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WIA Centenary DVD

WIA Centenary Celebrations
January - December 2010

Historical Information

Tune-In To The World Amateur radio gets people talking

WIA National Field Day - Saturday 23rd October 2010

This web page has been saved to preserve the history of the WIA Centenary Celebrations that took place in 2010.
Registrations for the current years National Field Day are available by clicking the following Link

On Saturday 23rd October 2010, Amateur radio enthusiasts from all over Australia will be showcasing amateur radio in prominent locations throughout their local area. This activity, new to Australia, will be a good opportunity to break out your field day equipment, demonstrate emergency preparedness, but most importantly engage the public. Most people in the general public would give our hobby a second thought, if they knew a little more about it. This is the opportunity to showcase our capabilities. Has your club got the capacity to run your station on solar or wind power for the day? Can you borrow some space in the local shopping centre car park? Does the local sports complex run hot on Saturday? Does the date align with a local community festival or school fete?
The opportunities are endless. Are you up to the challenge?

Promoting Our Hobby

The Foundation Licence and a revamped WIA have done much to bolster our numbers, but it is time that we make a concerted effort to better publicise amateur radio and all of its benefits. This is your club's opportunity to recruit not only new applicants for your training courses, but also some new club members. We need to re-introduce the general public to amateur radio, let them know a little of what it is about, without scaring them with too much technical jargon. Our public face will be on display, as well as our professionalism. The common appearance of Club, WIA or special National Field Day branded clothing all helps with the presentation. Excellent operating procedures and tolerance will be on display. The event is not intended to be a traditional contest, with isolated groups of operators sitting on remote hilltops. We wish to generate as much positive public exposure (and traffic on the bands) as possible. Local repeaters can play an important part in keeping something happening. The safety of the operators and general public must be high on our priority list during station set-up, operation and close down. Cabling bird's nests should be well hidden, electrical safety must be beyond question.

Your Audience

Remember your audience, for young people, sound and visual activity is important. IRLP, Echolink, Slow Scan TV, ATV, colour and movement will appeal to the younger audience. HF may be interesting, but the noise should not dominate the activity. Radio direction finding is very popular, if you have the room to safely run it. Get people involved without being intimidating. Over the next 10 years, most of the Baby Boomers will officially retire. They will be looking for new hobbies and challenging activities to keep their minds active. Add the following generation, "Gen X's" who are now facing empty nests with a few spare dollars and a spare room at home. What an opportunity for amateur radio. Whilst our WIA 100 Year Centenary will be interesting for some and may provide some initial attraction, our display should equally show the future. Are you up to the challenge?

Frequencies & Modes

Recommended Calling Frequencies will be advised and will be in accordance with current WIA Band plan. Clubs are invited to demonstrate technologies including SSB, Morse Code, various digital techniques (D-star, Slow Scan Television, RTTY, PSK31 and Winlink), IRLP, APRS Echolink and even amateur radio satellite.

Promotional Clothing

The WIA's "Tune In To the World" promotional clothing helps to create a strong bond between the many amateurs who will be participating in the event as well as draw the attention of curious prospective radio amateurs through the highly visible graphic.

"Tune In To The World - Amateur Radio Gets People Talking" hoodies, Tshirts and Polos are blue in color. The Hoodies (pictured left)and the Tshirts have the Tune In To The World graphic on the front whereas the polo shirts has the graphic on the back. The clothing is available in sizes Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL and 3XL. Orders can be placed by clicking the links below, allow two weeks for delivery.

You can click the picture left for a larger view of the hoodie, use your browsers back button to return to this page.

 Hoodie Orders
Click the following Link to order your "Tune In To The World" Hoodie
 Tshirt Orders
Click the following Link to order your "Tune In To The World" Tshirt
 Polo Shirt Orders
Click the following Link to order your "Tune In To The World" Polo Shirt

Posters & Banners

The WIA's Centenary poster, Calling CQ posters and Calling CQ brochures are being made available to clubs and groups participating in the national field day.

In addition to these existing WIA posters, we are releasing the "Tune Into The World" - "Amateur Radio Gets People Talking" artwork with the unique logo and catchphrase developed to help promote this public event. The artwork is available for download from the links at the bottom of this webpage, simply click your right hand mouse button on the link to save the print ready PDF file onto your computer. Then copy it to a memory stick and take it to your local Officeworks store where for a fee they will be able to print your banner or signage. You will find three print ready PDF files below prepared for three different types of Officeworks signage these being:

 Option 1 The first option is a highly visible self standing display banner called an "Xbanner". Pictured right, the Xbanner is 1800mm high and 800mm wide, the price from Officeworks is $97 which includes both the cost of the banner and the cost of printing. For the Xbanner, please download the file called X-Banner-artwork.pdf (note you can click the picture right for a larger view, use your browsers back button to return to this page)

 Option 2 The second option is slightly more expensive aluminium framed self standing A Frame board which is better suited for outdoor use or in high wind or high traffic areas. It is a double sided display board and is available from Officeworks for $194. Once again, the price includes both the product and cost of printing. For the A Frame display board, please download the file called A-Frame-artwork.pdf

 Option 3 The third option and the cheapest, is a basic A0 or A1 poster printed by Officeworks and suitable for pinning up on a wall or similar. Officeworks advertise printing A1 posters (594x841mm) on plain 160gsm paper for $19 each or printing on better quality and more durable 200gsm gloss paper for $26 each. For a larger A0 poster (841x1189mm) Officeworks advertise they can print these on plain paper for $28 or on gloss paper for $36 If you wish to print the A0 or A1 posters, please download the file called Poster-artwork.pdf


This web page has been saved to preserve the history of the WIA Centenary Celebrations that took place in 2010. Registrations for the current National Field Day are available by clicking the following Link

Register your group today

Register your group, club or yourself as an individual participating in the event by completing the following form.
If you have any questions, please contact the WIA office on (03) 9729 0400

Files For Download

2010 Rules Version 4.2

2010 Checklist

Officeworks - Xbanner - Display banner artwork

Officeworks - A Frame - Display board artwork

Poster Artwork - For printing A0 and A1 posters

Page Last Updated: Saturday 11 February 2012 at 20:39 hours


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)