Author : Al Brogdon, W1AB Publisher : ARRL ISBN : 0-87259-974-4 EAN : 599741
Dimensions (cm) : 21.3(H) x 14.2(W) x 1.0(T) Weight (kg) : 0.20
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More and more ham radio operators are faced with installing equipment and antennas amid a flurry of modern day limitations. The need to operate a low profile Amateur Radio station may be imposed by the confines of a small home or apartment. Other hams are restricted by deeds or leases that regulate the size of the antenna they can install.
First edition readers will find this second edition contains ALL NEW material.
Low Profile Amateur Radio, second edition, includes the information you need to operate your station under many types of restrictive situations. Follow the easygoing discussions of Al Brogdon, W1AB, as he provides details for many real-life examples and techniques for a variety of low profile circumstances.
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
Low-Profile HF Antennas
Disguised Antennas
Indoor Antennas
Operating Modes and Tips
Antenna Tuners
Transmitter Output Power
Low-Profile VHF/UHF Antennas
Mobile Operating
...and more!