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Marconi 100 Year Celebration

Marconi Commemorative Award

Award Description

This certificate of recognition is available to all Radio Amateurs who submit evidence of having worked LF and MF stations using any modes as prescribed by the Advanced Licence LCD.


General Information for All Awards

1. VK applications must be made using the online award system. The LF Award Committee can provide support to migrate from existing Excel forms. The preferred format is .ADI format files.

2. Contacts for the awards must all be made from within the LF and MF bands.

3. Applicants are required to prove confirmation for all QSO's claimed by submitting an appropriate format log:

a. LF entity callsigns must be verified by you before award submission.
b. LOTW confirmations must be verified by yourself before award submission
c. eQSL confirmations must be verified by yourself before award submission
d. Physical QSL Cards must be verified by two licensed amateurs

4. A valid QSO, for LF/MF certification purposes:
  Any two-way LF or MF contact that has been confirmed
  Any LF/MF station heard and confirmed as a SWL

5. Prearranged contacts [skeds] or via 'nets' are acceptable if the other criteria are met.

6. All information supplied in an application for an award must be accurate and submitted in the spirit of the event.

7. Contacts must be logged in the format as instructed on each award application.

8. All QSO's claimed must be on bands/sub-bands/modes/power-levels permitted by the licensing authority for that class of license at the time of the contact.

9. All individual contacts must have been made using the same mode & band in both directions.

10. Club and Society Stations may also apply for awards. Certificates will be awarded to the Club. An officer of the club or society must sign the application, indicating their position

11. Applications that are considered unacceptable by the Awards Committee will be rejected and the applicant notified of the reason for rejection. The rejected application can be resubmitted once the reasons for rejection have been corrected. An application rejected three (3) times will not be further considered.

12. Decisions of the Awards Committee are final and not subject to dispute

13. Specific award rule variations may apply and are stated on that award page.

Rules applicable to All LF/MF Awards

1. The basic LF/MF award is available for confirming the highest number of LF/MF contacts in a specific period.

2. The W.I.A. LF/MF Honour Roll will be retained and published on the WIA Web site. The honour roll will be for all active LF during the specified award period.

3. A separate W.I.A. LF/MF Excellence achievement award is issued to applicants who have demonstrated they have contributed to the development of LF or MF technology or operating technique. A Plaque is available for this award. Contact Awards Manager for details.

4. LF/MF awards, participants and honour roll inclusions will be published in Amateur Radio Magazine and updated on the WIA website on a regular basis. If you do not want your call in the listing, then contact the awards manager.

5. For clarity, the ‘common’ name is used to indicate the type of modulation. Mode may be shown as the common name or the technical indicator on applications. If in doubt, contact the Awards Manager for clarification awards @

Rules specific to the LF Award

1. Contact & Confirm entities on any modes.

2. SWL activities are encouraged and special recognition for confirmed received contacts will made. An individual "most received stations award" will is issued.

3. WIA "Honour Roll" achievement is available.

4. WIA LF/MF Excellence" achievement is available

5. The commemoration will operate from the 0001UTC on the 1st September 2018 until the 30th September 2018.

Page Last Updated: Wednesday 1 August 2018 at 19:43 hours by Webmaster


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)