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Bookshop Information

Online Bookshop

Bookshop Lists

Shopping Cart

About The WIA Online Bookshop

Introducing The WIA Online Bookshop

The WIA online bookshop is a member service provided by the Wireless Institute of Australia for all Australian Amateurs.

In April 2019 the bookshop made a radical change to its business model. The bookshop will still stock and sell WIA publications and merchandise. These are available at member and non-member prices. The bookshop, however, will have no physical stock of books. It will provide links to large online bookstores. These offer the amateur the best possible pricing, and also usually offer a choice of new, hard-cover, paper-back, second-hand and eBook options.

It will be necessary for you to create an account at the book vendor if you wish to purchase a book.

Our Range Of Books

The online bookshop is now a "curated list" of recommended books. We will not be building a list of all AR books possible, but a list of those that are popular and good value for money.

The links to bookshops are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase books by following our links, the WIA will receive a small commission. Using these links means you can help the WIA earn a small income stream, at no cost to you.

If you believe a particular book should be on the list, but is not, we'd love to hear from you. Please send an email with the details of the book to addressed to

Purchasing From The Bookshop

Both WIA members and non members are able to purchase from the WIA online bookshop

For online books, follow the link to the book vendor, and select your book. You may have a choice of new, used or eBook. You will have to create an account at the vendor. Upon ordering, all delivery will be handled by the vendor.

For WIA publications and merchandise, see section below "How to Proceed . . ."

International Members

This online ordering process is for WIA members located within Australia, if you are an international WIA member and wish to purchase a publication from the WIA, please contact the WIA office by email nationaloffice @ or by telephone +61 3 9729 0400 - Note : Phone contact hours are 11am-4pm AEST/AED

How To Proceed With Your Purchase (of WIA publications and merchandise)

If you wish to proceed with the purchase of the books selected and placed in your cart, then from the shopping cart page click the button labeled "Go To Payments". You will be presented with an online form which you are required to complete, you will need to enter both your WIA membership number and the shipping and delivery details.

If you are not a WIA member please leave the membership number blank.

Once complete click "continue" and you will be taken to our the secure ecommerce site. You will be shown a summary of your order for your confirmation and you will be able to select your preferred payment method. We offer two payment options, Credit Card or Cheque.

If you are happy with your order, then please select your preferred method of payment and click "continue".

If you selected payment by cheque.
You will be presented with a order confirmation screen which will display your order number. It is important that you either print a copy of this screen -or- write down the order number as it is displayed. Please include this order number along with a cheque made out to the Wireless Institute of Australia mailed to the National WIA office at P.O. Box 2042 Bayswater 3153. Upon receipt of your cheque and order number, your order will be dispatched.

If you selected payment by credit card.
You will be presented with a secure credit card processing form. Please enter your credit card details on the form then hit continue to complete the transaction. You will be presented with an order confirmation screen again we suggest you print this screen for your records. You bookshop order will be dispatched by our bookshop team within seven working days.

Delivery of WIA publications and Merchandise

Bookshop orders will be despatched within seven days from the date your order is placed on the WIA online bookshop system. If you have chosen to pay by cheque, then please note that despatch will not occur until your cheque has reached the WIA office.

Further Inquiries

For all inquiries regarding the WIA bookshop, contact our bookshop staff by email

© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)