Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest
Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF DX Contest (Marathon)
Contest Manager
Peter Freeman VK3PF
We look forward to a successful and rewarding Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF+ Contest (Marathon).
Logs email to:
Contest Introduction
The Ross Hull Contest is a VHF/UHF++ DX contest, with points awarded for distances worked. There are also band multipliers to encourage activity on the higher bands.
Aim Of The Contest
The aim of the contest is to encourage and to reward achievement in working the greatest possible distances on the VHF, UHF and microwave bands.
This Years Winners
2023 results.
First Place sections
Digital (All Modes) A & E Best 7 days and Highest total score Digital.
Jim Collins VK3ZYC,
Second place sections A & E Digital,best 7 days.
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE
Second place sections A & E Digital best 7 days.
Stuart Lenthall VK3SGL
First Place sect B Best 7 days non digital.
Peter Dowd VK7PD,
Second place best 7 days non digital.
Brian Farrar VL2Z/ VK2AH.
The following Amateurs took part in the 2023 contest and submitted a valid log. Names in no special order.
Peter Larsen VK3LSN.
Ross Bradley VK3NRB.
John Eyles VK2YW.
Andrew D Hay VK7XR.
Tony Stone VK2TS.
Ted Thrift VK2ARA.
Daniel De Maagd VK2FDSD.
Previous Years Winners
Category A Best Score Seven Days
Brendan Bryant VK3MH Total Score 9011
Second Place VK3WRE 2439
Third Place VK3ZYC 2229
Category B Seven Day Phone
VL2Z (VK2AH) 1220
VJ2E (VK2ARA) 611
VK3WRE 436
Category C Seven Day CW - NO ENTRANTS
Category D 7 Day Digital
VK3MH 8782
VK3ZYC 2229
VK3WRE 2003
Category E 2 Day ALL MODES
VK3MH 5368
VK3WRE 1043
VK3ZYC 816
Category F 2 Day Phone
VL2Z 550
VK3WRE 363
VK3BDL 279
Category G 2 Day CW No Entrants
Category H 2 Day Digital
VK3MH 1359
VK3ZYC 816
VK3WRE 680
Congratulations to all the entrants
Wireless Institute of Australia
1951 VK5QR R. Galle
1952 VK5BC H. Lloyd
1953 VK4KK A. K. Bradford
1954 VK6BO R. J. Everingham
1955 VK4NG R. Greenwood
1956 VK3GM G. McCullough
1957 VK3ALZ I. F. Berwick
1958 VK3ALZ I. F. Berwick
1959 VK3ALZ I. F. Berwick
1960 VK4ZAX D. R. Horgan
1961 VK3ARZ W. J. Roper
1962 VK5ZDR M. J. McMahon
1963 VK4ZAX D. R. Horgan
1964 VK5ZDR M. J. McMahon
1965 VK3ZER R. W. Wilkinson
1966 VK3ZDM J. R. Beames
1967 VK5HP J. H. Lehmann
1968 VK3ZER R. W. Wilkinson
1969 VK5ZKR C. M. Hutchesson
1970 VK3ZER R. W. Wilkinson
1971 VK4ZFB E. F. Blanch
1972 VK5SU J. W. K. Adams
1973 VK5SU J. W. K. Adams
1974 VK5SU J. W. K. Adams
1975 VK5SU J. W. K. Adams
1976 VK5SU J. W. K. Adams
1977 VK4DO H. L. Hobler
1978 VK3OT S. R. Gregory
1979 VK4DO H. L. Hobler
1980 VK3ATN T. R. Naughton
1981 VK6KZ W. J. Howse
1982 VK6KZ W. J. Howse
1983 VK6KZ W. J. Howse
1984 VK6KZ W. J. Howse
1985 VK3ZBJ G. L. C. Jenkins
1986 VK3ZBJ G. L. C. Jenkins
1987 VK3ZBJ G. L. C. Jenkins
1988 VK5NC T. D. Niven
1989 VK5NC T. D. Niven
1990 VK3XRS R. K. W. Steedman
1991 VK3XRS R. K. W. Steedman
1992 VK3XRS R. K. W. Steedman
1993 VK3XRS R. K. W. Steedman
1994 VK3XRS R. K. W. Steedman
1995 VK3XRS R. K. W. Steedman
1996 VK2FZ/4 A. Pollock
1997 VK2FZ/4 A. Pollock
1998 VK2FZ/4 A. Pollock
1999 VK3XPD A. P. Devlin
2000 VK3EK R. G. Ashlin
2001 VK4TZL G. R. McNeil
2002 VK4TZL G. R. McNeil
2003 VK3EK R. G. Ashlin
2004 VK3EK R. G. Ashlin
2005 VK3UH L. Mostert
2006 VK4TZL G. R. McNeil
2007 VK3KAI P. Freeman
2008 VK1DA A. Davis
2009 VK3EK R. G. Ashlin
2010 VK2ARA E. Thrift
2011 VK6ADI B. Burns
2012 ZL3TY R. McQuarrie
2013 VK4CDI P. Moat
2014 VK2ARA E. Thrift
2015 VK2ARA E. Thrift
2016 VK2AH B Farrar
2017 VK2ARA E. Thrift
2018 VK2ARA E. Thrift
2019 VK6ADI B. Burns
2020 VK2ARA E.Thrift
2021 VK2ARA E. Thrift
Contest History
The contest was established in 1950 to honour the memory of the late Ross A. Hull and his pioneering achievements in the study of tropospheric propagation and the development of new equipment techniques for the higher bands.
Upcoming Contest Date & Time
The month of January 2024.
Contest Rules
Full details of the contest rules are available in the "Files for Download" section below.
Contest Scoring
Entrants may operate on every contest day, but the final score is based on the best seven days nominated by the entrant.
For amateurs with limited operating time, there is also a "Best 2 Days" section.
Each contact scores one point for each 100 km of distance worked. This score is then multiplied by the band multiplier. The total score is the sum of the scores on all bands.
Note on Calculating Distances
You will need to exchange 6 digit Maidenhead locators to get an accurate distance measurement. You can also calculate distances from six-digit Maidenhead locators using a computer program that is available on the Ross Hull Contest page of the WIA web site.
An easy way to find your latitude and longitude from a Google map is to click this Link to the iTouch Map web site.
To find the six digit Maidenhead locator for any location, click this Link to the F6FVY web site.
Submitting Your Log
Logs can only be submitted as email attachments.
Logs email to:
Contest Results
The contest results are posted on the WIA web site and published in "Amateur Radio" magazine. All entrants are notified by email.
Contest Award
Certificates are be awarded to all entrants, including certificates for the top scoring amateurs in each category.
Logging Software
Any logging software can be used so long as the necessary information is included in the log. Please refer to the rules for details about this.
If you are using contest logging software that can calculate distances, you will need to exchange 6 digit Maidenhead locators to get an accurate distance measurement.
A suitable logging program is VK Contest Log, developed by Mike VK3AVV. It is available for download on the author's web site by clicking on this Link
N1MM thanks to G4OBG also caters for the Ross Hull via a User defined contest.
N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched.
Contest Sponsors
The contest is sponsored by the WIA.
Files For Download
Software to find Maidenhead locators, distances and bearings
Page Last Updated: Saturday, 18 Jan 2025 at 14:57 hours by Webmaster