Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
Email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
WINTER VHF-UHF Field Day Results
Robotics Fun Day
WIA Queensland Club President's lunch
The 50 MHz Channel 0 transmissions in southern NSW were terminated last month.
It included the main transmitter at Mt. Ulandra and translators at Cooma and
This leaves the final transmission in the country which is the translator
located within Tamworth. It too will soon be a thing of the past
Robotics Fun Day
As part of Australian Engineering Week, Macquarie University is hosting an
afternoon of robotics fun and learning.
Robot enthusiasts of all ages are welcome to join in the fun.
Sunday 5th of August, 2pm - 4pm Building E7B Internal Courtyard,
Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney.
For more information follow the links under news and events at:
(sourced to Richard VK2SKY)
Confidence of a record ILLW year
With nearly 340 registrations so far in the 15th annual International
Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend in August, what will be the lucky 400th
We have seen the Moritzburg light in Germany score the 100th followed by
Point Fermin in the USA as 200th and St Tudwal?s lighthouse in Wales as
the 300th.
Organisers of the fun event held on the third weekend of August are ready
for the 400th registration and as it seeks to break last year's record of
470 from 55 countries.
Several nations are meeting their total at this time with a virtual flood
of registrations in the final weeks.
To register online, read the guidelines, check on tallies or see the
statistics, visit the website ILLW.NET
The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend will be held on August
18 and 19.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
About 2 weeks ago several club members were addressed by a pirate station
on the Redcliffe repeater. The station was using the call sign, VK4NFL.
You will be pleased to know that the ACMA who have located the station and
the matter is now in the hands of the Commonwealth legal authorities.
President Michael Owen VK3KI president@wia.org.au
Vice President Phil Wait VK2ASD vk2asd@wia.org.au
Secretary Sarah Thompson VK3AUD secretary@wia.org.au
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ vk3pz@wia.org.au
21st of July saw the WIA Queensland Club President's lunch hosted by the
Hervey Bay Amateur Radio Club.
We are now joined by QAC Member Don Wilschefski VK4BY.
"Michael Owen spoke about the WIA participation in the World Radio
Conferences. It is very important to participate in the process leading to
major international meetings to ensure amateur radio interests are protected.
The WRC and other meetings are held in Geneva in Switzerland.
The issues discussed were:
Amateur allocation below 500kHz made at WRC - 12.
A proposal from Cuba at WRC- 12 for a secondary amateur allocation around
5.25 to 5.45 MHz is now on the agenda for the next WRC in 2015. This will
be very difficult.
Threats to amateur bands from other proposals to WRC 15.
Michael Owen is seeking feedback from members on its commitment to
representing the amateur service in work associated with the WRC.
Loss of 420-430 Mhz. From 1ts January 2013 this band segment will no longer
be available at least for general amateur use. The main users at the moment
are some 70 licensed repeater links, with 35 licensees. The WIA is
coordinating the frequency changes. Only 3 other countries in the world have
an amateur allocation in this segment.
ACMA. ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) is very busy with
400Mhz frequency reallocations at the moment and delays are occurring with
frequency approvals for repeaters etc. delays of 3 months are experienced.
As the Amateur LCD will require amendment to deal with the changes to the
420 430 MHz sub-band and the new allocation below 500 kHz, the WIA hoped that
the power limit for advanced licensees could be changed at the same time, as
the higher power trial had not revealed any real problems."
Those who take the local VK4 news, QNEWS, will hear much more of the
President's Lunch when Don VK4BY re-joins for today's edition. Listen hear:-
web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm
VKG Roundup http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news
Email Address : r_demkiw@yahoo.com.au
Today Sunday 29 of July, the Homebrew Group will be holding their bi monthly
technical meeting at Dural. This meeting will be after the Trash and Treasure,
at 1pm.
At the meeting Mark Blackmore VK2XOF the Dural Engineer will be discussing
switch mode power supplies. The talk will be about conversion of surplus
switching power supplies to amateur use.
Everyone is invited and if you are new to the hobby, then get along and see
how you can make your own equipment. If you are old to the hobby, then
see what you have been missing.
1 pm at the transmitter site, 63 Quarry Road Dural.
(sourced to vk2wi)
web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/
Meetings with speakers introduced
The first quarterly meeting with a speaker is to be held by Amateur Radio
Victoria in August.
The Tuesday nights of August 14 and November 13 have been chosen in addition
to February 10 during the Centre Victoria RadioFest and the Annual General
Meeting on May 14.
The speaker nights on the 3rd Tuesday of August and November start at 8pm,
and the speaker session will follow to AGM in May, are held at 40g Victory
Boulevard, Ashburton.
The first will be the popular Mark Tell who brings the very latest from the
ACMA world of radio inspectors.
The varied work they do to track down interference, as well as ensure that
all spectrum users are aware of the regulations.
Put it in your calendar now, Tuesday August 14 at 40g Victory Boulevard,
Ashburton, 8pm for the Amateur Radio Victoria speaker night.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to qnews@wia.org.au
send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/
get local audio news www.wiaq.org.au/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3
get local news emailed qnews-vk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
TARC WIA Exams Information
Exam sessions in the North Queensland region are held on demand with WIA
Assessors. Assessment packs are available for all 3 levels of licensing.
Contact theTARCinc WIA Exam Regional Co-ordinator Ray/VK4NET on home phone
4723 4351 to have a mutually suitable date and WIA Assessor assigned to you.
(sourced to TARC newsletter)
This year the Ipswich and District Radio Club celebrates 50 years since the
club was established in 1962.
To mark this significant event in the club's history a celebration dinner
will be held on Saturday August 25 in the functions rooms of the Ipswich
Turf Club.
More details will be posted on the club website www.vk4wip.com in the days
ahead, or contact club treasurer John Edwards VK4IE to reserve your seat and
arrange payment. (Phone 07 3379 6296 or jkedw@bigpond.com)
Hear more on QNEWS,
vk7 local news, email vk7regionalnews-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania Inc.
August Presentation - Homebrewing the Electrochemical Way!
Ever wanted to try your hand at Chemistry? Well, the August presentation may
just be up your alley! Mike Harris formerly VK7ACQ was a Chemist in the dim
dark past and has been doing some experimenting with homebrewing
electrochemical apparatus.
Mike has homebrewed such a cell from a modified arc welder and other items
to produce such a functioning cell.
This should be a fascinating presentation and one to warm your homebrewing
When - 1 August 2012 from 7:30pm
Where - Queen's Domain Clubrooms.
Hello this is Spud VK8ZWM from the Darwin Amateur Radio club.
Firstly our weekly gatherings on a Thursday morning between 10 and 12 at the
clubrooms in sport's house waratah crescent Fannie Bay continue with a steady
stream of members and visitors to the top end.
The next gathering of the Darwin Amateur Radio Club will be on the first of
August at 7pm. The evening will start with a Special General Meeting to
approve the constitutional amendments that the committee have pored over for
several months and not put to the vote. We need at least 20 members there or
by signed proxy vote for the amendments to pass.
Following will be a discussion about the clubs entry into the RD contest and
the International Lighthouse weekend. Also up for discussion is the Swap Meet
being held on the holiday Monday the 6th of August. Sellers arrive around
8am Doors open at 9am, tables $5.00 each BBQ lunch, The after lunch activity
will be an auction of donated items. For further information or to book a
table, contact Alan VK8AB.
That's it from me Spud VK8ZWM for now, remember keep an ear out for VK8DA in
the RD especially on 40
What use is an f-call? (20120226 on July 22)
(Past editions of What use is an f-call can be found online at harg.org.au
under F-troop.)
The joys of Amateur Radio involve the mystical ability of a piece of wire to
resonate and transmit our voice or other data across the radio air-waves.
It's a tricky business which involves the length of the wire, it's proximity
to other objects and the difference in impedance between the wire and the
radio. Having all the information in one place seems to be a challenge and
each amateur you speak to has a whole set of personal experience which may or
may not contradict the experience of the next amateur you speak with.
I just spent a very enjoyable hour and a half speaking with several other
amateurs in a group discussion about the challenge one amateur was having
with their multi-band HF antenna.
It goes a little like this:
You have a multi-band antenna and you pull it out of its packaging, only to
find that you need to tune the thing. So you read the instructions which say
that you should start with the shortest length, tune that, then work your way
up. It even tells you how to set-up your antenna while you're doing this. Of
course, nothing is ever that simple. Once you've tuned it, you climb on your
roof, bolt the contraption in place and find that nothing is the same. Worse
still, you really need to be in two places at the same time, at your antenna
analyser on the ground and at your antenna on the roof.
Simple, you just get two people, only, the person on the roof and the
aluminium antenna that got them there affect the antenna. So, you need an
RF invisible person and a wooden ladder, or you just need more help, more
calculations, or more patience.
So, now you've got this magic gadget pretty close, but you still have more
hair to loose. The antenna rusts, conductivity changes, you name it.
This to me is what the thrill of Amateur Radio is all about, experimentation
and learning, interacting with others and trying stuff. My recommendation if
you're ever pulling out your hair, remember, Amateur Radio is older than you.
There are many people around who have gone this path before, so don't
re-invent the wheel, ask another amateur, you're likely to find someone who
has done what you're trying and has solved the problem before.
I'm Onno VK6FLAB
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, ARVictoria and the WW sources of the WIA.
Last week we made mention of the forthcoming August 5 implosion of the old
NewsTalkZB Christchurch building, not occupied since the 2011 Quake
The contractor responsible for the implosion of Christchurch's Radio Network
House has high hopes for large bids being placed for the rights to push the
The Trade Me auction has already reached over $6700, with the money raised
going towards the rebuild of the Issac Theatre Royal.
Thai radio operators make their case at public hearing
More than a thousand representatives from broadcast radio stations in
Thailand attended a NBTC public hearing about draft radio rules.
It is reported police intervened during the heated hearing.
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) say there
are 7,000 registered radio operators in Thailand airing programmes on the
AM and FM radio frequencies.
New DXCC entity Kosovo soon?
Almost four and a half years after obtaining its independence the Kosovo,
former province of Serbia, shall receive its full sovereignty in September.
This was decided by the International Steering Group, as the Austrian
Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger announced in Vienna last Monday.
Accordingly, the group decided to end international supervision with
immediate effect to support the independence of Kosovo.
25 countries are belonging to the International Steering Group, including
Germany and most other EU countries, the United States and Turkey.
The concept of "supervised independence" was invented by the former Finnish
UN Special Envoy for Kosovo Martti Ahtisaari. The meeting of the group in
Vienna was attended also by the Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.
A radio signal being transmitted out of a USA submarine base is likely behind
reports of garage doors failing to open and close in southeastern
Connecticut, the U.S. Navy said.
The signal is part of the radio system used by the military to coordinate
responses with civil emergency workers, said a spokesman for the submarine
Because garage door openers are unlicensed devices, they are not offered any
protection from interference by licensed users in the same frequency band.
The problem, first reported by The Day of New London, is that the same
frequency is used at very low levels by the manufacturers of garage door
openers. The signals from remote controls to open or close the doors are
blocked by the signal from the base.
Calgary police in Canada have created a special unit to target copper wire
thieves as the number of thefts continues to rise.
Last month, the CBC was hit when $50,000 worth of copper wire was stolen from
its transmitter site in southwest Calgary.
The price of the metal is rising and so are the number of thieves hoping to
cash in. Offenders see the crime as extremely high reward, they can easily
steal copper and turn it around for cash and they see it as low risk because,
typically, in the past they have not been arrested and the courts have not
looked at copper theft with the magnitude they do now."
Flooding hits Chinese capital
Heavy rain, described as the worst in the area in more than 60 years, hit
Beijing last week reportedly killing 37 people.
The commercial communication was operating as normal in the urban area.
As part of their service to the community radio amateurs using VHF and UHF
radios reported from the disaster areas, and participated in the actions
to help people back home.
Beijing hosted the 2008 Olympic Games and more heavy rain is expected across
parts of China.
The IARU society, Chinese Radio Sports Association CRSA, takes part in an
annual disaster drill as it prepare for disasters.
(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
and Bin Fan B1HAM (text edition only))
British Telecom is taking on copper cable thieves.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Jim Damron, N8TMW, has the details:
A new tool has been unveiled in the United Kingdom to literally
locate copper wire thefts as they are taking place.
Called the Rapid Assessment British Telecom Incident Tracker or
RABIT, this computer based program has the ability to monitor all
120 million kilometres of cable on British Telecom's phone network.
RABIT is a real-time system based on a neural
network that has been trained to sense the
difference between a telecommunications cable
being severed and a cable that has gradually
failed. It does this by undertaking line tests
and bandwidth measurements to home in on a
tell-tale signature of a cable cut. This event
data is then immediately plugged into an incident
monitoring system which gives British Telecom's
security staff a national view of trouble spots
on its networks, including cyber-attacks.
I'm Jim Damron, N8TMW, in Charleston, West Virginia, reporting.
The industrial scale theft of copper telecommunications cables is a
massive world-wide problem. In the UK alone, cable worth 770 million pounds
was stolen from overhead and buried telephone lines and railway signalling
systems in 2011.
According to the ARRL, an executive order dealing with telecommunications
poses no threat to the amateur radio service.
Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, reports:
On Friday, July 6th the White House released an
Executive Order signed by President Obama that
addresses the National Security and Emergency
Preparedness communications functions of the
federal government. Contrary to some concerns
raised in a few amateur radio circles, the order
does not appear to contain any threat to the
Amateur service or its ability to continue
support communications during times of emergency
or disaster. It also poses no threat to hams for
continued access to their spectrum.
For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, Scottsdale, Arizona.
N1ND says that a good summary of the content of the Order can be found at
A Haitian radio station in Montreal, Canada, has
been hit by arsonists. This, after hosts
criticized the country's former dictator.
CPAM 1610 AM was set ablaze following calls by
show hosts for a criminal trial for Jean-Claude
Duvalier, who returned to that nation last year.
CPAM's north-end administrative offices were
partially destroyed and the studio suffered water
damage, rendering it useless. A spokesperson for
the Montreal fire department said the front
window of CPAM 1610's studio was smashed and a
fire lit near the broken glass at about 4 a.m.
Monday July 2nd. Another fire was started at the
back of the second floor where the station's office is located, he said.
Engineers had the station back on the air about
10 hours after the attack from an alternate
studio location. According to its management,
CPAM is a beacon for the more than 100,000
Haitian expatriates in Montreal who form the
largest such community in Canada.
Italy is shutting down its famed National Sound Archives.
This as a likely result of the continuing economic downturn
that has hit many European nations.
On July 6th, a simple 12 line document was signed
by the government to shut down the archive of
priceless audio history dating back to the dawn
of the machine recording. According to one
source there are close to half a million
recordings housed in the Italian archive.
The big concern now among preservationists is
that unless another such museum such as the
United States Library of Congress takes over the
Italian archive, that it could wind up being sold
off on the streets or on an on-line auction site,
piece by piece. More is on-line at
And finally this week the story of an inquisitive
pre-teen who has his first experience with ham
radio with a television camera watching and
recording the event. The young man's name is
Colby, he's 9 years old, and he is the star of a
new children's television series called Colby's
Corner that recently began airing on Christian
Television Network station WLCN in Summerville, South Carolina. .
The theme of the show is very simple. Its Colby
learning about various aspects of life by
experience as would any other youngster. Only
Colby is sharing his encounters with the kids who
watch on WLCN. And one of his recent trips took
him to a ham radio station operated by Vince Lombardo, K4AOC.
For those of you who are out of the coverage of
WLCN but would like to watch Colby learn about
ham radio from a real pro, that episode and all
of the others can be seen on line on YouTube. A
direct link to the one we have been describing is
tinyurl.com/colbys-ham-radio. The show also has
a website at www.colbyscornertv.com
On Wednesday the 1st of August, the St. George Amateur Radio
Society will be having another one of their monthly gatherings at
Kyle Bay and it will feature a discussion about safety.
Amateur radio can be a dangerous hobby, not only high voltages
and RF exposure, many amateurs involved in homebrewing or
repairing their own equipment can be exposed to potentially
dangerous chemicals, such as lead in solder and even PCB (Poly
Chlorinated Bi-phenols) in old capacitors and transformers.
Other hazards involve falling off roofs and towers or having things fall
on you and your family!
This discussion can alert you to the possible dangers and what
strategies others have used to minimise the hazards so if you're in the
area of the St George club pop along August One.
Two Croatian amateurs are with the NATO-led troops in Afghanistan.
They are Maj and Vlado and can now be heard as T6TJ and T6VT respectively
until the end of September. QSLs for both operators go via 9 A 6 AA.
South Essex Amateur Radio Society will be operating GB 1 HF close to the
Olympic mountain biking course at Hadleigh Farm in South Essex.
The station will be operated at various times and days on several bands
and modes from until 28th August.
VK Remembrance Day Contest August 11-12
WW International Lighthouse Lightship Wknd August 18-19
WW ALARA August 25-26
WW Oceania Dx Contest SSB October 6
ww Oceania Dx Contest CW oceaniadxcontest.com Oct 13
VK SPRING VHF / UHF Field Day November 24-25
Now WINTER VHF-UHF Field Day Results
The WINTER Field Day results have been finalised. Full details are on the
Field Day page on wia.org.au
One interesting feature is that this is the first Field Day where
VK2 stations have won three sections - and it is also the first event in
which VK3 stations have won NONE.
Congratulations to the section winners Matt Hetherington VK2DAG,
Steven Harrison VK2XDE, the Sunshine Coast club VK4WIS, Keith Minchin VK5AKM,
and Justin Lavery VK2CU. And congratulations to all.
It was good to see an increase in activity by Foundation licensees in the
single operator sections. They will receive an extra "F Call Challenge"
John vk3km REMINDS ALL The next Field Day will be November 24/25.
Hello, this is Alan, VK4SN, RD Contest Manager.
Remember to keep
August 11th and 12th free for the RD contest.
This year, a new start and finish time of 0300z applies. That's
eastern Australian Time.
To clarify some questions I have received by email
Q1 Are separate logs required for HF and VHF?
A1 You may submit separate logs if you wish but all contacts can
be made on one continuous log. If you are using an all band
it is much easier this way.
Q2. What exchange is used by a club when operators come and go?
A2. If the number of years of the clubs longest licenced member
is not known,
then use the longest licenced operator at the club
at the start of the
contest. Once the number is decided
it is to be used as the exchange for
the entire contest.
Some have made comment about mandatory computer logging and
cabrillo format outputs. This may be the case in
future years, but for now
paper logs are still accepted if
one does not have the know-how to use
computers or logging
If you wish to form a team, remember to email the contest manager
with your
selected team members . All info can be found in the rules.
Till next week, this is Alan, VK4SN
The awards programme has come together very well under the stewardship of
Bob Robinson VK3SX and shortly the new on-line database to replace the
excel spread sheets will enter testing phases - Robert VK3DN is putting the
finishing touches on this and it derives much of its flexibility from the
work previously done with the VK100WIA on-line log book.
The awards committee is seeking suitable candidates for card checkers.
Basically the requirements are similar to the ARRL card checker requirements
Currently we have Chris VK1GG, Laurie VK7ZE and Steve VK6IR
Ultimately we would like one in every state so if your state is not currently
covered please apply with your resume referring to the ARRL standards as a
Trent Sampson vk4ts@wia.org.au
Wireless Institute of Australia - Director for Awards and Contests
The BLUE MOUNTAINS ARC repeater carries the AMSAT-VK monthly net from 8:30 PM
the second Tuesday of each month, next event on the 14th of August.
Fifty years ago, an antenna in Maine, USA, transmitted a television signal up
into space, where it was received by the Telstar satellite, launched earlier
that month. Telstar retransmitted the signal to the other side of the
Atlantic, allowing Europeans to view a live press conference by President
John F. Kennedy. That broadcast was the public debut of Telstar, widely
considered the beginning of an era in satellite communications that has
revolutionized our world.
Telstar was, initially, a major technology accomplishment, demonstrating that
a satellite could serve as a television (and other telecommunications) relay
Central Coast Amateur Radio Club International Lighthouse and Lightship
The Central Coast ARC is partnering with the Hellenic Amateur Radio
Association of Australia to activate Newcastle's Nobbys Head Lighthouse
in this year's event.
This is the second year that this lighthouse has been activated by
the CCARC after a long period of no public access.
Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
The Shahzada in the week long, 400 km horse endurance event at St Albans to
the north-west of Sydney, commences on Monday, August 27th, and concludes on
Friday the 31st.
The Trek for Timor will be in the Blue Mountains this year, Saturday 15th of
September. Registration is open for teams of 4 to 6 walkers to walk 5, 13, 25
or 45km through some of the most spectacular tracks of the World Heritage
listed Blue Mountains Nation Park.
For event details visit: www.trekfortimorbm.org.au
WICEN Victoria are involved in 2 events during the next quarter.
If you are available to participate in any of these events, please
get in touch with the contact listed for the event.
Saturday October 20th Mini Canoe Marathon Echuca
Contact: Gerard Werner VK3GER phone: 03 9773 6313 Email: gerwer01@gmail.com
Sunday October 21st Stockman's Rally Big River
Contact: Ian Morris VK3IFM phone: 03 9763 0565 Email: ifm@live.com.au
JULY 29 VK2/3 Albury Wodonga ARC HamFest @ Lavington Scout Hall
AUG 5 VK6 NCRG HAMFEST Cyril Jackson Rec Centre Ashfield.
AUG 12 VK2 SARCFEST at Summerland ARC Clubrooms, Lismore.
AUG 26 VK2 Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club WinterFest.
SEP 28-30 VK4 Central Highlands ARC AGM at Camp Fairbairn, Emerald.
NOV 4 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HAMFEST @ Goodwood
NOV 11 VK3 Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group Hamfest
Submitting news items
If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au
to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh'.
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.