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Northern Territory Clubs

Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network Inc.


P O Box 41251
Casuarina NT 0812
Casuarina Northern Territory 0812



VK8RWI is the primary repeater for WICEN NT. However in times of emergency the Darwin Amateur Radio Club allow WICEN unlimited access to the clubs repeater network.


VK8RWI 439.975 MHz ( currently off air )
VK8RWI 146.800 MHz ( currently on test )

Located at WAGAIT BEACH. The repeater is a KENWOOD TKR-750 VHF transceiver running approx 20 watts . The antenna is a dual-band antenna with approx 5 Db gain. An access tone of 123Hz is required.

The UHF repeater is currently offline.

Wicen Broadcast, liaison and Emergency Use.


The club meets on air on the 2 Metre repeater on an as required basis. The annual AGM is held in the first half of the year.

Club Activities & Events

No events are planned at this time

Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network Inc. Meeting Location

Club Contact Details

Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network Inc.
P O Box 41251
Casuarina NT 0812
Casuarina Northern Territory 0812

Phone : 08 8931 1554
Email :


Peter Blackadder
Phone : 08 8931 1554
Email :

William (spud) Murphy VK8ZWM
Phone : VK8ZWM
Email :

William (spud) Murphy VK8ZWM
Phone : VK8ZWM
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 12:52 hours by Wicennt


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)