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Preparing A Media Release

Template media release how-to use it

To assist in the writing of a media release, personalised for individual clubs to help celebrate their anniversary or their involvement in an event, a template media release is available below.

To create your own media release, make a copy of the template and fill in the parts in brackets as indicated to personalise the release with your own clubs information.

It should be self-explanatory but if there is more information you to need to add, include as necessary.

Note there is extra space at the top for the club logo and/or the special logo for the anniversary or event.

You need to date the release and provide media contact details at the end. These media are required to verify the release and to allow journalists to ask any further questions.

The contact information can also be used by journalists to organise an interview or photo opportunity. It is important that the club contact nominated is available at all times and the use of mobile numbers is best. It is also essential to return any such calls immediately or the media opportunity may be lost.

The media release will look best if printed in colour.

Send the completed media release and WIA backgrounder papers to your local paper or radio or TV station at least two weeks before the event to give yourself the best chance.

Follow-up a day or so after you have sent it to make sure the journalist received it and ask if any other information is needed.

Files For Download

Media Release Template - Microsoft Word Format
Media release template v3.doc

Page Last Updated: Monday 4 June 2018 at 13:56 hours by Webmaster


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)