Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
Please.. If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links & url's.
rusty mcgrath vk4jm receives bundaberg senior citizen of the year award.
vk3ki wia president speaks
murray lewis vk3ezm is at the qnews workbench looking at very small radios.
WICEN Tasmania (South), assisted by other Amateurs, has been providing
support to the Tasmania Fire Service for the Wayatinah fire in the
Derwent Valley, since February One.
The fire involves over 6,000 hectares.
Fire fighting effort is divided into several sectors and has had multiple
helicopter support. An incident management team, IMT, was established at
Tas Fire Service at Cambridge.
WICEN supplies radio operators for the team.
Three shifts are worked each day, with some operators doing `doublers' or
`triplers'. The job involves contacts with IMT staff, helicopters, and
with Tas Fire, Forestry and Parks personnel on the fire ground. It includes
message passing and collating weather reports.
Each radio operating team of two includes at least one who has completed
training arranged by WICEN with the Tas Fire Service. This led to the awarding
of certificates of attainment PUAOPE002A Operate Communications Systems and
Equipment. The training recognised prior learning, satisfied by holding an
Amateur Operators Certificate of Proficiency, and thus was able to focus on
Fire Service systems, procedures and protocols.
The need for the training was highlighted during a previous WICEN activation
during the Wielangta Forest fires, and is consistent with the WIA emergency
radio operator training initiative.
The duration of the activation is yet to be determined.
Suitable volunteers are still being sought to assist experienced operators.
Contact should be to Stu VK7NXX on 6267-9537
(Roger VK7ARN)
At the 2010 Bundaberg Regional Council's Australia Day celebrations the
Mayor, Lorraine Pyefinch, presented John "Rusty" McGrath with the Bundaberg
Senior Citizen of the Year award.
In presenting the major Awards of the ceremony the Mayor made mention of the
personal sacrifice and years of voluntary service by the award recipients.
For those in the Bundaberg club they only need to read some club history to
know that when Rusty [ VK4JM ] was elected President in 2008 & again in 2009
it wasn't a matter of who can we get to do this job? It was a welcome home
for Rusty who had also been Club President 45 years ago.
Now nearing his 80th birthday Rusty must surely be one of the most active
presidents in amateur radio today and he leads the Bundy club by fine example.
Receiving this Australia Day Award goes part way to recognising a man who
gives to others.
He asks nothing from those who seek his tuition, his guidance or his services.
He inspires those at training sessions to want to excel.
The latest to become a WIA Supported Centenary Activity is the
Radio, Electronics & Astronomy Expo being held April 2, 3, 4 & 5
in the Old Bendigo Fire Station, View Street Bendigo.
The Midland Amateur Radio Club applied to the WIA Centenary Committee to
be part of the WIA's Centenary program.
It became the third to do so. The others being the VK9NA VK Microwave Group
VHF/UHF/Microwave DXpedition to Norfolk Island and the
Centre Victoria RadioFest at Kyneton on the 14th of February.
The WIA welcomes the association of such activities with the Centenary year
program. This gives those running such activities the ability to use the
WIA Centenary Logo in publicity material.
Full details of this arrangement can be found in the WIA Centenary section
of the WIA website, wia.org.au
Any club, group or individual seeking the WIA's support for an activity to
be associated with the Centenary Celebrations should contact the Centenary
Committee Chairman, David Wardlaw VK3ADW.
Either by email to centenary@wia.org.au or if you want to discuss a proposal
on the phone at 03 9857 8346
WIA Centenary Celebration - Canberra
Planning is well advanced for the WIA Centenary activities taking place in
Canberra, the nation's capital, over the weekend Friday 28 through Sunday 30
May 2010, the event being just part of the year-long WIA Centenary
Highlights of the weekend will include a series of presentations on the early
days of radio and a Saturday evening Centenary Dinner with local and overseas
dignitaries in attendance. The Friday evening program will include a guest
speaker followed by dinner at the Alto revolving restaurant at the
Black Mountain telecommunications tower.
The weekend is promising to be a truly memorable occasion.
Special event station VK100WIA will be operating from Rydges Lakeside over
the three days in conjunction with the WIA Centenary Award.
On Sunday there will be an opportunity to visit some of the many interesting
sights of Canberra there will be a BBQ lunch and a public display of amateur
(Robert Broomhead - VK3DN)
President Michael Owen VK3KI president@wia.org.au
Vice President Ewan McLeod VK4ERM vk4erm@wia.org.au
Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA secretary@wia.org.au
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ vk3pz@wia.org.au
Michael Owen VK3KI WIA President joins us:-
"Robert Broomhead VK3DN resigned as a director of the WIA with effect from
31 December 2009, leaving a vacancy on the Board.
That resignation was accepted with considerable regret, and an
acknowledgement of Robert's great contribution - not totally lost, as
Robert has continued to assist us in some areas.
Under the WIA Constitution, the Board is obliged to appoint a director to
take Robert's place for the balance of Roberts term.
The WIA Board has accordingly appointed Philip Adams VK3JNI a director for
the balance of Robert's term, which ends with the 2011 AGM.
Phil's background is technical, and more recently he has completed various
business qualifications.
He was first licensed in 1985 and has been a WIA member since then.
Since 1977 he has been a Scout leader, most recently as Training Officer with
the Scout Radio and Electronics Service Unit (Victoria).
He is a CFA Volunteer Firefighter with over 30 years experience, holding
Wildfire and Low Structure Certifications.
He was appointed a WIA Assessor in 2008 and a WIA Nominated Assessor last year
He brings to the WIA a mix of experiences, including firefighting and
extensive experience of working with young people, very valuable to the WIA
as we address the issues of emergency communications and seeks to attract
new and younger amateurs.
vk1 local news email broadcast@vk1.wia.ampr.org and ask for subscription.
Notice is hereby given of the annual general meeting of the members of
the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club Incorporated at Mount Mugga Scout Hall,
Astrolabe Street, Red Hill, Wednesday 24 February at 8.00PM.
(Trevor Jenner VK1FJET Secretary)
web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm
VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news
"Macquarie University Amateur Radio Club is seeking students, staff and
members of the Macquarie University community with an interest in electronics
or amateur radio to join us in establishing this exciting new club.
Macquarie is a centre of excellence in Wireless Engineering and we wish to
bring the world of amateur radio and all it offers to students and researchers
so if you, or if you know of anybody who is interested, particularly students,
please contact Adam - VK2JSI@MUARC.ORG or visit www.muarc.org."
Contact Adam VK2JSI by email. VK2JSI@MUARC.ORG or call 0415371990.
See also the Facebook page of the Macquarie University Amateur Radio Club,
February Meets include
Hornsby meeting on the 23rd.
Central Coast Centenary dinner at Wyong on Saturday evening 27, a joint
operation between the Central Coast ARC and Amateur Radio NSW.
It will commence at 6 pm.
For registration contact Brian Kelly VK2WBK 0400 445 829
Central Coast Centenary Field Day at Wyong on the 28th.
And now, news from Wagga Wagga.
Wagga Amateur Radio Club has recently commenced expanding and improving its
club repeaters in south western New South Wales. After many years of
discussing and planning we have now completed the first phase of the project.
This involved the installation of a new repeater on Mt Square Knob north of
Narrandera on 146.850 and linked with the Wagga repeater on 146.750. To cover
the eastern side of the area the link is continued on to the Tumut repeater
on 146.800 MHz. To access these repeaters you need to enable CTCSS on your
radio on the national frequency of 91.5 Hz. The IRLP node of 6260 is
accessible from any of these three sites.
The next phase will be the installation of two more repeaters that will be
linked with the existing three. One on Mt Galore near Lockhart in the far
south west and the other on Mt Bethungra near Cootamundra to the north east
of Wagga Wagga. It is hoped that this work will be completed by the middle of
this year.
When finished it will be possible for instance, to travel from Cootamundra
on the Olympic Way through to just north of Albury and from Tumut over to
Griffith and have mobile coverage most of the way.
For more information contact the Wagga club via its website at
And whilst on news from Wagga a special meeting of the Wagga Amateur Radio
Club will be held at the Leeton Scout Hall on Sunday 28th February
commencing at 11am. A sausage sizzle BBQ will be on offer as will tea and
coffee. If you are an amateur in the Leeton, Narrandera or Griffith areas or
interested in becoming one then why not come along and hear of the Wagga
club's plans . And for more information, contact me, John VK2YW at my email
address vk2yw@wia.org.au
73 from the Wagga Amateur Radio Club.
web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/
VKC Roundup http://www.police
Next months regular N.E.R.G. meeting is on Thursday 11th March, starting
7:45pm at the Briar Hill Community Hall, 126 Mountain View Rd.
Simon VK3ZNT...
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Oxfam Trailwalker is on again and I need your help.
The Oxfam Trailwalker Event will be held on April 16-17-18 over the
same course as last year.
As you are aware this event runs continuously over three days and is one
of the most hungry man hour events that WICEN is involved in.
We are once again requesting your help in running the safety and
logistic communications for this event as you have most generously given
of your time and skills in the past.
We are requesting an early indication as to whether you are able to
assist as this event requires a lot of planning.
We would appreciate it if you would reply by email or phone as soon as
you decide one way or the other.
Would you kindly indicate the days and times that you will be available?
Simon VK3ZNT".
(0418190637 simon@nga.net.au)
web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm
local news email qnews-vk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
VKR Roundup http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+and+Alerts/Media+Releases/
Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP and I would like
to welcome you to amateur radio.
There are people listening to this broadcast who are not "official"
hams, at this stage. Whether you are into scanning or shortwave
listening, TV DX or computer wide area networks you have already started
the journey through hobby electronics. Amateur radio is the experimental
area that not only allows you to receive but also transmit and as you
decide to progress you can build rather than buy your equipment. From
analogue to digital, from the simple chat to the esoteric mysteries of
software defined radios, weak signal operations and satellite
communications, amateur radio has it all.
Over the years, I have known people who have suffered illness that
prevented their getting "on air" on the ham bands. These days we have
our entry licence that will permit most people to taste the thrill of
having their own radio station. This year, 2010 is the 100th anniversary
of the foundation of organised amateur radio in Australia. The Wireless
Institute of Australia has a hundred years of tradition to share with us.
Come and join us in celebrating this birthday and join the great hobby
of amateur radio. For more information, check the WIA web pages
For QNews, I'm Geoff, VK4ZPP.
Trevor Taege, VK4BAT
I'm Trevor Taege, VK4BAT with the news from the Gympie Communications &
Electronics Group:
The Clubroom Search Continues: We have unfortunately heard that we will not
be moving into the old QR buildings as they have decided to follow a more
commercial and profitable path and lease the buildings to another party. So
we continue to work with Local Council in the search for a new home.
The Gympie two metre repeater being temporarily decommissioned at the end of
February was the main topic of discussion at the last Club meeting on the
4th of February. We hope to have a stand-by repeater in operation for the
time required to build and relocate a new device. At this stage, a previously
used site at Mt. Boulder is the favoured spot but the final decision is yet
to be made. Wet weather access and the extreme high commercial RF levels at
that site will be the main challenges. We will keep you posted.
The Gympie Regional Council and local emergency services in conjunction with
the Gympie Communications & Electronics Group will be holding a simulated
cyclone emergency field day in June. Early planning is already underway to
represent Amateur Radio communication and to demonstrate our independence and
versatility to assist in times of failure or overload of the normal
communication lines. More information as details develop.
For Gympie Area News, I'm Trevor Taege, VK4BAT.
G'day all, this is Dale VK4DMC on behalf of the Tablelands Radio and
Electronics Club.
An interesting net has started up this way in Far North Queensland on
7.093 MHz starting at 0600 UTC.
Simply called the AFTERNOON NET it is proving to be a great place to meet up
with hams from around the north of the state.
It was kicked off by Ray VK4NET along with Len VK4CWM as a net where hams
from FNQ, NQ and indeed anywhere else can get together for some friendly
interaction. Simple guidelines ensure that the net is enjoyable for all who
join in. Many and varied topics are discussed along with the latest happenings
around individuals shacks.
So if you are free in the afternoons please check in and say G'Day.
There is no set net-controller just who ever wants to do the job on the day
can chair the group.
This has been Dale VK4DMC for the Tableland Radio and Electronics Club.
4773 1196 or 0408 001142
po box 333 Garbutt East, QLD 4814
This Tuesday February 16th the TARC Social Evening will be happening
at the Club Rooms atop SES HQ Green Street West End from 7-30pm.
Come along and lend a helping hand to put the magazine of renown,
Back-Scatter together and socialise with fellow hams. Its the first social
club meeting for the year and all are very welcome !
The TARC Inc will be energising callsign VK4WIT from the field during the
2010 John Moyle Field Day, with a station located at Bluewater Scout
Den - just a short 20 minutes drive north along the Bruce Highway from the
Thuringowa CBD.
Camp out over the weekend or trundle along that mobile home or caravan
you have been hiding or even pitch the li-lo or swag in the Den.
Turn up for a day or an evening and experience field operations running on
emergency power under the big sheltered Bluewater Scout Den.
Bring your batteries, generators, radios and field antennae for a great
weekend out in the bush socialising, swimming in nearby Bluewater Creek,
checking the pots for Redclaw and, oh yes - doing some radio operating
during the Contest.
VK4WIT will be at the Den from Friday evening March 19th until
Sunday lunchtime March 21st.
Contact TARC Contest Manager Richard VK4FRJG on 0400339543
for further details or let him know you are going along.
A very special event is happening this afternoon in the wilds of the
Atherton Tablelands when Ken VK4HAI gets married to the lovely Krystal-Lee.
These high altitude TARCadians, who hail from Mareeba, will be tying
the knot in the Yungaburra Chapel. We send a hearty congratulations
to you both and you have happiness forever.
In VK6 it is a quiet week, which gives you a chance to prepare for the
Hills Amateur Radio group swapmeet which is on Saturday February 27th at
their club rooms on the corner of Sanderson and Brady Rds Lesmurdie.
Sellers set up from 12pm, buyers admitted from 2pm, entry fee is $2.
There will be a limited amount of WIA 2010 centenary call books for sale
so get in quick. A sausage sizzle and raffle are also being run.
local area news :- http://reast.asn.au/news.php
vk7 local news, email vk7regionalnews-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Club Archive Proposals
It has been proposed to build an archive of NWT-ATV Group history, activity
and involvement over the last 35 or so years since the North West ATV Group
first became active early in the 1970's.
Some of the activities were installation of the Solar Powered ATV Repeater
on Mt. Duncan, The 1990 World Rowing championships and 2 subsequent
National Rowing Championships, ATV at HamFests, through to some recent
events such as The Marconi Centenary and the International Space Station
communications with the Devonport High Schools in 2007.
(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)
Annual General Meeting
The REAST AGM will start at 11am on Sunday the 21st of February following the
broadcast at the Queen's Domain Clubrooms.
There will be a BYO BBQ after the AGM.
All committee positions are open for nomination and nomination forms can be
found at the clubrooms or on the REAST website.
(REAST Committee)
Here is some news from the Darwin amateur radio club
if you are in Darwin anytime come along to the club meetings on the first
Wednesday of the month. meetings are held at our clubrooms at sports house
Waratah crescent Fannie bay. meetings start at 7pm.
we also have a weekly gathering of members and interested people Thursday
mornings between 10 am and around noon again at the clubrooms for a cuppa,
chat and tinker.
An auction of pre loved gear is pencilled in for the April meeting, time to
clean out your shack and bring it down to the clubrooms for the auction.
The Darwin Amateur Radio Club Inc is participating in the East point Military
Museums Open Day celebrations to mark the start of the Bombing of Darwin Week.
that is TODAY Sunday 14th of February between 9am and 4 pm with a special
event station VK8DA portable.
The Club will be operating portable on 20m around 14.175Mhz and IRLP node
#6343 which is on the Darwin city repeater 147.000Mhz from the military
museum grounds.
The club may be displaying some WW2 radio sets and associated bits and pieces
as well.
Please drop in and say Gday or give us a call at "VK8DA Portable" on either
the repeater or 20m.between 9am and 4pm central standard time today.
A qsl card will be prepared for the event.
I'm spud vk8zwm on behalf of the Darwin amateur radio club.
At the Central Coast Centenary Field Day at Wyong on the 28th of Feb will be
provision to sit for any grade of exams.
For registration for the exams contact Brian Kelly VK2WBK 0400 445 829
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania 10th Model Makers and
Collectors Exhibition Will happen on the 20-21 March at Derwent Entertainment
REAST has attended these exhibitions and presented amateur radio to the
public before and say the exhibition is a great chance for REAST to show
Hobartians how dynamic and interesting our hobby is.
From emergency communications, TARGA comms, satellites, Amateur Radio on the
International Space Station, DXpeditions, morse code, packet, optical
communications, amateur radio direction finding, mobile and portable
operation, EchoLink, ATV, the list is endless and it makes for some great
demonstrations at the exhibition.
If you would like to be involved then contact President Gavin VK7HGO or a
committee member ASAP.
(Cheers, Gavin, President, VK7HGO)
Seeing radio waves with a light bulb
In an article from "Make" magazine, Diana Eng, KC2UHB demonstrates how, by
using a low power amateur radio transmitter and a simple light bulb receiver
circuit, we see how radio waves and electromagnetic induction transmit energy
and signals wirelessly through the air.
We also see how dipole and Yagi antennas radiate their energy in different
Now visit the Make website and see how to build your own dipole receiving
Remembering the unit men - Watt
Hello I'm Jim Linton VK3PC with another in a series of brief looks at
those who made discoveries and have their names as units of measurement.
Scotsman James Watt born in 1736 displayed an aptitude for mathematics,
showed great manual dexterity and after the loss of both parents did not
attend school regularly but travelled to London to study instrument-making
for a year.
On his return to Scotland he faced a barrier with his qualification not
being locally recognised, however he was befriended by a couple of
influential professors at the University of Glasgow who allowed him to set
up a small workshop.
He was an inventor very skilled with his hands enabling him to make
scientific measurements and many substantial contributions to the
industrial revolution, such as the Watt steam engine.
Watt led the way to changes in the generation and application of power.
Watt gained recognition as a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and
the Royal Society of London, plus membership of bodies in France and The
The memory of this significant figure in the history of technology lives
on through statues, memorials, institutions and even street names.
At the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960, the Watt
was incorporated into the International System of Units.
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.
Scanner radio news
From New Zealand comes a report that a scanner radio listener has caused a
family a lot of unnecessary grief.
After hearing police radio traffic about the death of a forestry worker,
the listener then took it upon themself to telephone who they thought was
the family of the deceased to tell their loved one had died.
This negligent and most inappropriate action not only caused a family much
distress, but diverted police resources need to reassure them that it was
not their relative who had been killed by a fallen tree.
Police have severely criticised the scanner listener, though it is not
known if criminal charges will follow.
A new secure digital police radio system now operating in Wellington will
be rolled out during this year and put an end to eavesdropping on police
At the request of the Spain's national ham radio society the Spanish
Director General of Telecommunications has permitted the use of 160 meter
Top Band in certain contests. In all, some seven contest periods through
the end of the year will permit Spanish hams the use of 1810 to 2000
kHz. A complete listing will soon be on-line at the society's website at
From the Weird 'N Wonderful file - hello I'm Jim Linton VK3PC.
The name Frank Shailor is little known technician who invented the modern
electric toaster back in 1909, some two decades before slice bread.
While most of us enjoy toast, the kitchen toaster can't cope with the wide
variety of bread available. Fire authorities blame the variable of
moisture content in bread for causing many household blazes - and they can
be problematic with some smoke detectors.
But it now appears that the smell of burnt toast, or even worse a fire,
could be a thing of the past for those who switch up to a see-through
This new development has double-insulated clear glass on both sides giving
a panoramic view of each slice as it toasts.
The technology used is to use quartz elements in the corner of the toaster
and the heat evenly radiates across the bread. You can actually watch it
The see-through toaster can also easily handle crumpets, muffins,
croissants and even hot cross buns now available in your local
It does come with a hefty price tag of around $500 - wonder if it can be
claimed as a fire protection device on home insurance policies.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
Sorta puts the Russel Hobbs to shame! hihi
details on nzart.org.nz/contests
details on hfcc.org/hfcc/rule/2009/beru.shtml
Mar 20-21 WIA John Moyle Field Day
details from vk4ae@hotmail.com
APR 30 - MAY 6 Westlakes CQ Repeater contest
May 8 WIA VK Trans Tasman 80m Phone
Bruce Renn vk3jwz@wia.org.au
Jun 12 WIA VK Trans Tasman 160m Phone
Bruce Renn vk3jwz@wia.org.au
Jun 12-13 WIA Worked All VK Shires
Jun 19-20 WIA WINTER VHF-UHF Field Day
John Martin VK3KM tac@wia.org.au
Jul 10tbc WIA Jack Files Contest
John Spooner vk4ajs@wia.org.au
Aug 14-15 WIA Remembrance Day Contest
Peter Harding vk4od@wia.org.au
Oct 2- 3 WIA Oceania DX Contest Phone
Tony Burt vk3tz@wia.org.au
Oct 9-10 WIA Oceania DX Contest CW
Tony Burt vk3tz@wia.org.au
NOV 20-21 WIA Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
John Martin VK3KM tac@wia.org.au
2010 VK/ trans-Tasman Contests
10th anniversary of the VK/ trans- Tasman Contests.
80M on SAT 8th May, and 160M on SAT 12th June.
Two major changes that come to mind during that time were the introduction
of the 160 Metres Contest, and the deletion of the CW Category. The
adoption of the VLCL logging program as the preferred system, also seems to
have been embraced by most operators.
The Contests have been fine-tuned and tweaked most years, to improve, make
fairer, and to accommodate change .
The trophies have got bigger, and the number of Certificates issued has
The workload of the Contest Manager was becoming a burden, but the demise
of the CW Category, and the assistance of Rob Glassey (ZL3AKM), who is now
checking the ZL logs, has reduced the workload. Rob also helped with the
VK logs and log receipt replies, while Bruce Renn the contest manager was
overseas last year.
Make your preparations well in advance. Get your gear up to scratch, and
those Multi-operators planning a night out on a hill or an island, - do
your logistics.
These Contests are for your enjoyment and to stimulate the hobby they are
good fun for all levels of operator, and undoubtedly the best there is for
VK's and ZL's.
Have a ball in 2010 !
Bruce Renn (VK3JWZ) - Contest Manager
New Zealand's VHF Field Day in December proved a huge success and with the
exception of VK4 contact was made with all VK states along with VK1.
6 and 2 meters saw ZL4AA take out the prize!
Greatest distance on 6 was ZL2KO to VK6KDX some 5397 km
On 3 cm (10.3 GHz) some 121 kms ZL1AA to ZL1BQ.
hf nets ON the net, www.timroberts-vk4yeh.id.au/
EI2GBW, Ireland to Great Britain Ferry Celebrations ends March 31 2010
GB2EI, Great Britain to Ireland Ferry Celebrations ends March 31 2010
VI3KIAH acknowledging Black Saturday Bush Fires 2pm to 8pm local Feb 7 2010
QSL delivery at Ross
Norm VK7AC and Brian VK7RR have collated many 1000s of QSL card for amateurs
across VK7 and these will be brought to Ross at the Meet the Voice BBQ
March 21 for distribution to the amateur in question or to a nearby amateur
for delivery.
(73, VK7AC & VK7RR)
VK6DS David is in the Solomon's until April.
He advised NewsWests VK6KAD that he obtained H44DS and is operating now until
April 2010.
He cannot give a Schedule as it will be an "as possible operation" but
initially he will be looking for 40, 20 and 6 metres.
Listen out and work him.
The FISTS Military Appreciation Award
The North American FISTS CW Club has announced a new operating achievement
award, the USA FISTS Military Appreciation Award.
To earn the award, make 2-way CW QSOs with 100 FISTS members who are
U.S. military veterans or currently serving in the U.S. military.
Logs must include station worked: Call, Name, Date, Band, FISTS Number, and
Branch of Military Service. Each FISTS number may be worked only once for one
Remember that it is the FISTS NUMBER that counts not the call sign.
For more information on this award take a look at the website
The Times newspaper in the UK reports that scientists warn solar activity
could hit the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The story was headlined "Solar firestorm threat to 2012 Games".
It describes the possibility that television and Internet networks could be
disrupted by solar activity - 2012 will be near the peak of the 11 year
solar cycle.
Spaceweather reports that the sudden emergence of big sunspot 1045 over last
weekend caused a sharp uptick in solar activity.
The active region produced three M-class and almost a dozen C-class solar
flares with the strongest blast, an M6-class eruption Sunday 7 hurling a
coronal mass ejection toward Earth.
Even before last weekend the ISES solar cycle number sunspot progression
chart showed a long-awaited upturn.
The chart has been updated with sunspot data up until January 10 and can be
seen on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / Space
Weather Prediction Centre website
Sounds and images may be found at http://spaceweather.com.
You can see a video of the sun and images of a Solar Magnetic Storm along
with the online version of the Times story at
QNEWS WORK BENCH - Smaller and smaller radios
Perhaps some old-timers remember when they purchased a truly portable 2 metre
rig, such as the IC215, about the size of two house bricks and weighing
1.9 Kg. A few years later, the smaller FT208R came on the market - this time
about half the size and half the weight. With the arrival of the FT 26
however, hams were relieved that a 'small' handheld had been achieved.
Measuring just 55 mm by 146 mm by 33 mm, and weighing 430 gm, this 2 metre
handheld was able to carried everywhere.
Today, a new generation of small handhelds are available from all the well
known manufacturers - handhelds such as the Icom IC-7A.
Some of these dual-band 2 metre/70 centimetre radios, which include a broad
range of receiver frequencies, are only slightly larger than a credit card
even though capable of nearly 2 watts on transmit.
But just how small will radios become?
Recently physicists at the University of California, America, announced they
had constructed 'a fully functional, fully integrated radio receiver,
orders-of-magnitude smaller than any previous radio'. Constructed from a
single carbon nanotube, the radio is less than a micron long and only
10 nanometers wide, or 10,000 times thinner than a single human hair.
A matching ultra-miniature transmitter is planned to be built soon.
Go to the Nanotube Radio Website to read about the radio, view videos that
were photographed through a high resolution electron microscope, and listen
to the receiver in action as it plays 'Good Vibrations' by the Beach Boys.
Google the website and see for yourself
I'm Murray Lewis VK3EZM and you're listening to the VK1WIA broadcast.
Rewind a look back at our history through the serialised written history
by WIA Centenary Committee member Peter Wolfenden VK3RV with assistance of
others, that is being published in the WIA journal Amateur Radio magazine.
An era or intrigue and struggle: Within the groups of experimenters in most
States in the 1920s there were those who sensed the commercial possibilities
of the "new science" and naturally, differences arose with conflicting
Some felt that their local society should become the backbone of a fledgling
professional organisation while others had an interest in wireless solely
as private experimenters - a hobby or part-time interest.
In New South Wales and to a lesser extent in other States, some were
responsible for focusing the organisation towards one catering to the needs
of a new emerging broadcasting industry.
In 1932, following a period of inconvenience and indeed confusion for many
amateur experimenters, the "professional members" took over the Wireless
Institute of Australia in New South Wales.
Much of the instability was due to the admission of voting,
"non-transmitting experimenters" to Institute membership and issues
surrounding "non-electricians" dealing with 240v AC mains power.
This culminated in the licensed transmitting experimenters losing control
of their own organisation.
Thankfully the turmoil in New South Wales resolved itself. The wireless
experimenters were able to re-form nationally as the Wireless Institute of
Australia; and the Institution of Radio Engineers became Australia's
professional radio organisation.
(Extract #3 from the serialised history being published in the WIA journal
Amateur Radio magazine)
Today is the WIA 100 Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 3.
Hills Amateur Radio Group Swap Meet 2pm Sanderson and Brady Rds Lesmurdie.
Wyong Field Day, Wyong Race Course.
Yarra Valley Hamfest http://www.yarravalley.ar.org.au/
Eastern And Mountain District Radio Club White Elephant Sale
100 years of the WIA+Ham Heaven Official opening. (NCRG club premises)
Contact Keith vk6rk@wia.org.au
Midland Amateur Radio Club's Radio, Electronic & Astronomy Expo.
Venue to be advised.
Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club's 35th Annual Field Day.
GGREC Hamfest Start Time : 10:00
Oct 29 - 31
VK1OOWIA Westlakes ARC during our WIA centenary celebrations.
2010 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood
15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.
JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012
MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
YL International 2012 Australia (vk5tmc@bigpond.com)
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.