Repeater and Beacon Coordination
About Repeater and Beacon Coordination
With the centralisation of the work of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), the work of coordinating the approvals for Repeater and Beacon licence applications from the WIA has also become more centralised.
The National Repeater and Beacon Coordinator is Peter Mill VK3APO.
Spectrum Planning
The spectrum available for repeaters and beacons is a scarce resource, and it is important to make the most efficient use of it. Frequency allocations are co-ordinated nationally in order to avoid clashes and minimise interference between repeaters. On some bands, pressure on spectrum space means that there may be difficulties in finding clear frequencies for new repeaters or beacons.
Repeater and Beacon Operating Conditions
All repeaters and beacons are required to operate under licences issued by the ACMA. The following points should be noted:
Repeaters and beacons may operate only under repeater or beacon licences issued by the ACMA.
Repeater and beacon licences may be held by Advanced or Standard licensees, but not by Foundation licensees.
Repeaters and beacons must operate under the power limits and other licence conditions that apply to the person who holds the licence. (Or, in the case of a licence held by a club, under the licence conditions of the person nominated by the club to be responsible for the operation of the beacon or repeater.)
Repeaters or beacons can be licensed to operate only in segments assigned to them in the WIA national band plans.
It is desirable that voice repeaters should be open to all users, particularly for emergency communications. However there is no legal requirement that open access should be made available to auxiliary services such as IRLP and Echolink.
If a repeater uses tone access, the details should be published.
Repeaters must identify by transmitting their callsign at the required intervals.
For full details of licence conditions, please refer to the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination published by the ACMA.
Further Information
Band plans: Information on repeater and beacon frequency planning on the Band Plans pages.
Repeaters: Repeater operating information and latest listings on the Repeater Information pages.
Beacons: Information and latest listings on the Beacon Information pages.
Repeater and beacon licence application procedures: click this Link.
Relevant ACMA determinations and information papers:
Amateur Licence Conditions Determination: Link
Apparatus licensing application forms: Link
Radiocommunications Act 1992: Link
Page Last Updated: Wednesday 29 January 2020 at 9:52 hours by Webmaster