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WIA Awards General Information

WIA Special Event & Commemorative Awards

WIA Merit Awards

WIA Publications Committtee Awards

Technical Award

About The Technical Award

for the best technical article published in Amateur Radio magazine in the previous calendar year.

Past Recipients

1981 - Hans Ruckert VK2AOU & Bob Slutzkin VK3SK
1984 - Rob Gurr VKSRG
1985 - Lloyd Butler VK5BR
1986 - Drew Diamond VK3XU
1987 - Harold Hepburn VK3AFQ
1988 - Drew Diamond VK3XU
1989 - Peter Stackpole VK1RX
1990 - Drew Diamond VK3XU
1991 - Bill Magnusson VK3JT
1992 - Drew Diamond VK3XU
1993 - Lou De Stefano VK3AQZ
1994 - Will McGhie VK6UU
1995 - Ralph Holland VK1BRH
1996 - Drew Diamond VK3XU
1998 - Phil Rice VK3BHR
2003 - Dale Hughes VK2DSH
2004 - Dale Hughes VK2DSH
2005 - Lloyd Butler VK5BR
2008 - Drew Diamond VK3XU
2009 - Ron Sanders VK2WB
2010 - Dale Hughes VK1DSH
2011 - Paul McMahon VK3DIP
2012 - James (Jim) Tregellas VK5JST
2013 - Andrew Martin VK3OE
2014 - Graham Byrnes VK3XDK
2015 - Dale Hughes VK1DSH
2016 - Jim Tregellas VK5JST
2017 - Jim Tregellas VK5JST
2018 - Jim Henderson VK1AT
2019 - Dale Anderson VK4NBX
2020 - Carmel Morris VK2CAR
2022 - Andrew Anderson VK3CV; Lou Destefano VK3AQZ; Dale Hughes VK1DSH; Dimitrios Tsifakis VK2COW.
2023 - Michael Barbera and Greg Mew VK4GRM; John Forrest VK3JNF
2024 - Jim Tregellas VK5JST; Lou Destefano VK3AQZ; Dale Hughes VK1DSH

Page Last Updated: Monday, 20 May 2024 at 17:24 hours by Peter Clee


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)