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The Exciting Times - Early High Frequency Experiments

Max Howden - 3BQ, A3BQ, OA3BQ, VK3BQ, was one of Australia's notable experimenters during the 1920s and 30s. Indeed his activities in amateur radio extended well beyond the 1930s!

Max was at the fore-front of short-wave development in this country and when the WIA in Victoria decided to hold a Wireless Exhibition during 1932, Max was asked to contribute an article about his involvement in radio's advancement. This was published in the exhibition's program.

We must also remember that by 1932, short waves were starting to interest the general public. In time, the ABC set up an "Inland and Island Service" on short-wave and demand for broadcast receivers fitted with international short wave band(s), was rapidly increasing. Such receivers enabled households to "hear" what was happening on the other side of the world - direct! There is little doubt that short wave radio helped to lessen Australia's "tyranny of distance" and brought us closer to the rest of the world!

Amateur radio can proudly claim that much of the success of world-wide, high frequency communications was brought about by the early pioneering work of individuals like Maxwell Howden together with the co-ordinated efforts of organisations like the WIA and ARRL!

A slightly edited version of Max's 1932 article is on a link at the bottom of this page.

Geneva ITU Conference 1959

Leading up to the Geneva Conference, the WIA established a fund to enable a representative Australian amateur to attend. The Institute invited all amateurs to contribute to the estimated cost of $5000. The Postmaster-General, Mr. Davidson agreed to the Institute's request, and by doing so, gave our representative official standing.

Well known amateur and editor of Radio, Television and Hobbies magazine, John Moyle VK2JU was invited and accepted the post. This is the report he submitted which was published in AR for March 1960.

Sadly, John died shortly after returning from Geneva; a great loss to all interested in radio and electronics in Australia.

Files For Download

Post World War I Amateur Radio - A 1932 Report
Post WWI Amateur Radio History- 3BQ ed.pdf

ITU Geneva 1959
Geneva ITU 1959 - John Moyle.pdf

Page Last Updated: Monday 4 June 2018 at 14:12 hours by Webmaster


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)