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ANZAC Centenary Commemoration

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ANZAC Commemorative Callsigns

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VK100ANZAC Roster

Callign Dates and Times

The VK100ANZAC callsign will be on air during the following dates and times:

April 2015

Date : 24/04/2015
Time : 13:00:00 UTC
Duration : 3 Days
Event Name : Broadcast & Opening ANZAC 100
Event Organiser: WIA

Event Details :
A commemorative broadcast from Canberra on ANZAC Day - and the official start of the ANZAC 100 program.

The broadcast on multiple bands at Dawn 0430 hours AEST is to have a message from the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, on the occasion of the ANZAC Centenary, 25 April 2015.

Later on ANZAC Day, at 1430 hours AEST which is Dawn at Gallipoli, WIA President Phil Wait VK2ASD to initiate an official ANZAC 100 event opening between the WIA, New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) and the Türkiye Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti (TRAC).

All other ANZAC-suffixed callsigns, and other commemorative stations, have been asked to not transmit during this broadcast, and remain silent for the 30-minute Echolink contact.

All ANZAC-suffixed stations have also been emailed with a request that they re-play the broadcast or read re-read its text, prior to their commemorative event on ANZAC Day.

Date : 28/04/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 4 Days
Event Name : VK100ANZAC On Air
Event Organiser: Yarra Valley Radio Group

May 2015

Date : 02/05/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 7 days
Event Name : The Gallipoli Campaign
Event Organiser: Moorabbin & District Radio Club.
Contact : Ron Cook VK3AFW

Event Details :
Adjacent to Mentone RSL, Turner Road, Highett, on 2-4 May, to commemorate the end of the first phase of the Gallipoli campaign. The initial invasion plans were put on hold on the 4th, and new strategies considered as it was clear the Allies could not obtain their objectives, the whole ridge line of the peninsular, using their current tactics. For the rest of the week VK100ANZAC will mostly be at the clubrooms in Turner Avenue.

Date : 15/05/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 3 days
Event Name : First man to land at Gallipoli
Event Organiser: Hervey Bay Amateur Radio Club
Contact : Wade Milford VK4WM

Event Details :
Commemorate the life of Lieutenant Duncan Chapman later became a Major, 9th Battalion, killed in action 6 August 1916 at Pozieres, France.

He was born in Maryborough, Queensland on the 15th May 1888. The Hervey Bay Amateur Radio Club will activate VK100ANZAC and involve the RSL and the Maryborough Military and Colonial Museum, getting as
much media publicity as possible for Amateur Radio.

Date : 31/05/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 3 days
Event Name : Our local ANZACs
Event Organiser: William Maxwell VK7MX

Event Details :
NTARC will commemorate local ANZACs by operating the club station, accompanied by audio visual presentations, photographs and posters. Media and service personnel will be invited, along with veteran organisations.

31 May 2015 marks the Centennary of the close of a 3 week period of action on Gallipoli in which Australia's and the Empire's most decorated soldier, Harry Murray, was awarded his first bravery decoration, the DCM. By coincidence, 2 June 2015 marks the 95th anniversary of his decoration with
the VC and the DSO and Bar by the King. Later he was awarded the CMG and the French Croix de Guerre. He was born and grew up in the area covered by NTARC.

June 2015

Date : 04/06/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : Until 23:59 June 10.
Event Name : ANZAC spirit to the DX world
Event Organiser: Tommy Horozakis VK2IR

Event Details :
Looking to make as many contacts possible, particularly working DX stations on the HF bands.

Date : 16/06/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 4 Days
Event Name : 75th Anniversary of RAAF Secret Mission
Event Organiser: VK5PAS Paul, Adelaide Hills ARS

Event Details :
On June 18, 1940 an amphibious Walrus aircraft took off from Mount Batten near Plymouth in England. On board were Australian pilot, Ft Lt John Napier Bell, Australian navigator Sgt Charles William Harris, a British wireless electrical mechanic, Cpl Bernard Nowell, and British Intelligence officer Capt Norman Hope from the British Intelligence.

The war-time secret mission was to To fly to rescue the family of General Charles De Gaulle. During the commemoration a P3 Orion aircraft will fly past.

The full story about the mission and a book on it may be read at:

Date : 20/06/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 48 Hours
Event Name :
Event Organiser WIA

Date : 27/06/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 3 Days
Event Name : In honour of Lieutenant George Ingram VC
Event Organiser: Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group
Contact : Kenneth Andrew Taylor

Event Details :
In honour of Lieutenant George Ingram VC, the only recipient of the medal for gallantry in the face of the enemy from the Yarra valley, and Australia's final recipient as a result of WWI.

July 2015

Date : 11/07/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 48 Hours
Event Name : IARU Contest
Event Organiser VK5CP Chris Platt

Date : 21/07/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 24 Hours
Event Name : Battle of Kokoda Track
Event Organiser: VK7VH Vincent

A four-month struggle following the enemy landing in Papua in July 1942. The Japanese strategy was to take Port Moresby via a narrow rugged track over the Owen Stanley Range. More than 600 Australians were killed and some 1680 wounded during perhaps the most significant jungle warfare battle fought by Australians in World War II.

Date : 24/07/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC to 1159 UTC
Duration : 3 Days
Event Name : Lest We Forget
Event Organiser : John McRae VK5PO

Event Details : :
RTTY on 80m to 6m aiming for Europe, Japan, North America, South America and everywhere. Several thousand QSOs anticipated. John with the help of others will work through pile-ups on HF.

August 2015

Date : 01/08/2015 to 05/08/2015
Time : 0000UTC until 2359UTC most days
Duration : 5 days
Event Name : Centenary of the 2nd Australian Division Signals Company
Event Organiser : Waverley ARS - Doug Rosser VK2DCR

Event Details :
The 2nd Australian Division Signals Company was raised on 04 August 1915 at Heliopolis, Cairo. It was the divisional signals unit of the 2nd Australian Division, raised in July 1915. No. 2 Section of the company landed at ANZAC on 20 August 1915, to establish communications between 5th Brigade (NSW) and 2nd Division headquarters, and first saw action in support of the Battle of Hill 60 on 21 August 1915.

The company saw service on the Western Front in France and Belgium from 1916-1918. Today, the 2nd Division, an Army Reserve formation, is served in the signals role by the 8th Signals Regiment, the descendant of the 2nd Australian Division Signals Company.

Both the 2nd Division and the 8th Signals Regiment have their headquarters at Randwick, in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. The Waverley Amateur Radio Society was founded in 1919 and is the local amateur radio club for the City of Sydney, the inner west and the eastern suburbs.

The radio club commemorates the centenary of the formation of the 2nd Australian Division Signals Company, and remembers the contributions of the men and women of Sydney in WW1.

The activation begins on Saturday 01 August at 0000z (10:00 AEST) with a portable operation, open to the public on the grounds of the Waverley Amateur Radio Society's club house, Rose Bay Scout Hall, 3 Vickery Avenue, Rose Bay, Sydney.
The activation will commence with the broadcast of a special message from The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP, Member for Wentworth and Minister for Communications.

The broadcast will be transmitted on VK2ROT 438.575MHz (Echolink #725953 VK2BV-R); 438.577MHz VK2RBV (DSTAR Gateway); 7.095MHz +/- ; and 14.250MHz +/ -. Please listen for VK2BV on frequency prior to the opening broadcast.

Date : 06/08/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 6 days
Event Name : The August Offensive at Gallipoli
Event Organiser : WA Amateur Radio News (Inc)
Contact :

Event Details :
Preceded by a special news broadcast around VK6 Land on Wednesday 5th August, the Western Australian Amateur Radio News team will activate the VK100ANZAC special event callsign over six days to commemorate the August Offensive at Gallipoli.

The August Offensive was the last major attempt made by the Allied forces at Gallipoli to break the stalemate that had persisted since the landings on 25 April 1915. The plan involved a series of thrusts being made out of the ANZAC position to seize high points along the Sari Bair range, which dominated the Gallipoli peninsula. These operations would be supported by several diversionary attacks along the existing ANZAC frontline.

The offensive began with a diversionary attack at Lone Pine on the afternoon of 6 August 1915, which succeeded in taking a heavily defended complex of Turkish trenches but cost the lives of 2,000 men of the 1st Infantry Brigade. The main attacks - directed at Chunuk Bair, Hill Q and Hill 971 - followed that night, but although the first two features were held for short periods of time, the attacks had failed by 10 August.

Several smaller diversionary attacks were mounted on the morning of 7 August and all ended in heavy casualties. The most costly was the attack on the Nek, immortalized by the film Gallipoli, in which in 375 of the 600 attackers became casualties.

On 7 August British forces were also landed at Suvla Bay to establish a base area to sustain the ANZAC position throughout the coming winter. When they had secured Suvla Bay, the British had planned to assist the main attack, but after suffering heavy casualties they were unable to take the heights above Suvla. The need to link the positions at Suvla and ANZAC resulted in the last phase of the August Offensive - the attacks on the Hill 60 area that took place between 21 and 27 August.

This commemorative activation will be operating from sites around Perth with significant relevance to World War One.

The activation will begin and end at Anzac Cottage in Mount Hawthorn, which was built in one day on February 12, 1916 by the community of Mount Hawthorn as a home for a returned wounded soldier and his family and as a memorial for those who lost their lives in the tragic Gallipoli landing. The ambitious project was initiated by the Mount Hawthorn Progress Association and supported eagerly and enthusiastically by the community with donations and contributions made to ensure that the cottage that was to be built would be a suitable memorial for the Gallipoli veterans.

On Friday the team will operate from the Mandurah ANZAC War Memorial in its beautiful setting on the estuary.

On Saturday VK100ANZAC moves to Blackboy Hill at Swan View. Blackboy Hill was a training camp, set up a short time after the outbreak of the war in 1914.

On Sunday we take a pause for HAMFEST, and in the afternoon will operate from King’s Park. King’s Park is the site of the State War Memorial and several other campaign and regimental monuments, as well as a large number of trees planted along the roadways dedicated to the memory of individuals who perished in wars.

On Monday the activation moves to Stirling Square in Guildford. St Matthews Church, which is in Stirling Square became the first and only garrison church in Western Australia when the 38th Battery Field Artillery of the Australian Army marched into Stirling Square on 1st November 1913. The Battery was housed at South Guildford, across a suspension bridge on the Helena River. Britain announced it was at war on 5th August 1914 and the 38th Battery was combined with the 37th Battery to form the 8th Field Battery of the 3rd Australian Field Artillery Brigade, based at South Guildford. Men trained at Blackboy Hill (Swan View) and lived at Guildford.

Tuesday 11th August, the last day of this activation, we return to Anzac Cottage.

We are preparing daily news bulletins reporting on the events of the august Offensive as they unfolded, which we will put to air at convenient times each day

The activation commences Thursday 6th August, at 0000 UTC. We will be calling on or near to these frequencies:
On 80 metres 3.605, 40 metres 7.125, 20 metres 14.250 15 metres 21.240 10 metres 28.460 2 metres 144.200 SSB, Vertical.

The operators will advertise where the station can be heard, and to assist in this, we ask you to post on the clusters, facebook, email etc, when you do hear us.

Date : 15/08/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 96 Hours
Event Name : Remembrance Day Contest Weekend
Event Organiser WIA

Date : 21/08/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 7 days
Event Name : ANZAC commemoration
Event Organiser Bruno Tonizzo VK3BFT

Event Details :
The GGREC includes members with a strong family attachment to WW1. At least eight operators are very keen to be involved using SSB, CW, FM and digital modes during the week-long event. A modest afternoon opening ceremony on Saturday 22 August will be at the Clubrooms and the Cranbourne RSL is invited. Operation is both at the Clubrooms at Cranbourne and from members own homes.

September 2015

Date : 11/09/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 48 hours
Event Name : Battalion Gallipoli deployment & FreeDV
Event Organiser: Christopher Platt VK5CP

Event Details :
The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group (AREG) will have a digital voice mode station commemorates the 26th Infantry Battalion arrival at Gallipoli and deployment to Taylor's Hollow on September 12, 1915. The event recognises the efforts of the Battalion, and promote FreeDV by its use on air. Activated at Younghusband in South Australia, an operator will be David Rowe VK5DGR who is one of the architects of FreeDV. He recently was awarded the WIA Technical Innovation Award. His involvement as a VK100WIA operator have additional international interest.

Date : 19/09/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 48 Hours
Event Name : Roy Inwood VC
Event Organiser: VK5PAS Paul, Adelaide Hills ARS

Event Details :
Anniversary of the awarding Victoria Cross for gallantry in the face of the enemy to Roy Inwwod.
10th Battalion (S.A.), Australian Imperial Force during WWI. His medal hangs with honour in the chamber of the Adelaide City Council.

Date : 25/09/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 48 hours
Event Name : To commemorate Op Jaywick
Event Organiser: John McNamee - VK6AG

Event Details : Operation Jaywick was an Inter-Allied Services Department operation to infiltrate the Japanese-occupied Singapore Harbour and destroy shipping.

On 13 August 1943, the Krait left Thursday Island for the U.S. Naval Base at Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, where it was refuelled and repairs were undertaken.

On 2 September 1943, the Krait, with a crew of eleven Australian and four British personnel, left Exmouth Gulf and departed for Singapore. The team's safety depended on maintaining the disguise of a local fishing boat. The men stained their skin brown with dye to appear more Asiatic and were meticulous in what sort of rubbish they threw overboard, lest a trail of European garbage arouse suspicion. After a relatively uneventful voyage, the Krait arrived off Singapore on September 24. That night, six men left the boat and paddled 50 kilometres (31 mi) to establish a forward base in a cave on a small island near the harbour. On the night of 26 September 1943, they paddled into the harbour and placed limpet mines on several Japanese ships before returning to their hiding spot.

In the resulting explosions, the limpet mines sank or seriously damaged seven Japanese ships, comprising over 39,000 tons between them. The commandos waited until the commotion over the attack had subsided and then returned to the Krait, which they reached on 2 October. Their return to Australia was mostly uneventful, except for a tense incident in the Lombok Strait when the ship was closely approached by a Japanese patrol boat; however the Krait was not challenged. On October 19, the ship and crew arrived safely back at Exmouth Gulf.

October 2015

Date : 24/10/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 48 Hours
Event Name : William Henry Kibby VC
Event Organiser: VK5PAS Paul, Adelaide Hills ARS

Event Details :
The Adelaide man was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously for gallantry in the face of the enemy.

William Henry KIBBY was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions over several days during WWII. Taking over after his platoon commander was killed, he was ordered to attack strong enemy positions. He personally assaulted an enemy post, firing his Thompson sub-machine gun, killing three of the enemy and capturing 12 others. On other occasions he showed great leadership, directing fire and encouraging his men. He was killed by machine-gun fire on the night of 30-31 October; his work was said to have been "an inspiration to all". A quiet and sincere man, Kibby often told friends that all he wanted was to return to his wife and two daughters and his garden in Glenelg, Adelaide.

Date : 29/10/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 1 week
Event Name : Waverley Amateur Radio Society honours an early club member at its clubrooms and member QTHs.
Event Organiser: Doug Rosser VK2DCR

Event Details :
The Waverley Amateur Radio Society remembers one of its earliest club members, 16062 LCPL Daniel Williams, who served with the 1st Signals Squadron, ANZAC Mounted Division and the 2nd Signals Squadron, Australian Mounted Division from 1916 to 1919 in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan and Syria. The club also remembers all signallers who served in WWI, particularly in the Middle East.

Daniel Williams was born in Birkenhead, England and lived in the Sydney suburb of Little Coogee, now Clovelley. He enlisted as a signaller in March 1916 and arrived at Egypt in December 1916, to train as a telephone operator and linesman with the Signal Squadron, Imperial Mounted Division, which later became 2nd Signals Squadron, Australian Mounted Division.

In December 1917, was posted to 1st Signals Squadron, ANZAC Mounted Division, where he first saw action at the Battle of Jerusalem. Williams served through the remainder of the Palestine campaign including the battle of Jericho and into the campaign in Jordan, including the battles of Amman and Es Salt and in the Jordan Valley, where he was wounded by shell concussion in June 1918.

After a period of recovery, he returned to the front and was posted to 2nd Signals Squadron, Australian Mounted Division in Syria on 26 October 1918, one day before the signing of the Armistice by the Ottomans, ending the war in the Middle East.

November 2015

Date : 07/11/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 2 Weeks
Event Name :
Event Organiser WIA

Date : 21/112015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration : 48 Hours
Event Name : FAMPARC 40th Anniversary
Event Organiser: Roy Seabridge

Event Details :
The Frankston And Mornington Peninsula Amateur Radio Club is 40 year old, and finalising plans for its ANZAC commemoration. Operation based at clubrooms, Gladesville Boulevard, Patterson Lakes. More detail on it is expected.

December 2015

Date : 12/12/2015
Time : 00:00:00 UTC
Duration :
Event Name : Evacuation of Gallipoli
Event Organiser WIA

Event Details :
The "last hurrah" departure ends on December 20 - TBA.

The remaining Australians and New Zealanders were withdrawn from the ANZAC area of Gallipoli. The last to leave at 4.10am on December 20 was Colonel J Paton, in charge of the 'rear-guard'. The Turks were unaware that a major evacuation had taken place.

eQSL only.

Page Last Updated: Tuesday 17 November 2015 at 15:52 hours


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A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)