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Amateur Radio Nets

The Australian Travellers Net


The Australian Travellers Net aims to operate 365 days of the year to provide a mantle of safety for Amateurs travelling long distances often in remote areas of Australia. This service is also available to Amateurs that are Maritime Mobile.
Phone numbers are available to anyone who wishes to send a message to travellers or inquire about their whereabouts. (Refer to contact list below) Urgent traffic will be given priority over Stations checking in.

If you are trying to contact a traveller directly please call via the net control then QSY to a clear frequency. During call backs the list of logged stations will be read back by net control, he will then call for any late check in and invite stations that may have messages for travellers to call now. Stations with traffic should then QSY to a clear frequency.
Relay stations will then be invited to call for stations that may not have been heard by net control.

Times of Operation

The Net operates daily between 0200 and 0300 UTC for check-ins and traffic, culminating in a Call Back at 0300 UTC

The Aim Of The Travellers Net

1) Any urgent or priority traffic or relays to and from travellers as required.
2) A time and frequency for travellers to meet (a central get together point) and arrange to QSY up the band.
3) A terminal point (phone contact numbers) where messages can be left by family or friends to relay to travellers when they call in or an inquiry from family or friends as to a travellers last known location.
4) A known time and frequency where a traveller can guarantee contact in the event of a breakdown. It is assumed that all travellers driving in remote areas will have sufficient food and water to sustain themselves for a number of days.
5) A relay service between travellers when required.

14.116 MHz Travellers Net operator contact details:

Check In 02:00 UTC
Call Back 03:00 UTC
National Net Control Phil Farrington VK4MOT – 07 31622713 or 0421043009
Relay Noel VK4NL 0413 958 216
Relay Bob VK7RP
Relay Garry Duence VK7JGD

Page Last Updated: Thursday, 22 Dec 2022 at 16:41 hours by Webmaster


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)