arises.

So, in my grand plan I came on the notion of using a $5 hula hoop to make a
hula hoop loop. Suffice to say that I'm not the first amateur to try this
but I'm determined to have a go. I'm going to wind a hula hoop with helical
windings, all the way around, and attach the contraption to my SG237 Antenna

Something else I learnt, my SGC Smartuner really is an antenna coupler. It
becomes part of the antenna, which is why it needs to live close to the
antenna. I spent one sleepless morning reading all about basically tuning up
many and varied lengths of wire in different shapes and figured that a
hula hoop would have lots of shape, be light, cheap and if I wind it
helically, hold a whole lot of wire length.

The jury on that is still out, because I was drilling a hole in a piece of
steel that I was going to use to clamp the hoop to a tripod I have.

I needed a 12mm hole, so picked up the appropriate drill-bit, drilled my
hole, but the last two burrs just wouldn't give up.

I don't have a vice in my workshop, which hints at what happened next.

I managed to defy logic and drilled into my left hand - not on purpose, but
demonstrably not smart.

2 stitches and $196 dollars later, I also learnt that my local GP has a good
stitching hand, so there's that...

Several lessons come from this:
1. Use the right tools.
2. Don't be impatient.
3. Scars are for life.
4. This is a hobby, not an exercise in self-harm.

So, don't do what I just did, be safe, no RF burn scars, no drill holes, take
your time and don't be a tool. I'll let you know when it heals how my antenna
build goes.

I'm doofus Onno, VK6FLAB

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Marconi talk at Chelmsford Festival

The Chelmsford Ideas Festival runs from 20th October until 2nd
November and celebrates the creativity of Chelmsford (UK) people,
past and present.

Amongst the highlights is a talk by Professor Marconi, the
grandson of Guglielmo Marconi. This will be complemented by an
account of the extraordinary space technology that the company e2v
produces today. Amateur radio features on two days.

Ofcom trials innovative new wireless technology across the UK

Ofcom is progressing plans for the introduction of new wireless technology
in the UK - the first country in Europe likely to do so.

Both public and private organisations are taking part in trials, testing a
variety of innovative applications, using spectrum temporarily licensed by

With trials already taking place across the country, Ofcom is working with
Google and ZSL London Zoo - the latest organisations to launch a TV
'white space' trial, using the technology to stream live footage of animals
to YouTube.

There are seven trials currently running across the UK, testing a variety of
applications, including: live wireless video streaming, next generation Wi-Fi,
sensor networks for flood defence, and broadband in remote locations.

Dominica on 5 MHz

The Dominica National Telecommunications Regulator has permitted Amateur
operation on five 3 kHz-wide channels on 5 MHz. at 50W PEP SSB.

This allocation is applicable to General and Advanced licensees only

Please note that the Dominica (J7) 5 MHz allocation should not be confused
with the Dominican Republic (HI), which also has a 5 MHz allocation.

5330.5, 5346.5, 5355.5, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz

RT's decision to cut long-wave radio service will sever a vital link with
Irish abroad.

The Irish Times report that RT has announced the imminent closure of its
long wave service, which was the last remaining broadcast radio service
still available to the Irish in the UK.

The move comes six years after the shutdown of its medium-wave service.

The shutdown is scheduled to take place on October 27th.

The news is unlikely to cause a stir in Ireland.

Who will be most affected? The Irish in the UK, particularly the elderly
and vulnerable, will have a vital link with home permanently severed.

RT has been broadcasting Radio 1 to Britain since 1932.

Read the full Irish Times article at




The FCC says that Marriott International Corporation will
pay a $600,000 forfeiture. This, to resolve an
investigation by that agency into whether a hotel's
employees blocked customers from using their personal Wi-Fi
networks and then charged them to use the hotel network.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Stephan Kinford, N8WB, has more:


The FCC claims that employees at Marriott's Gaylord Opryland
Resort and Convention Centre in Nashville, Tennessee
disabled Wi-Fi networks established by consumers at its
conference facilities. They then allegedly charged guests
from $250 to $1,000 per device for access to the hotel network.

The investigation began after a March 2013 on complaint from
someone who attended a function at the resort. According to
the FCC, that person alleged that the hotel was jamming
mobile hotspots. The FCC says its investigation found that
employees used features of a Wi-Fi monitoring system at the
Gaylord Opryland to contain and or de- authenticate guest
created Wi-Fi hotspot access points in the conference facilities.

In addition to paying the fine, the FCC says that Marriott
must institute a compliance plan and file compliance and
usage reports with the regulatory agency every three months
for the next three years. These reports must include
information documenting any use of access point containment
features at any United States property that Marriott manages or owns.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB, reporting.


KD 6 XH will be operational from Samoa as 5 W 0 XH between October 23 through
the 28th. Activity will take place before, during and after the CQ World
Wide DX SSB Contest which is slated for October 25th and the 26th.
QSL via his home callsign which is KD6XH

VI6ANZAC commemorates the 100th anniversary of the departure of the first
convoy of ships carrying ANZAC troops as well as the significant role
Albany has played in Australia's ANZAC history.

Southern Electronics Group has been granted permission to use special event
call sign VI6ANZAC over the weekend of the Albany commemorative events, that
being Saturday 1 November from 0001hrs to 2359hrs WST.

(Rob VK6LD)

II 4 CDN will be on the air until 31st December with different operators,
to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the radio telescope
Croce Del Nord.
QSL via the bureau or direct to the QSL manager IZ 4 FUE.


VE 7 BV will once again be active stroke TG 9 from Guatemala between
January 22nd and February 17th of 2015 on 20, 17 and 15 meters CW and SSB.
QSL via his home callsign which again is VE7BV, direct, by the bureau or
electronically using Logbook of the World.

4W/G3ZEM Bob/5B4AGN has been activating Timor Leste (OC-148) from 8 Oct
and that concludes tomorrow 20 October.

Operating 160 to 10metres primarily on CW with a focus on 160m when conditions
are good.

(via vk4zz tarc news)


Keep an ear open for Mongolia special event station JU 50 VOM to be active
until October 31st. This operation is to commemorate the 50th anniversary
of the foreign language service from "Voice of Mongolia".
QSL via JT 1 BV, direct, Logbook of the World or eQSL.



The launch of the China's 4M LXS fly-by ham radio moon mission is now slated
for lift-off in a narrow window around 17:59 UTC on Thursday, October 23rd
with the Lunar flyby to occur on Tuesday, October 28 at 00:33 UTC.

Ghislain Ruy, LX2RG reports that the lifetime of 4M LXS ham radio payload is
an unknown. That it may be as short as 100 hours once it reaches the Moon
but could extend for some weeks if the host spacecraft's attitude is


AMSAT-India launch new website

The site describes two projects which AMSAT-India is currently working on,
a 435/145 MHz linear transponder and a 435 MHz CubeSat communication
sub system.

Some back issues of the AMSAT-India newsletter are also available for


ILLW 2015 heads slowly to the ton

Registrations for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend held
next August number 75, with nearly half being Australian representing all

Leading the early-bird registrations is VK3 on 10, followed by VK7 with 8
including 2 at the Currie and Wickham lighthouses King Island.

The others are from Argentina, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Malaysia,
Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa, and the

To register or learn more about the International Lighthouse and Lightship
Weekend on August the 15th and 16th 2015, visit the website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Hams help in three disasters

Infrastructure was still being restored following Cyclone Hudhud that hit
Odisha in the Bay of Bengal on the east coast of India.

National disaster communication coordinator, Jayu Bhide VU2JAU said it uprooted
trees, blocked most roads, cut power and communication lines.

So far some 22 people have been killed, others injured and many made homeless.

A number of radio amateurs handled emergency communications. Dilip VU2DPI
controlled a net with Shantanu VU2SIC and Pawan VU2PGU. Other radio amateurs
also played their part in disaster recovery.

When the powerful Cyclone Hudhud swept into the Bay of Bengal coastal areas
of India, disaster authorities called on radio amateurs to help out.

National Coordinator for Disaster Communication, Jayu Bhide VU2JAU said,
"In Odissa there are six hams working hard to maintain the communication
covering the state.

These have been on air using 7140 MHz and have kept their stations open
24 hours a day.

In the Andhra coastal area the total communication is handled by the
National Institute of Amateur Radio, and is now under control.

Jayu VU2JAU from the IARU member Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI),
is monitoring emergency traffic from his home QTH in Gwalior.

Meantime in China, an earthquake at Yun Nan province in the southwest mountains
on October the 7th caused a death and injured more than 300 people.

Fan Bin BA1RB reported mainly a military rescue force responded and some
teams had radio amateurs, that used their VHF and UHF equipment to coordinate
operations in the field.

While across in the Caribbean Sea, the Hurricane Watch Net has activated
for Gonzalo that began as a storm causing damage, then gained much strength
to be reclassified as a hurricane.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee)


The local VK1/VK2 SOTA participants are meeting at the Ainslie Football Club
Tuesday 21st for dinner. Meet time is 18:30 for 19:00.

If you are interested in SOTA or QRP field operations please join them
at the AFC. You are welcome to bring your latest QRP kit or homebrew gear
for show and tell.

(Andrew VK1NAM SOTA blog


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Russian radar and Voice of Iran on 21 MHz

The IARU Monitoring System newsletter reports a Russian radar covered
the entire 21 MHz amateur radio band and a spurious emission from
Voice of Iran is also causing interference

The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1
September 2014 newsletter can be read on the internet:

REWIND a look back at history

Seventeen New Zealand "coastwatchers" executed by the Japanese during
World War II have been remembered in New Zealand with the unveiling of
a memorial on Wellington's waterfront.

The memorial wall was unveiled by 94-year-old John Jones, the last surviving
Gilbert Islands coastwatcher, in front of dignitaries invited from Kiribati
(formerly the Gilbert Islands) and Japan.

The coastwatchers were stationed at more than 60 posts around the Pacific to
monitor enemy ships and aircraft during World War II.

On October 15, 1942, 10 New Zealand soldiers and seven civilian Post and
Telegraph Department radio operators were captured by the Japanese and taken
to the island of Tarawa.

One was killed after he escaped and the remaining 16 were beheaded.

The executed men's bodies have never been found, but a memorial on Tarawa
was erected in the years after their deaths and they are officially
commemorated at New Caledonia's Bourail War Cemetery memorial to those
missing in action.

Three British and two Australians were also killed.

(read more at NZCity News)


Oct 17-19 WW JOTA

Oct 23 VK5 Adelaide RAOTC Luncheon Marion Hotel, Mitchell Park.

Oct 25 VK4 HAMFEST on the Gold Coast. ( )

Nov 2 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society

Nov 9 VK3 Yarra Valley AR Group Hamfest 10am Gary Cooper Pavilion.
Nov 9 vk3 VHF / UHF and Microwave experimenters

Nov 15 VK7 Miena Hamfest

Nov 30 VK3 SPARC HamFest at Rosebud ( )


June, Queens Birthday weekend 40th annual Oxley Region Field Day

July 11-12 VK3 GippsTech 2015

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



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Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)