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Oceania DX Contest

Oceania DX (OCDX) Contest

Contest Manager

The Oceania DX (OCDX) Contest is managed by the Oceania DX Contest Committee.

Contact email is

Contest Introduction

The OCDX contest is Oceania's only international style contest where contacts with stations all over the globe are able to participate.

Oceania stations may contact any station for QSO points whilst non-Oceania stations are required to contact any station in Oceania for QSO points.

The contest runs over the first two full weekends in October and has SSB, CW and SWL categories. Go to the contest web site for more information.


Aim Of The Contest

Oceania Stations

The aim of the contest is for stations within the Oceania Region is to contact as many other amateur radio stations as possible within the 24 hours of the contest on any of the 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M and 10M amateur bands. Each prefix worked on each band is counted as a multiplier.

DX Stations outside Oceania

The aim of the contest for stations outside the Oceania Region is to contact as many amateur radio stations within Oceania as possible within the 24 hours of the contest on any of the 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M and 10M amateur bands. Each prefix worked on each band is counted as a multiplier.

There are separate 24 hour contests for phone and CW, with the phone contest running on the first full weekend in October, and the CW contest on the second full weekend in October. In each contest there are various single operator, multiple operator and short wave listener (SWL) categories.

This Years Winners

A report detailing the results for the current year is available on the contest website.


Previous Years Winners

Reports detailing the previous year's results, along with listings of the record holders in each category, are available on the Oceania DX Contest website.


Contest History

The OCDX Contest is one of the oldest running DX contests in the amateur radio calender. This contest was previously known as the VK/ZL Contest until the contest was renamed in 2000 to reflect a desire to increase participation and focus on the entire Oceania Region.

The first VK DX Contest was held in the mid 1930s and the contest has existed in one form or another since this time. UThe VK/ZL contest was previously managed in alternate years by the WIA and the NZART with some rule changes and log submission address changes each year. In 2000 the management of the contest was transferred to a single committee made up of both VK and ZL contesters. The rules and structure of the contest under the new management arrangements have generated a steady and consistent growth in participation from both international and Oceania contestants alike.

Upcoming Contest Date & Time

Contest Dates/Times:

PH - The first full weekend in October each year from 0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday

CW - The second full weekend in October each year from 0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday

Log deadline for PH and CW logs - 31 October.

Contest Rules

The full rules for the current year are available on the contest web site.


Contest Scoring

Contacts on each band are worth different points as follows:

  160M - 20 points
  80M - 10 points
  40M - 5 points
  20M - 1 point
  15M - 2 points
  10M - 3 points

Duplicate contacts on the same band are not allowed. Each prefix worked on each band is a new multiplier. E.g. working VK3 on 80Mm and then VK3 on 20M is worth 2 multipliers.

The final score is the sum of all points gained from valid QSOs multiplied by the total number of multipliers. If a station worked 100 QSOs with a total of 500 points and the multipliers were 160M - 5, 80M - 10, 40M - 20 and 20M - 15, then the score would be:

500 x (5+10+20+15) = 500 x 50 = 25,000 points.

Submitting Your Log

The OCDX Contest Committee requests that all logs that contain more than 50 QSOs are submitted in Cabrillo format. Most contest logging programs support this format and it greatly reduces the administrative effort required by the committee to adjudicate winners. Logs should be sent to:



Contest Results

Contest results are published in AR each year and also in the NZARTs Break-In magazine. The complete results are published on the Oceania DX contest web site at:


Contest Award


Logging Software

Most contest software loggers support the Oceania DX Contest, evidence of it's growing importance in the contest world.

Contest Sponsors

The OCDX Contest is supported by both the WIA and NZART, and the sponsors of the various trophies plaques awarded each year.


Page Last Updated: Saturday, 05 Sep 2020 at 18:34 hours by Webmaster


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)