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Contribute To The Broadcast

Material We Are After

What is happening in our "Wonderful Ham World."

Remember if something Ham Radio related interests you, chances are it will interest others.

We much prefer you to brag about your club, your doings etc rather than just the same ol same ol "we meet at ubd grid ref etc etc".

Send us News rather than just date claimers.

Tell us about your successes.

Don't send us links or photo's of stories , always write out the story
in a manner in which it can be pasted to our text services.

The earlier you get your story to national news the more probability it will
be used the same week. BUT note the word PROBABILITY!

When supplying script for someone else to read, PLEASE write as you'd
expect to hear it! as an example always write in the 3rd person!!

Remember our readers are not you or your club so don't say things like
"we are having a working bee... say 'club members' are having a working
bee etc etc". don't say "I worked the space shuttle, say VK*** worked the space shuttle.

If you want an item run several times, write different slants on the
item, running the exact same item over and over would be dull/boring and
lets face it, if you can't think of anything extra to say, that is
probably a good sign that it will end up being a dull event!! We do not
make any promise to run even varied items pertaining to the one event
week in week out until the event is held.

Club social events will always make way for "news". Your local hamfest is
far better run on your own state news service. Exeptions of course prevail,
such as Australia's Main Ham Gathering, Wyong, or if your local group
has something which will be of interest to the far broader Ham Community.

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

And as the news editor, by very nature of the word editor I (GraHam VK4BB) will edit to
highlight the major points, phone numbers and urls etc may not be read but
will always appear in the text editions.

Make use of your LOCAL news service to highlight
phone numbers and more detailed contact points but
always include them for the text editions of this the WIA National News Broadcast.

1/ When recording, send in the highest quality you can, keep news items to
approx. 90 seconds. Club events ala HamFests 30 seconds is a fair length.

2/ After you file your audio always email the script to
with words "news for such and such a date" included in title.

3/ WIA related material, from other than WIA Secretary or Board will only be broadcast after clearance from the WIA unless said item is already in the public

4/ Club social events will always make way for "news". Your local hamfest is
far better run on your own state news service. Exeptions of course prevail,
such as Australia's Main Ham Gathering, Gosford, or if your local group
has something which will be of interest to the far broader Ham Community.

Make use of your LOCAL News Service to give more
precise directions, phone numbers and url's etc etc etc.

How To Record Audio

Record in MP3 preferably 44/128 sampling.
The higher your quality the better the end result!
Always introduce yourself.. believe it or not not everyone will know you! HiHi.

Do not edit out natural pauses and gaps it sounds unnatural and makes for fatiguing listening

60 seconds is the preferred length, after all the entire news service is only 30 minutes.

How To Upload Audio

You should file your audio to your own website and forward the URL to us.

If you can't place audio on your own site, then click the "Contributors Upload Area" link on the left.

Please put your call sign in the file name and don't use hyphens, commas, etc JUST Letters and Figures.

E-Mail Your Script As Well

Always email your written word, the script of any audio you have supplied.

Also if you are not submitting audio, make sure you email your story AS YOU WOULD EXPECT TO HEAR IT. ie written in the 3rd person!

Our one and only email address for NATIONAL news is

Again if you are submitting audio, email your script and advise us that you have indeed filed an audio report.

Promote Your Own Broadcast

We'd like YOU to voice the following ID for use in WIANews. eMail an MP3 (128/44) audio file where possible

Here's a sample script... All rebroadcast stations/Callback operators interested listeners even to voice

"Across Australia from VK1WIA you're tuned to the WIA National News Service

In...... (your area)
it can be heard on ......(repeater call frequency irlp node.
at..................(time of broadcast)
I'm........... (Your name and call sign)"

Do not process with echo etc, nor use music, the raw file is just fine! HiHi

Page Last Updated: Saturday, 18 Jun 2022 at 15:42 hours by Broadcast


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)