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VHF UHF Records

About VHF-UHF Records

Further and higher

The WIA maintains a data base of DX records on all VHF, UHF and microwave bands. The purpose of these records is to encourage experimentation on the higher bands and to recognise the technical achievement of amateurs who work new record distances.

Record categories

The record categories are currently under review

 Home station/portable
This category includes both national records and separate record listings for each call area. It includes all contacts made by any station, other than those in the categories below:

This category is for contacts made by mobile stations.

This category is for all ATV contacts made using fast-scan ATV using modes with bandwidths similar to TV broadcast standards.

 Digital Modes
This category is for contacts made using narrow band digital data modes with computer decoding.

*** Following approval from the WIA Board from 30 October 2022 record claims for digital modes WILL BE ACCEPTED at both NATIONAL and STATE levels for contacts on 144MHz and above***.

It is hoped that this new enterprise will promote digital activity and experimentation particularly on the higher microwave band allocations

This category is for EME contacts.

 Digital EME
This category is for EME contacts using digital modes.

Record claim conditions

Stop Press
28 April 2023
New 122GHz VK5 State record approved.
VK5KK/p - VK5ZD/p 16/2/23 (CW)
QRB 63.3km. Extending existing record by 31.6km

New 134GHz NATIONAL and inaugural VK5 State record approved.
VK5KK/p - VK5ZD/p 16/2/23
QRB 63.3km. Extending existing record by 44.3km

New 432MHz (70cms) VK8 STATE record approved
VK8JM - VK8RR/6 23/8/22
QRB 453Km. Extending existing record by 269km

30 December 2022

New 6m SP NATIONAL digital record approved.
VK6OX - TG9AJR 6/12/22 (FT8)
QRB 16,734km extending existing record by 994km

New 47GHz VK7 STATE record approved
VK5KK/P7 - VK5ZD/P7 31.9.22
QRB 11.1km inaugural VK7 record

New 122GHz VK7 STATE record approved
VK5KK/P7 - VK5ZD/P7 01.11.22
QRB 11.1km inaugural VK7 record

New 76GHz VK7 STATE record approved
VK5KK/P7 - VK5ZD/P7 01.11.22
QRB 11.1km inaugural VK7 record

New 134 GHz VK7 STATE record approved
VK5KK/P7 - VK5ZD/P7 01.11.22
QRB 11.1km inaugural VK7 record

New 134GHz NATIONAL Record
VK5ZD - VK5KK 2.9.22
QRB 32km extending existing record by 19km

New 23cms VK8 STATE record approved
VKK8RR - VK8JM 26.3.22
QRB 186.3km extending existing record by 97.4km

24 August 2022
TWO NEW Australian Distance records have been approved:-

1296MHz (23cms) National Digital Record
VK3ZAZ - VK6CPU/p 18 Feb 2022
QRB - 2168.7km

3.4GHz (9cms) National Digital Record
VK4UH/p - VK4AFL 27 May 2022
QRB - 524km

Claiming a record

Contacts must satisfy a number of criteria before they can be accepted as new records. There must be a full exchange and acknowledgement of callsigns and signal reports, including some information that cannot be predicted by either operator. This information must be exchanged in full on the air and not by any means of backup such as liaison on a lower amateur band or via the Internet.

The claimed distances worked by record claimants are verified by the WIA. Distances are calculated from details of latitude and longitude supplied by the claimants. Claimants agree that the WIA's decision on their claim will be accepted as final.

Amateurs who wish to claim new records should download a copy of the terms and conditions for record claims from the "Record Data" page.

Recognising your achievement

Successful record claimants receive a printed certificate, and the details are published by the WIA. Even if a record is superseded, it remains in the WIA's published data base.

Further information

From August 2022, upkeep of the VHF-UHF records database was devolved from the Technical Advisory Committee to a separate manager.

New claims for distance records should be forwarded to a new address:

The existing claims process, including the supporting application forms are under review. The application forms are downloadable from this page.

Kevin Johnston VK4UH
VHF-UHF Records Manager WIA

Page Last Updated: Friday, 19 May 2023 at 14:06 hours by Distancerecord


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)