Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
Email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
Acting President Phil Wait VK2ASD vk2asd@wia.org.au
Secretary David Williams VK3RU vk3ru@wia.org.au
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ vk3pz@wia.org.au
(sources from wia front page)
LTE Trial in Bendigo Ends
The ACMA has advised the WIA that the 700 MHz LTE trial in the Bendigo
region has now ended. In effect this means that Advanced Amateur licence
holders that were within the exclusion zone can now apply to the ACMA for
a variation to their existing licences to operate up to 1 kW on the primary
HF bands during the trial period. More information on how to apply can be
found on the WIA website at
The 700 MHz LTE trial in the Perth area is still continuing where an
exclusion zone for High Power HF operation is in place. Details of the
exclusion zone can be found on the WIA web site.
November 24-25 is the SPRING VHF-UHF Field Day
The VHF-UHF Field Days provide VHF-UHF operators with the opportunity to
"head for the hills" and see how far they can work.
The Field Days have separate sections for single and multiple operator
stations. The duration of the Field Day is 24 hours, but there are also
8 hour sections for operators who may not be able to camp overnight.
Most club stations prefer to operate for the full 24 hours.
The Field Days also generate plenty of activity from home stations, so there
is also a separate Home Station section.
The scoring is based on grid locator squares. Each new square worked gives
quite a boost to the score, and this encourages the entrants to operate from
locations in grid squares that normally don't have a great amount of amateur
There are no mode restrictions, except that all contacts must be simplex
so contacts through repeaters or satellites are not allowed.
It is possible to do very well with only modest antennas if you pick a good
hilltop. Another option, if your station is easily transportable, is to
operate from more than one grid square during the contest period.
The overriding aim is to get away for the weekend and have fun!
But next after that, the aims are:
to encourage more activity on VHF and microwave bands;
to encourage people to work greater distances than usual by operating portable
and to provide opportunities for people to activate or work into new
grid squares.
web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/
The Ballarat Amateur Radio Group will hold its annual Hamvention on Sunday
the 21st of October 2012 in the usual venue provided by the Ballarat
Greyhound Racing Club in Rubicon St, Redan.
Doors open for traders at 8am and general access is at 10am.
Further details at www.barg.org.au and in upcoming WIA News broadcasts.
Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to qnews@wia.org.au
send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/
get local audio news www.wiaq.org.au/ftp/vk4_qnews_64.mp3
get local news emailed qnews-vk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
You are all invited to attend a Technical Seminar AT JCU School of Engineering
and Physical Sciences & IEEE Northern Australia Section.
Tuesday 9th October 5:30pm Building DA 003, Room 002 - Humanities Block,
James Cook University, Douglas Campus.
Seminar is by Dr Trevor Bird, President-elect of the IEEE Antennas &
Propagation Society, Principal, Antengenuity & CSIRO Fellow
From Wireless to Astronomy: lessons from an engineering career
The wireless revolution in progress has produced dramatic changes
in our work and social activities. The speaker, Dr Bird, was fortunate to
have witnessed first-hand some of the wireless research that caused some of
these changes.
In the 1980's and early 1990's he participated in a project that aimed to
achieve the then ten times the current data rate for indoor wireless local
area networks. His research in antennas and propagation for WLANs anticipated
later research by a CSIRO team that resulted in a patented approach that is
now incorporated in most wireless chips in use today.
(Gavin VK4ZZ)
TARC WIA Exams Information
Exam sessions in the North Queensland region are held on demand with
WIA Assessors and assessment packs available for all 3 levels of licensing.
Contact theTARCinc WIA Exams Regional Co-ordinator Ray/VK4NET on home phone
47 23 43 51 to have a mutually suitable date and WIA Assessors assigned to
your assessment.
(Gavin VK4ZZ)
'WICEN SA Activity Day' on Sunday 14th October.
The day is being held in the Adelaide Hills at Prospect Hill Scout Hall.
Approximately 7 kilometers by road south-west of Meadows.
Please ensure you RSVP by 8th October so that the BBQ lunch can be catered for
properly. Family & friends who are interested in amateur radio for emergencies
are welcome.
(Andrew Macmichael - Secretary WICEN SA)
vk7 local news, email vk7regionalnews-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
This is the big VK7 hamfest that happens every two years in the Central
Highlands of Tasmania thanks to the Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club
of Tasmania.
Miena is booked for the first of December 2012 with the usual line up of
traders making the journey across the ditch.
Planning for this event is continuing and the Club will again be
providing resources and operators over 2 days at the Paton Park Camp at
Operators offering their assistance at this time with communications and
control are Neil VK7NX, Ross VK7WP, Paul VK7HPD, Jim VK7JH, Graham
VK7NGA, and Tony VK7AX.
An invitation is extended for anyone else to assist, (you do not need to
have a Call) as there will be a full call operator in attendance at all
times. Please let the Club know if you are interested.
October NTARC Meeting
To be held on Wednesday 12 October, this will again be the yearly pilgrimage
to Mt Barrow. Last year this was a really great evening and those that
attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves, especially in the extended twilight
that came with the introduction of daylight saving just days before.
This formula will also apply in 2012, so get along.
Arrive any time in the afternoon and NTARC have the site overnight so if you
are appropriately equipped, why not camp until next morning. There are
members who regularly do just that and they would love to have your company.
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, AR Victoria and the WW sources of the WIA.
Peter Lake, ZL2AZ, Appointed Chairman of IARU Region 3
The Directors in IARU Region 3 have voted to appoint Peter Lake, ZL2AZ, of
Wellington, New Zealand, as the Chairman of IARU Region 3. He replaces Michael
Owen, VK3KI, who passed away unexpectedly last month. Owen, who was also
President of the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA), had served as Region 3
Chairman since 2006.
I am extremely grateful to my fellow Directors for their support in this
difficult time, and for the procedural work by [IARU Region 3] Secretary Ken
Yamamoto, JA1CJP, to formalize an appointment, Lake said in a statement. I
will do my best to carry through all the work that we have in progress, much
of it due to items and ideas put in place by Michael. It is my privilege to
have the opportunity to serve you, the Member Societies and fellow amateurs
in Region 3.
Lake -- who has been a licensed amateur for more than 50 years -- has been
involved with IARU activities for more than 25 years and a Director of Region 3
since February 2005. He began his professional career as an engineer, first with
the New Zealand Post Office and then with Telecom New Zealand. He followed this
with 14 years at a small and specialized telecommunications consulting company
in Wellington that included a wide variety of assignments in the Pacific, Asia
and Southeast Asia.
My style will probably be different from Michaels in some ways, Lake
explained, but our goals are the same -- to ensure a growing and successful
IARU Region 3.
The Republic of South Sudan has issued its first amateur radio licenses.
The call Z81A went to Jim Pratt who holds the United States call letters
of K7QI.
The second license issued was Z81D. It went to Diya Al Sadi, YI1DZ. Both are
reportedly now on the air.
(Above from various DX news sources)
From an Amateur Radio perspective, the 2012 World Radiocommunication
Conference (WRC-12) was very successful. According to IARU Secretary
Rod Stafford, W6ROD, the IARU Administrative Council will meet in the
next 45 days and will address the agenda items for the 2015 World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) with an eye to building the best
strategy for dealing with those items in a way that is most favorable
to the Amateur Radio Service. While the IARU will be watching all
agenda items in 2015, there is one agenda item that focuses on the
Amateur Radio Service, and another four that may have an effect the
Amateur Radio Service.
[ARRL Letter]
End of an era for MKARS at Bletchley Park
On the 1st January, 2013, the eighteen year association of the Milton Keynes
Amateur Radio Society (MKARS) and Bletchley Park will finally come to an end,
due to MKARS having to vacate their current clubhouse on the estate.
The main reasons for Bletchley Park serving notice on MKARS are due to;
The building currently occupied by MKARS as their clubhouse, being required to
make way for the creation of a new park entrance and access road to the coach
No additional space being available on the estate which MKARS could occupy.
It has been deemed that the Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society will not fit
into the future World War II profile of the Bletchley Park Museum.
Having attained Museum status, Bletchley Park will eventually have regular
opening and closing times after which there will be no public access.
The Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society and its members have been both
privileged and proud to have been associated with the world renowned Bletchley
Park, its history, its outside events and its place in the public
consciousness. By representing the voice of both Amateur Radio and Bletchley
Park to the world, the call sign GB2BP has made the Milton Keynes Amateur
Radio Society friends in many countries, creating interest in the amazing work
that was carried out within Bletchley Park during WWII.
Although GB2BP may no longer be in residence on Bletchley Park after the 1st
January, 2013 it will re-appear occasionally as a special event station
supporting public events on Bletchley Park.
(Rob.. you've been to Bletchley Park, haven't you?)
Distracted Driving Bulletin: Ontario Extends Exemption
The Radio Amateurs of Canada are today announcing written confirmation
from Minister Bob Chiarelli of the Ontario Provincial Government
regarding a five year extension of exemption to the Ontario distracted
driving law. In his letter, Minister Chiarelli explains that the
current exemptions for both Amateur Radio and Two Way Commercial
Radios will be extended until January 1st, 2018.
Minister Chiarelli expresses his hope that in that time commercial
hands free alternatives will be found for two way radios. While RAC
finds victory in the five year extension, a permanent solution is
desired and required.
The Radio Amateurs of Canada will continue to pursue a permanent
exemption for Amateur Radio operators in Ontario. Similar exemptions
already exist in many other provincial jurisdictions in Canada -
thanks in part to the efforts of local amateurs and RAC's national
strategy to address distracted driving legislation.
Bill Gade, VE4WO - Regulatory Affairs
(Radio Amateurs Canada)
(victoria: ROAD SAFETY ROAD RULES 2009 (SR NO 94 OF 2009) - REG 300)
("mobile phone" does not include a CB radio or any other two way radio)
Nestle to Find UK Customers via GPS Chips in Candy Bars
Chips in candy bars? No, not potato chips, but silicon chips.
In a new twist to the old 'Winning Ticket in a Chocolate Bar Wrapper' Trick,
Nestle have announced a marketing campaign in the UK that will disguise 6
self-activating GPS location trackers in wrappers of the companies various
chocolate bars.
Once activated, Nestle representatives will track down the lucky winners
within 24 hours and exchange the tracker for a cheque in the amount of ten
thousand British pounds.
Other modernizations on this stalwart of the confectionary industry
advertising, is the inclusion of QR-codes -- 2-dimensional barcodes that can
be read by smartphones -- to a portion of the public advertising posters.
Other posters will have 'NFC' added; NFC is Near Field Communications, a
technology building upon 13.56Mhz RFID tags that is being used for Access
Control, Event Ticketing, Contactless Payments and Media Sharing;
and starting to be found embedded in the recent generation of smart phones.
So, it appears Nestle values your 3-minute chocolate eating experience at
around 200,000 pounds per hour. Not a bad job, if you can get it, and not
an Oompaloompa in sight!
WW Oceania Dx Contest SSB October 6
WW Oceania Dx Contest CW oceaniadxcontest.com Oct 13
VK Spring VHF / UHF Field Day November 24-25
Distance Based Scoring Proposal.
A proposal for a change to distance based scoring has been published
by Andrew VK1DA and Colin VK5DK. It follows several years of
discussion among some of the operators in the VHF/UHF Field days, who
have found that the scoring system used in these contests seems to
have problems for operators in country areas. This proposal has been
developed after several months of discussion via email.
The proposal outlines the problems seen with the grid square based
scoring scheme. It points out that grid squares, apart from not
being square, have different sizes depending on your latitude. Thus
the grid square scoring system does not give all vk operators the
same rewards for making the same distance contacts.
While many operators think of vhf dx as the contacts made on 6m or
(much less often) on 2m via the ionosphere, the primary interest of
VHF and UHF specialists is in tropospheric propagation which does not
involve ionospheric reflection. The distance spanned by contacts is
the primary measure of the difficulty of a contact, with the vital
factors being the power used, the antenna gain and receiver
sensitivity combined with operator skill to make successful long
distance contacts.
The sponsors of the proposal believe that instead of rewarding
operators on the basis of the grid squares worked, a distance based
score would make more sense for vhf-uhf contacts and could be
consistently applied in all parts of the country.
Well, what about rovers? Rovers are stations who try to operate from
as many different grid squares as possible. As a distance formula
would not work well with rovers, it has been suggested that the rover
stations would continue to use grid squares for their scoring. They
could continue to make contacts with all stations, the contacts
qualifying both operators for the points applying to their operating
The other major change proposed is the introduction of a separate
category for the 6m, 2m and 70cm bands. This category caters
directly for those operators who have multiband radios such as the
popular FT857, FT897, IC706, IC7000, TS2000 and who do not have
equipment for any higher bands. This would take away any concerns
about the higher weighting given to the microwave bands. This
proposal caters for the very large number of operators who are
equipped for 6m, 2m and 70cm via their multiband radios, and gives
them a separate category to compete in. Colin and Andrew think this
will boost operator numbers in the event and give those excellent
radios a little more use and a lot more radio amateurs who already
have suitable equipment will consider operating in these events.
The proposal is available on the net for all to read. The address is
simple: go to vk1da dot net (vk1da.net) and you'll find the
first item on the home page is a link to the proposal. After reading
the proposal you are invited to participate in a short survey which
asks for some details of your past operating bands in these events,
your future plans, whether you like the ideas in the proposal and
invites you to make any other suggestions that you think will improve
these field days in some way.
Just repeating that web address: go to vk1da.net and follow the links.
(Andrew VK1DA & Colin VK5DK)
2012 Remembrance Day Contest Winners Announced
As promised on the WIA RD Contest page, the winners of this year's event were
announced around September 25th with full details available in a number of
files on the contest homepage, as well as a report to appear in the November
AR magazine.
A quick run-through of the headline winners includes: VK7NET winning the
Single-Op Phone category, and VK7RF taking out Single-Op CW.
Single Op Mixed - VK6ZRW, QRP Phone - VK6FLAB, QRP CW - VK3QB,
QRP Mixed - VK2IG, Multi-Single - VK2GGC, Multi-Multi - VK4XA
The Teams category was taken out by Wallaroo with 1898 points and the Lockyer
Legends were close behind on 1819 with Elizabeth ARC in third.
Congratulations for VK2FWWD, VK6FMON and VK4FAAS who took out the top 3
placings in the Foundation Licence category.
Another exceptional year of participation and a hotly contested event under
the new rules format.
On September 12, the Autoriteti Rregullativ i Telekomunikacionit (ART) --
Kosovo's telecommunications regulatory authority -- created the necessary
legal framework for the development of an Amateur Radio Service in the
Republic of Kosovo by approving its Regulation for Amateur Radio Services.
Although not formally assigned a prefix by the International Telecommunication
Union, Kosovo will use the Z6 prefix. Currently, Kosovo does not count toward
the ARRL's DXCC Award, as it has not been assigned a prefix by the ITU (per
DXCC rule II.1.a), nor has it been recognized by the United Nations (per DXCC
rule II.1.b).
Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF, and Bob Barden, MD0CCE/N2BB -- members of the Chiltern
DX Club (CDXC) -- were part of a team of operators led by IARU Region 1
President Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, that activated Z60K, the first Amateur
Radio station in the Republic of Kosovo. Along with Cawthorne, Barden and
Blondeel Timmerman, the team included the following radio amateurs:
Nik Percin, 9A5W; Emil Balen Zdravko, 9A9A; Emir Mahmutovic, 9A6AA;
Martti Laine, OH2BH; Jorma Saloranta, OH2KI, and Pekka Holstila, OH2TA.
Click here http://www.arrl.org/news/a-first-hand-look-at-the-z60k-activation-in-kosovo
for Cawthorne's and Barden's account of the Z60K activation.
Source: The ARRL Letter
DXCC Desk Approves 11 Operations for DXCC Credit
On September 19, the ARRL DXCC Desk approved the following 2012 operations for
DXCC credit:
3B8/IW5ELA (Mauritius)
9A8VB (Croatia)
4O7VB (Montenegro)
E40VB (Palestine)
E7/UA4WHX (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
EY8/UA4WHX (Tajikistan)
JY8VB (Jordan)
UN/UA4WHX (Kazakhstan).
YU9VB (Serbia)
Z38VB (Macedonia)
ZA/UA4WHX (Albania)
DXCC Validity
Perhaps just a reminder for the keen DX'ers, and hopefully of some help to the
newbies; there are occasional DXpeditions that have not been validated or
approved for DXCC award purposes. Typical reasons include shipboard operation,
operation not authorised but the relevant radio regulatory body, no
documentation provided to prove operations, or that the location is not a
recognised DXCC entity.
There are lists collated in various places, for instance on www.OK1RR.com,
but if you have a particular query about a DXpedition or strange details on
a QSL card, contact the DXCC desk at the ARRL directly. dxcc@arrl.net
(check for accuracy)
The aboriginal people once called Wireless hill Yagan's Lookout. Providing
perfect views of the surrounding area In 1912 the federal government built one
Australia first telecommunication stations. Using Morse code the
telecommunication station communicated with ships off the Australian coast
using a 120m mast.
In 1916 during the WWI it was used by the RAN using 60 KW Poulsan arc
transmitter and valve operated receivers. In 1927 Applecross wireless station
became a feeder station for international radio grams weather reports news
bulletins and press reports. The awa installed a short wave beam system which
extended transmitting range of stations enabling direct communication between
England and Australia.
In 1932 the radio station 6PR starting broadcasting from Wireless Hill
In 1955 the WAVHF Group was established
In 1959 the first television in WA TVW7 was transmitted via the Applecross
wireless station
In the 1960's 2 Rhombic and 2 log period antennas were installed for the NASA
Space Mission
The Park played a significant role in the security and defence of the
Australian coastline from 1912 thru to 1968. During the WWI the Applecross
wireless station received an emergency signal from the Cocos Islands giving the
position of German Light cruiser SMS Emden. The station relayed the info to the
HMAS Sydney which was escorting a troop convoy close to the Cocos Island. The
Sydney gave chase and captured the Emden in one of Australia's most famous sea
battles of the WWI.
The Wireless hill centenary starts on the 29th of September for 2 weeks over
the school holiday period. The special call sign of VI6VIP has been allocated
the WAVHF group for this period. So get on Air and contact VI6VIP and
participate in this special event. The WAVHF group also welcomes all clubs and
their members to visit wireless hill to activate this special call sign. The
allocation of VI6VIP is in tribute to the first call sign used at Wireless
I'm Monique VK6FMON
Papua New Guinea Islands Tour
An international team will visit five islands belonging to Papua New Guinea
between October 19th and November 4th.
Operators mentioned are Derek G3KHZ, Hans SM6CVX, Hans-Peter HB9BXE,
Eddy K5WQG, Axel DL6KVA and Non-ham Stig Nyman.
The team will use the boat "M/V Barbarian", and start their travels from Kokopo
in New Britain on November 18th, sailing via Kavieng to Emirau.
The islands scheduled by the full team will be:
October 20-24th - Callsign P29VCX; Emirau Island (OC-103) in the St. Matthias
IOTA Group. QSL via SM6CVX.
October 27-31st - Callsign P29NI; Tatau Island (OC-099) in the Tabar IOTA
Group. QSL via G3KHZ.
November 2-4th - Callsign P29VPB; Lihir Island (OC-069) in the Lihir IOTA
Group. QSL Manager TBA.
The main team will fly home on November 6th. However, Hans SM6CVX and Stig
Nyman will continue to Buka on the "M/V Barbarian", and plan to activate the
November 6-9th - Callsign P29VCX; Buka Island (OC-135) in the Solomon Island
IOTA Group. QSL via SM6CVX.
November 9-12th - Callsign P29VCX; Manu Island (OC-205) in the Admiralty Island
IOTA Group. QSL via SM6CVX.
Activity will probably be 40-10 meters using mostly CW with some SSB just like
last year's activity.
They do have a Web page at: http://www.p29ni.yolasite.com
PB 100 PREFIX, Netherlands Special Event
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ITU Prefixes, look for special
event station PB 100 PREFIX to be active until October 31st.
QSL via PB 0 P.
After the tragic loss of the Titanic (Call sign MGY, the, "M", is from the
Marconi company) in April 1912, there was an acknowledgement that there
should be international standards for radio communications. Therefore, the
leading colonial countries planned several meetings in the aftermath of the
loss of the Titanic.
For more details, visit: http://www.PB100PREFIX.nl
THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report Measure Twice cut Once.
After its 15 years on the market, the now ubiquitous 'Wi-Fi' computer network
standards are found in mobile phones, remote control toys, medical and industrial
controls and just about anywhere else you can think of. Wi-Fi uses 2.4Ghz and
5Ghz RF spectrum to deliver between 1Mbit/s and 150Mbit/s, with more recent
devices employing MIMO -- 'Multiple In, Multiple Out' antenna arrays -- to
provide concurrent data transfers in more than one direction, as a strategy
to increase overall network throughput to areas serviced by individual
The new Wi-Fi draft standard -- 802.11ac -- is set to double the MIMO streams
from 4 to 8, and employ 80Mhz and 160Mhz bandwidths to ramp up speeds to 866Mbit/s.
Research at the University of Edinburgh is investigating light based data
networking. Dubbed 'Li-Fi', as in 'Light Fidelity', they're using modulated
LEDs and photosensors and have already reached datarates of 130Mbit/s.
Professor Harald Haas calls the system 'D-Light' and has started an incubator
project to produce and market a retrofit kit to bring speeds up to 50Mbit/s
to your home or work.
As with Wi-Fi, this light based data system uses OFDM (orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing) and speeds of 1Gbit/s and up are being discussed. In
contrast to an RF solution, directed, filtered or perpendicular light channels
are just a few of the ways to restrict access and interference between adjacent
network devices, and that will further increase the potential network throughput
in congested areas.
Harald Haas' TED conference presentation entitled "Wireless data from every
light bulb" can been viewed at TED.com
Submitting news items
If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au
to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh ‘and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK3DN@wia.org.au on behalf of the National WIA.