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Commonwealth Contest

Commonwealth Contest

Contest Manager

Details go here

Contest Introduction

The Commonwealth Contest (CC) is the oldest DX contest in Amateur Radio. Since 1931, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) has been the organiser and adjudicator of this annual 24-hour event. The CC includes Amateurs in all 56 countries and the numerous territories that make up the Commonwealth of Nations.
It promotes contacts between stations in the Commonwealth Countries and Territories. Click here Link for background information.
If you have any queries about these rules, please email

Aim Of The Contest

To achieve a good score by working as many stations and bonuses as possible. This unique contest provides a great opportunity to work Commonwealth DX for all participants.

This Years Winners Link

Previous Years Winners Link

Contest History

From 2025, The governance of the Commonwealth Contest is changing to be shared by Commonwealth National Amateur Radio Societies. RSGB will publish the contest rules, gather logs from entrants, adjudicate the contest and publish the results on their behalf.

Upcoming Contest Date & Time

8th-9th March 2025. 1000-1000 UTC

Contest Rules Link

Contest Scoring

(a) Each QSO with a station in the same continent scores 5 points
(b) Each QSO with a station in a different continent scores 10 points
(c) A bonus of 20 points is earned for each of the first three contacts with a Commonwealth Call Area on each band.
(d) Commonwealth Contest Team Competition scoring: The team score is the sum of individual adjudicated scores, with all stations located in the southern hemisphere or on the equator having their final score multiplied by a Latitude Factor.
(e) This Latitude Factor will be recalculated each year based on published scores. For each hemisphere, the highest-scoring team total for each of the last three years will be used to give an overall total and the factor will be calculated as the ratio of the northern to the southern grand totals rounded down to the nearest two decimal places.

Submitting Your Log

(a) Submit in Cabrillo format here Link within 5 days following the end of the contest

(b) View the correct Cabrillo format Link for this contest

(c) If the robot finds format errors, it will reject the log and ask for resubmission of a corrected logfile. Second and subsequent log uploads may be subject to analysis of any changes that have been made.

(d) If you have difficulties preparing or uploading your Cabrillo logfile, please contact the contest adjudicator ( to ask for assistance, before the submission deadline.

(e) Adjudicated results will be online and will include online logfiles for all entrants.

(f) Errors will incur penalties as outlined in the RSGB HF Adjudication Principles Link. This penalty will be the loss of 5 additional QSO points (subject to ratification by the Commonwealth Contest Committee).

(g) The use of CAT Control to log the correct frequency and mode is highly recommended - you will lose QSO points for frequency and mode errors.

Contest Results

(a) Awards for this contest are shown here Link.
(b) Winners of awards will be indicated in the results tables complete with downloadable certificates.
(c) A certificate may also be downloaded by all entrants showing their position in their entry section.
(d) Single-operator entrants operating in England, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales will have their scores entered automatically into the RSGB HF Championship Link.

Contest Award

Local Awards for Australia (all VK,VJ,VL prefixes) Entrants (WIA)
Leading VK HP - Single Op Unassisted 12-hour
Leading VK HP - Single Op Unassisted 24-hour
Leading VK HP - Single Op Assisted 12-hour
Leading VK HP - Single Op Assisted 24-hour
Leading VK LP - Single Op Unassisted 12-hour
Leading VK LP - Single Op Unassisted 24-hour
Leading VK LP - Single Op Assisted 12-hour
Leading VK LP - Single Op Assisted 24-hour
Leading VK QRP

1. All awards will be available in the form of downloadable certificates.
2. Certificates will also be presented to all winners who are present at the RSGB Convention in 2025.
3. Only one trophy per contest may be awarded to an entrant
4. UK&CD awards may only be won by entrants who are residents of the UK&CD

Logging Software

N1MM and other popular loggers support this contest

Contest Sponsors


Page Last Updated: Monday, 03 Mar 2025 at 12:41 hours by Webmaster


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A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)