WIA Repeater and Beacon Licence Applications Process
Repeaters and Beacons in the amateur service are required by ACMA to be licenced under the Amateur Radio Apparatus Licence Condition Determination. This means they are a frequency assigned station that has undergone frequency coordination not just within the amateur radio spectrum, but also site compatibility coordination checks as required when such amateur stations are co-located with other telecommunications or radio communications sites.
Option 1 - WIA Assists in processing the application
By agreement with the ACMA and the WIA, for the orderly processing of all licence applications for amateur repeaters and beacons can be coordinated through the WIA (the National Office), this includes new services as well as amendments or variations to existing licences.
The point of contact for all amateur repeater and beacon applications is the National Office of the WIA at the address listed below. In association with the WIA Repeater and Beacon Coordinator (RABC) (accesible via this Link) all applications will be acknowledged and issued with a tracking reference number, that applicants can cite when dealing with the office. This is an important aspect when determining at what stage an application is in the process. Applications sent directly to the RABC will not be considered an application and therefore will not proceed any further.
Upon receipt all applications are sent to the RABC who will assess the technical aspects of the application, selecting or confirming a frequency(s) and where necessary checking for consistency with the WIA Band Plans, and conduct the necessary EMC compatibility checks. The RABC may refer applications to the various state Technical Advisory Committee Member(s) for comment, or seek further information as necessary.
The nominated club representative may contact the RABC prior to and during the applications process to clarify technical aspects of an application.
Application steps
1. Clubs/organisations should select a person to be the nominated representative for coordinating the application with the WIA.
2. To assist the process, applicants should fill out the ACMA application form Amateur2. This form is accessible via this Link).
All relevant sections should be completed, but if this is not possible leave the section blank and the RABC will complete if necessary.
3. To assist in understanding what is required, eg, whether the application(s) is a new one, or a variation to an existing licence an accompanying description of what the equipment is going to be used for, where it going to be located (citing ACMA client and licence numbers if relevant). In the case of repeater links, which other repeater or site(s) are going to be linked a sketch map is useful. The description should also include, the name of the nominated licensee and the contact details of the person submitting the application.
4. The completed applications should be sent to:
Wireless Institute of Australia
P.O. Box 2042, Bayswater, Vic 3153.
Applications can also be sent via email to nationaloffice @ wia.org.au
5. Upon receipt all applications will be issued with a reference number for tracking purposes, and an acknowledgement letter sent to the nominated club/organisation representative.
6. All papers associated with the application(s) will be forwarded within working one day of receipt to the RABC, who will after consultation with the applicant and/or the State TAC representative, complete the ACMA forms and lodge the application with the ACMA.
Process completion
Depending on the complexity or workload of ACMA staff, applications lodged with ACMA may take up to 60 days, or in some cases longer, to complete.
For licences the WIA is responsible for, the WIA has an account with the ACMA and when an applications has been completed, the WIA will be advised of the fees applicable for the application. The WIA will remit the monies requested and the ACMA will then issue the licences accordingly. It is at the point the licence will appear on the ACMA Register of Licences. Upon receipt of the printed licences from the ACMA, the WIA office will forward these to the respective club/organisation.
For non WIA licences, the club or organisation will need to append a cheque to the application for the ACMA licence fees or charges. Once the licence has been issued, the licence details will appear on the ACMA Register of Licences and a paper copy sent to the licensees postal address.
Option 2 - You can directly engage an ACMA Accredited Person (AP)
With the introduction by the ACMA of the Frequency Assignment Practice No.10 policy, it is now possible for amateur radio operators to engage directly with an AP to select and register amateur repeater and beacon frequencies without engaging the WIA. This process is effective where the application follows the Amateur Radio band plans and meets the technical coordination requirements set forth in the Amateur network RALI standards.
If you wish to use this method, then you are responsible for engaging the right parties to achieve your registrations and all costs will be born by you as the applicant.
Page Last Updated: Friday, 22 Nov 2024 at 12:23 hours by Tac