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Australian ANZAC Commemorations

Tanilba Bay RSL

The Port Stephens Amateur Radio Club VK2AOJ at the Tanilba Bay RSL and Sports Club 1200 AEST onwards on ANZAC Day. Hope other clubs to be at their local RSL too.

ANZAC Day annual on air event

The ANZAC Day AM & CW event asks us to consider changing mode on Amateur Radio bands nets, as an honour and Amateur Radio salute to those who served or are serving. The idea was conceived by Mike 'Banjo' Patterson VK4MIK, ex-Royal Australian Navy, and organised by the Tablelands Radio Group. It started with a thought by WWII Coastwatcher Lionel Veale who used in Papua New Guinea the Australian Designed and Built ATR4A to report intelligence using QRP. Organisers ask if possible to set up at a former defence site. Listen for HMAS Diamantina VK4RAN in the afternoon on CW on 7020 or 7025 and 14038 or 14052 plus or minus QRM.

Another special opportunity is Maurie Camps VK2DCD at Coleambally in the Riverina, with a WWII SOE 'suit case radio' on CW on 7025 to 7040. They only put out a couple of watts, but have recently had some good contacts.

Johhno Karr VK3FMPB at the Ballarat showgrounds, a former Army staging point. The Tableland Radio Group VK4GHL is to be near the WWII AGH Igloo at Rocky Creek War Memorial Park, restored by the local council and the Rotary Club.

The Townsville Amateur Radio Club AX4WIT at Jezzine Barracks will have a parade with visiting guests from the Army, Navy and Air Force.

The Lake Boga Flying Boat Museum in Victoria will be on air thanks to Amateur Radio Victoria and the Sunraysia Radio Group. Alan Waye AX5PBZ at Tumby Bay RSL using 7040 CW, 7290 AM, 14060 CW, 14286 AM.

Among the expanding list is the Ingham RSL in North Queensland, under the callsign of AX4MS - this is the first joint activity by the local radio amateurs. The AM Narly Net is on 3600 at 0630 local and then the same mode appears at 7115 4pm local. This is all good publicity. The RSL is very appreciative. It's a simple fact that radio played a major part in the defence operations. Many radio amateurs went on to serve and

HMAS AE2 Commemoration

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) Submarine HMAS AE2, which was at the Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara, will be part of the ANZAC Centenary Commemoration.

It was the only Australian naval vessel, an E-class submarine, involved in the Gallipoli campaign and will be commemorated by the Amateur Radio callsign VI4AE2.

HMAS AE2 successfully breached the defences and survived shelling from Turkish shore batteries, before running aground, narrowly missing submarine nets and minefields.

All previous attempts had failed due to mines, fixed and mobile gun batteries, searchlight surveillance and patrolling Turkish warships - making the Dardanelles seemingly impenetrable.

However it was vital to control all shipping in the area to prevent the reinforcing and re-supplying of Turkish troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

The strategically located HMAS AE2 sent a signal by Telegrapher William Falconer using a Marconi Type 10 Spark transmitter, and changed the course of Australian military history.

It is believed to have influenced the decision of General Sir Ian Hamilton, which saw the ANZACs fight at Gallipoli for the next 8 months. However, the Australian War Memorial claims there "is no real evidence" to support this claim.

After a game of hide and seek with enemy, her commanding officer and crew were captured as prisoners of war interned in a Turkish prison camp. Four died there, with the remainder let free following the 1918 Armistice.

The remains of the only RAN vessel lost to enemy action during WWI was found in 2008. The Australian and Turkish Governments decided to leave it in place rather than trying to raise and restore the submarine.

Six radio amateurs will put VI4AE2 to air over five days April 25-30 in honour of HMAS AE2 that followed its orders to 'RUN AMOK IN THE SEA OF MARMARA'.

The multi-mode, multi-band (630m-10m) operation will involve Mike VK4QS, Mike VK4MIK, Alan VK4SN, Bob VK4RJ, Peter VK4QC and Doc VK5BUG.

The brave actions of its officers and crew will be honoured. All information can be found under VI4AE2 at including details of times and frequencies.

Bush Telegraph Centre display in May

The Tableland Radio Group with the Cardwell Bush Telegraph Museum in North Queensland will be putting on a display of old Morse code and old radio equipment on May 29 and 30.

The location is the Historic Post Office, Telegraph Station, Old Shire Hall, Courthouse and Lock-up in Victoria Street, Cardwell.

More than over 70 Morse code keys, bugs, paddles, telegraph sounders and ex-military radios will be on display, with many visitors attending on both days, including school groups and RSL members.

The Morse Key collection belongs to Mike Patterson VK4MIK and includes a variety from many countries and dating back to the 1880s, World War II and the Cold War era.

Martin Ryan VK4FMJR will also have some of his extensive collection of military radios, some which played a vital role in war. Admission is free, but donations to the Bush Telegraph Museum are very welcome.

FISTS DU heritage display

The Heritage Festival in Ballarat, Victoria, in May has the theme of "Century of Service 1914 – 2014”, looking at our military service at home and abroad during war and peacekeeping.

FISTS Down Under will be at the two-day festival. Organisers believe that CW telegraphy is a piece of communications history that must be demonstrated.

The Heritage Festival will be held at several Ballarat sites on Saturday and Sunday May 9-10, 2015.

Page Last Updated: Saturday 18 April 2015 at 16:56 hours


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