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WIA Awards General Information

WIA Special Event & Commemorative Awards

WIA Merit Awards

WIA Publications Committtee Awards

AGM & Convention 2017 Award

About the award

The theme for this year's event is all about inspiring people to explore Amateur Radio and its diversity. We are promoting the idea that "Radio is Magic" to new people outside the hobby. We also want to rekindle that magic into new areas of exploration for those of us already engaged in this fantastic hobby of ours.

Inspiring new people to take a look at our hobby means inspiring that feeling of wonder and amazement as they realise what they are witnessing.

Find and demonstrate something that makes students go "WOW" is the common theme that educators tell us inspires young people to come and take a closer look. As a technical hobby with fantastic community engagement potential, no other individual or group pursuit has the ability to draw together science, community, technology and a spirit of exploration all from your own back yard!

To promote these themes, the VK5 organising committee is pleased to announce the following special event callsigns will be active in the lead up to the Convention weekend. VK5WOW will be heard on various bands, channels and modes starting from the 1st of April through to the 12th of May. Then, from the 12th of May through until the end of the AGM, the special callsign VI5WOW will be on air.


The General Award
 5 contacts with VK5WOW or VI5WOW
 Among the 5 contacts, at least two different modes or channels (eg SSB and RTTY, or analogue FM Echolink and CW) need to have been used, OR, at least one contact has to be with the callsigns when they have been activated from a Park under the terms of the VK5 Parks awards. (watch the usual parks activation alert sites for times and parks)

The Gold Award
 5 contacts with VK5WOW & 1 contact with VI5WOW - must include a digital data or voice modes contact and contact with at least one VK5WOW or VI5WOW parks activation

Contacts via HF (Voice, Digital Voice, Digital Data and CW), VHF, UHF, Microwave, ATV, EME, Echolink, DSTAR, DMR, FUSION, IRLP, Satellite, Balloon Repeater will all count for this award.

Contacts with VK5WOW for the both the General and Gold awards are valid over the common award window, however you will ONLY hear VI5WOW from 12th May 0000 UTC onwards on air.

No QSL are required

How To Apply For The Award

Claims are only accepted through the online system (free).

Page Last Updated: Sunday 2 April 2017 at 14:46 hours


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)