International Amateur Radio Union Region 3
Extract from Constitution
The object of IARU Region 3 is:
to promote, represent and advance in whatsoever manner IARU Region 3 thinks fit, the interests of Radio Amateurs in all countries of Region 3 of the International Telecommunications Union (and without limiting the generality of the foregoing);
by the furtherance of the objects of the International Amateur Radio Union and having regard to the special interest of radio amateurs in Asia and Oceania which interests are to protect and enhance radio amateur privileges in all of the countries in the Region;
to encourage an awareness of the value of radio amateurs by the administrations of all the countries in the Region;
to educate and encourage potential radio amateurs in all of the countries of the Region;
to represent radio amateurs both nationally and internationally;
to protect and retain amateur radio frequency allocation as frequencies allocated for the sole use of radio amateurs;
provided always shall exercise its powers in support of IARU and not in substitution for the exercise of power by IARU.
IARU Region 3 Website
The IARU Region 3 Web-Site has been recently relocated to a new server with the unique domain name in line with the other IARU family. You can access the website by clicking the following Link
IARU Region 3 Newsletters
The IARU Region 3 newsletters can be accessed by clicking the following Link
IARU Region 3 Directory
Page Last Updated: Sunday, 18 Oct 2020 at 20:09 hours by Webmaster