Author : Edmund Lai PhD, BEng Publisher : Newnes ISBN : 0750657987 EAN : 657983
Dimensions (cm) : 0.0(H) x 0.0(W) x 0.0(T) Weight (kg) : 0.00
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Ideal for a wide audience wanting to take advantage of the strong movement towards digital signal processing techniques in the engineering world
Includes numerous practical exercises and diagrams covering many of the fundamental aspects of digital signal processing
The aim of this book is to introduce the general area of Digital Signal Processing from a practical point of view with a working minimum of mathematics. The emphasis is placed on the practical applications of DSP: implementation issues, tricks and pitfalls. Intuitive explanations and appropriate examples are used to develop a fundamental understanding of DSP theory, laying a firm foundation for the reader to pursue the matter further. The reader will develop a clear understanding of DSP technology in a variety of fields from process control to communications.
Introduction; Converting Analog to Digital Signals and Vice Versa; Time Domain Representation; Frequency Domain Representation; DSP Application Examples; FIR Filter Design; Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter Design; Digital Filter Realisations; Digital Signal Processors; Hardware and Software Development Tools; Appendix A: Binary Encoding; Appendix B: Comparison Table; Appendix C: Specification Sheets; Appendix D: Practical Sessions.
Also available: Digital Signal Processing Technology, published by ARRL.