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WIA at Sydney Australia Mini Maker Faire


WIA PR4AmateurRadio explains promotional images

WIA AR Magazine as seen by VK4ZPP


Science Australia's Using Pop Radio To Track Space Junk are saying "space junk is a serious problem:
it threatens satellites and spacecraft, and can plummet unpredictably
to earth. Australia's Murchison Wide field Array is a high-sensitivity
radio telescope that tracks space debris as small as one metre across
by observing how the objects reflect FM signals from Australian radio stations

Yes it's listening to pop music from space.

The array, part of Western Australia's Murchison Radioastronomy Observatory,
was built as a precursor to the proposed Square Kilometre Array.

2048 individual antennas arranged in 128 four-by-four tiles.

When FM broadcast radio signals travelling out into space encounter debris,
some of the radio waves are reflected back toward earth. The Murchison
Wide field Array can pick up signals from objects as far as 997.8km away.
So the next time you hear Gotye or Keith Urban on the radio, just think
you're helping monitor space junk.

[CNET via]

AUSTRALIANS are risking identity theft by offloading old memory cards on
eBay and the like without properly deleting their personal data, experts warn.

Brisbane's Courier Mail newspaper says of 140 second-hand memory cards
on the online auction site over an 11-month period, a study group managed
to recover photos, videos, text messages, sensitive documents and home-made

Twenty cards showed no attempt to delete data, and some senders merely
requested the buyer ignore or delete the contents.

In a further 82 cases, researchers managed to retrieve poorly-deleted files
using forensic software.

Two of the memory cards were suspected to contain illegal content and were
handed to police, while another held governmental information plus a handful
of SMS messages.


Out of home advertising, oOh! has created a billboard that will change the
advertisement feature depending on the weather.

The billboard features a series of panels change depending on various
external factors allowing advertisers to transform their message depending
on the local temperature outside.

The new digital technology allows 'temperature-parting' to provide
advertisers with the opportunity to change their message based on the
local temperature at specific location of an advertisement.

The first advertiser to implement the technology, Unilever, is promoting its
Magnum and Lipton Iced Tea products to people when the daily maximum forecast
temperature exceeds the monthly maximum average in the local area of the
advertising billboard.



President Phil Wait VK2ASD
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP
Secretary David Williams VK3RU
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ

DIY Downunder audience sees We-Do-That

A display of Amateur Radio targeted purely at the audience attending the
first-ever Sydney Australia Mini Maker Faire has been deemed a success by
the do-it-yourself audience who visited up to 100 exhibits.

The approach taken by the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) at the
family-friendly event in Sydney's Powerhouse Museum on Sunday November 24 was
also used at the 2nd Eurisko Melbourne DIY show earlier in the month.

In Sydney the WIA joined with the Operation Helios High Altitude Balloon
Team, the University of NSW Student BLUEsat low-earth orbit satellite project,
and the Manly Warringah Radio Society.

John Press VK2YGV of Operation Helios, with the assistance of a LCD TV, put
together a very interesting display on ballooning.

The Manly club's younger radio amateurs are from the IT, electronic design
and communications areas. They had a retro-style cardboard radio maker,
commercial and homebrew transceivers and portable Automatic Packet Reporting
System (APRS).

The DIY aspects of Amateur Radio did raise interest among other displays
at the Powerhouse Museum including robots, 3D printers, electric cars, Audrino
and Raspberry-Pi computer projects, microsatellites, simple soldering, and
arts and crafts.

These events, held around the world, attract an audience of hands-on makers
who range from technical enthusiasts, scientists to garage tinkerers, and
from all ages and backgrounds.

New to many at the Sydney and Melbourne events is Amateur Radio's ability
to handle telemetry for their experiments and other practical experimentation.

Participation at them is in line with a recent WIA email survey of its radio
clubs on the broad topic of how best to promote modern Amateur Radio.

It also fits in with the theme pioneered in the Amateur Radio Relay League
(ARRL) that Amateur Radio has many DIY aspects. The ARRL has produced a video

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


For the month of December, WIA members can benefit from a massive 30%
reduction on the price of selected titles from the bookshop. Visit the
online store for details. Supplies of these books are strictly limited and
once they are gone, so is the special price.

Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis, so act quickly to
avoid disappointment.

WIA will be sending out deliveries until the office closes at 4pm, Friday
December 20th.

Use images to effect

Looking at ways to publicise your radio club? Think about using images to
make ideas inspiring, motivating, captivating and present a call to action.

Tell the viewer that Amateur Radio is easily assessed by people of all ages,
gender and abilities.

Images are of a great help in this visual society. However lots of people
taking digital photographs, fall into the trap of just taking 'happy snaps'
- not really suitable for publicity.

Study the pictures in the newspapers to see how they tell a story. Behind
them is a selection process to get the right picture.

A similar selection occurs during weddings and other events - it should be
applied to radio publicity too.

If you can, appoint someone knowledgeable about photography to illustrate
a message and reinforce it. Get it right and you find that people are able
to process the information almost instantly.

Photographs are also useful to record history, at events or occasions, while
those used as publicity shots impart the message you want the audience to

A reminder that the WIA, through the clubs, organisations and members will
hold its PR4AmateurRadio Expo on April the 13 to the 15th to celebrate World
Amateur Radio Day.



web service:-

It's a December date in VK2.
Combined CCARC & Central Coast WICEN Christmas lunch on the 14th.
Murray Marathon canoe event 26th to the 31st.
Hornsby end of year picnic at West Pennant Hills on the 28th.

The 2014 WIA Call book is now available from VK2WI for personal collection on
Sunday mornings. Member pick up price is $25.00.

If you require a copy sent to you by mail you should contact the WIA Bookshop.

You should also check with your club as many have obtained copies.

ARNSW merchandise.

For some time Amateur Radio New South Wales has had an
online store offering shirts and other products via a just-in-time
manufacturing process. We have recently added a range of gift
products. The link can be found on the ARNSW website

Send your stories for news. SCRIPT to
send audio to

get local audio news
get local news emailed

theTARCinc 2013 Xmas Party

theTARCinc 2013 Christmas Party and Monster Auction happens on Sunday
afternoon December 15th from 2-00pm at the VK4FNQT HF Hub. John has arranged
for some fantastic lucky door prizes, but you won't be lucky unless you are

A call for catering numbers is now underway. Make sure you get your numbers in
to Gavin VK4ZZ otherwise you will go hungry!

Contact Gavin on 0427182469


What use is an F-call?

In June 2011 I started a weekly net for new and returning Hams. It was born
from the idea that there had to be a place where people could congregate and
learn. At the time the ink on my license was barely dry and my amateur radio
on-air time could be measured in minutes, rather than hours.

The net is called F-troop and in the past I've spoken a little about it here,
how you can participate and when it's on. For the record, it's on from
08:00 to 09:00 every Saturday morning, Western Standard Time, or midnight UTC.
Locally it's on VK6RAP, 146.7 MHz, or via VK3JED EchoLink conference or
IRLP node 9558.

But that's not what I want to talk about today. It's more about the impact of
the net within Amateur Radio. As a direct result I have people contacting me
via email, phone and radio and meet people face to face every week. These
interactions stimulate inventions, ideas and experiments and in turn
encourage new people to participate. I get regular comment about people
listening in on the side and learning; we regularly have people use the net
for their very first QSO. It's become a magnet for interest and variety.

I'm telling you this because this was all very unexpected. The side effects of
creating a place where people can congregate with similar interests far
exceed those of the one hour that F-troop represents.

You can participate in F-troop as it stands, or you can do your own thing,
start up your own little group of adventurers. Joining a club is one way of
interacting, starting a discussion group, or planning a camp-out, or a BBQ,
or any such activity, is another way of getting in touch with other Amateurs.

When I started F-troop, I knew nothing about Amateur Radio.

Today, I know a little more and it's because I went out to the community and
talked to them. There is no rule book that you have to follow, no-one you need
to ask for permission to have an idea. If you have an interest, get out and
talk to someone. Don't be afraid to look like a goose - I do it every day.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB



WIA Summer VHF-UHF Field Day 11/12 January

WIA John Moyle Field Day weekend March 15-16


You are cordially invited to participate in Straight Key Night on OSCAR 2014,
sponsored by AMSAT for all radio amateurs throughout the world.

Operate CW through any amateur satellite from
0001 through 2400 UTC on 1 January 2014, using a manual, non-electronic key.
Note that bugs are now allowed, as they are in similar ARRL and SKCC events.

There is no need to send in a log, but please nominate someone you worked for
Best Fist. Your nominee need not have the best fist of those you heard, just of
those you worked. Send your nomination to

This year's event is being held in memory of Robert Morris (1902-1997), W2LV.
Bob's amateur and professional career in radio literally spanned the era from
spark to satellite. One of the first to work across the Atlantic in 1923, he
also received Satellite DXCC No. 2 in 1979. Bob was featured in the PBS-TV
documentary, "Empire of the Air."

[ANS thanks Ray, W2RS, for the above information]



VK 2013 TDF is active until December 31 commemorating the Tour de Freedom
cycling event being held between Esperance and Perth.
QSL via operators' instructions.


6O 0 LA has been active on 20 meters using CW around 1640 to 1730z.
QSL via LA 4 GHA

AU 2 JCB India

Look for the Indian special event station AU 2 JCB, which is active until
December 10th.

Operations are to celebrate the 155th anniversary of the birth
(November 30th) of Sir Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, India's great scientist and
inventor who they consider the "Father of Wireless Communication".

Activity will be on 80-6 meters SSB, SSTV, PSK and FM.

Suggested frequencies are (depending on the propagation):
3710, 7040, 7150, 14220, 14250, 14310, 21280, 21310, 28490, 28510 and
28545 kHz. FM mode: 50800, 51500 and 29700 kHz. If higher bands are open,
operations will be on those bands.

The operator is Surabhi, VU 2 DSI.

Unfortunately this is not a bureau operation so QSL direct (with 2 IRCs) to

(sourced to SouthGate)

ZT 1 T

ZT 1 T will be operating from 08 December 2013 to the Twelfth Night of

Celebrating the rescue of ZS1AFS and ZS1AFR from mid-South Atlantic,
they will be using this unique prefix ZT1. This is the third Xmas that the
ZT 1 T callsign is being aired.

Also, one of the permanent licence conditions is that visitors to the
ZS1AFS/ZS1AFR station can operate the ZT call after presenting a current
amateur radio licence for verification.

(Tom ZS1AFS via SouthGate)

Russian special event R 0000 O

R (4 zero's) and letter O symbolising the Olympic rings is on the air in the
context of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games and 2014 Paralympic Games.

QRV until March 31 in 2014.



UK Government told to tackle broadband noise

Internet Service Provider 'Zen Internet' has called on the UK Government to
tackle broadband noise in the HF radio spectrum

ISP Review reports the company has called upon the Government to get tough on
the causes of Repetitive Electric Impulse Noise (REIN), which references a
type of electrical interference that can disrupt the performance and stability
of consumer broadband services (e.g. ADSL and FTTC lines).

(sourced to southgate)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.


A Prince George man's contributions in emergency radio communications have
earned him a Public Safety Lifeline Volunteers award from British Columbia's
Justice Minister Suzanne Anton

In addition to a 35-year radio communications career in the federal public
service, Frank VanderZande VE7AV has been teaching amateur radio since 1970,
according to a biography provided by the ministry.

First licenced at the age of 14 Frank has been associated with the Red Cross
as a disaster management emergency response team member since 2001, and has
been the project lead for the Prince George Amateur Radio Club emergency
communication trailer, now used to support search and rescue efforts across
northern B.C.

Read the full story in the Prince George Citizen newspaper

Prince George Amateur Radio Club


North Island TV has gone digital

TV in the Upper North Island, Waikato and Bay of Plenty went digital on
1 December 2013. For the ZL viewer this means that they now need Freeview,
Sky or Igloo to continue watching TV.

This completes the switch over to digital TV for all of New Zealand.

Here on this side of "the ditch"' our final analogue TV transmitters, on
Melbourne's Mount Dandenong, will be turned off for good this Tuesday,
December the 10th.

To mark this historical event, Amateur Radio Victoria is planning a special
telecast on its digital amateur television repeater VK3RTV - instead of just
having a blank screen full of snow.

While digital TV has been steadily available to the free-to-air stations
giving them superior programming on multiple channels, they have been able
to keep their analogue transmitters on conventional single channels.

While the phase-out of the old analogue TV began in mid-2010, with Sydney
on December the 3rd, the final switch off is this Tuesday from Mt Dandenong
and some remote central and eastern Australia areas.

Amateur Radio Victoria wants to capture what happens when TV stations finally
go analogue-QRT, while details of its special VK3RTV telecast are still being


Dennis Steinman's invention sets the world "a quiver."

He has a system that he thinks is "a better way" of tracking game shot by

He attaches a radio transmitter first to the arrow, and then it penetrates
the animal that is shot. He's hoping it will help deer hunters more easily
recover arrow-shot animals.

The Game Vector Deer Recovery System hit the market July and meets 2 challenges,"
Steinman said. "The electronics had to be very small and very powerful, with
the least amount of battery consumption as possible. The other part was the
delivery system that gets it to the deer. The plastics had to be lightweight,
but durable.

The system features a plastic transmitter compartment that attaches to an
arrow behind the broadhead. A barb sticks from the front and attaches to an
animal's hide when the arrow strikes. It's designed to part from the arrow as
it continues past the skin.

A small, hand-held receiver is used to pick up the transmitter's radio signal.


Applications covering more than 1,200 Ohio schools have been submitted for
state grants to pay for emergency radios and entrance security features for
such buildings.

The school radios manufactured by Motorola were developed by the Multi-Agency
Radio Communications System (MARCS), a high-tech state-wide system that allows
first-responders to easily talk to any agency with MARCS radios.

The radio has a microphone that permits voice communication, but the button
feature allows a school employee to send an electronic alert and then hide or
help others without speaking and giving away their presence to an intruder.

The radio avoids problems with downed phone lines or busy cell phone towers.

Read more:


Amateur Radio Newsline


The telecommunications regulator in Holland has
said it's going to get tough with pirate radio
broadcast and will be hitting them hard where it
hurts the most. In their wallets. Amateur Radio
Newsline's Stephan Kinford, N8WB, has the details:


The Netherlands telecommunications regulator
Agentschap Telecom says it will no longer simply
warn those involved in illegal radio broadcasts
but will immediately issue heavy monetary
fines. The penalty applies to all illegal FM
broadcasts and can cost wrongdoers as much as 60,000 U-S dollars.

Up to now, owners of land or buildings where an
antenna system is located have received an
initial warning letter asking them to stop the
illegal broadcasts. A fine was imposed only if
it appeared that the station was still in
operation after that warning letter was received.

Under the agency's new policy offenders will get
an instant fine. This applies to all involved
including the property owner or tenant where the
transmitter is situated, as well as the broadcast operators themselves.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB, reporting.


This action comes after the Dutch
Telecommunications Agency revealed that it
receives about 1200 complaints each year of
interference caused by pirate radio operations.



Could you write software for IOTA?

IOTA urgently needs developers to work on coding for the IOTA website.

Volunteers should be reasonably familiar with MySQL, PHP
and JavaScript. The code is version controlled using Github
so familiarity with this would also be useful.

IOTA operates on a tiny budget so the role is primarily for
volunteers. Please contact if you
think you may be able to help.

SOTA Mighty Mite weekend

The first SOTA Mighty Mite weekend will be held THIS weekend 7 and 8 December.

The aim is simply to get on the air and make SOTA contacts using Rock Mites or
Rock Mite clones. Chasers and activators are equally welcome.

SOTAbeams will provide a trophy for the person who publishes the most
interesting account of their activities over the weekend on SOTAwatch


VK Club Bulletins
VK2 CCARC news


Geoff VK4ZPP has been "a readin'"

Just to prove it was December, Amateur Radio magazine arrived to provide some
ideas for the holiday period. Peter Parker, VK3YE, looks at a versatile HF
antenna for portable use.

Then if your interest turns to a simple receiver, see John Titmus' step by
step guide to setting up a Realtek DTV dongle with SDR# software.

VK2JS gives an insight into home brewing an antenna matching unit.

Whilst, if you have lusted after the microwave bands, have a look at VK3XDK's
explanation on what goes into using transverters for these higher bands.

The regular columns bring the world of the hobby home to you and me.

For people who are not Wireless Institute members, AR is available through
your newsagent.

(extracted from QNEWS)


The December 2013 issue of the K9YA Telegraph now
available. This is a free, general interest
monthly amateur radio electronic magazine
delivered as a full-colour PDF file. This latest
issue contains a number of interesting items
including Part 2 of an article on International
Law and Ham Radio authored by Philip Cala-Lazar,
K9PL. To check out sample issues, subscribe or
write an article, visit the K9YA Telegraph Web
site at

( via ARNewsLine)

VHF Communications magazine is closing after 45 years of continuous
publication, a message on the magazine website says:

"VHF Communications was the foremost construction oriented publication for
Radio Amateurs and Professional RF Communications Engineers. The magazine
especially covered VHF, UHF and Microwave communication and was published
from 1969 to 2013. The last magazine published was issue 4/2013

By the end of 2013 the number of subscribers was not sufficient to support
the magazine. Also the supply of articles had become difficult because a lot
of good articles are published direct to the Internet."

A DVD containing the complete collection of magazines is available


WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video


VK2RTG Amateur Television test transmissions are still on 444.250

They are transmitted on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm local and
since the relocation of one of the antennas a few weeks ago now cover even
more of the Central Coast and possibly down into Sydney's Northern beaches.

The content is varied but each week contains Ham Nation from Bob Heil and
friends on one of the nights.

(sourced to vk2wi news)


Live video streaming from the ISS

The N2YO satellite tracking website provides live video streaming from the
International Space Station when the complex is in contact with the ground
through its high-speed communications antenna and NASA's Tracking and Data
Relay Satellite System.

During "loss of signal" periods, you will see a blue screen.

Since the station orbits the Earth once every 90 minutes, it sees a sunrise
or a sunset every 45 minutes. When the station is in darkness, external
camera video may appear black, but also may provide spectacular views of city
lights below.

Live streaming from the ISS


ILLW starts to mount up

In the International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend held in August its
Germany in the lead with 28 registrations, just nudging out its traditional
rival Australia on 27.

The pair has half of the nearly 110 entries already in from 22 countries.

A look at VK shows that Victoria has 9 registrations, about double that of
VK4 and VK7, with the remainder of Australia mainly having only 2 or 3 listed.

Its early days with many more registrations expected from throughout the
world as we head to more than 500.

If you would like to register for the fun-event on the 16th and 17th of August
then visit with website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

December is Ham Radio YOTA month!

Lisa Leenders PA2LS IARU Region 1 Youth Coordinator says that during this
month several countries are active with YOTA as the suffix in the callsign.

The idea for this is to break the ice for some youngsters and take their

At least 17 stations from 14 countries with young Ham's will be active.
So, try to work one or more of the YOTA callsigns:

A special Youngsters On The Air Award is available

Read the full list on SouthGate news.

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Friday December 27th 2013
Murray Marathon
Yarrawonga - Swan Hill
Contact: Gerard Werner VK3GER phone: 03 9773 6313

REWIND a look back at history

The Gladstone Observer has published a story on an old radio transmitter
laying unused in a Tannum Sands residence.

Owner Kerry Mitchell believes the five-kilowatt sound transmitter to be the
world's oldest operating transmitter of this model.

"ABC used this from 1959 all the way through to 1983," he said.

"It was then used by community radio for 24-odd years. It has hailed the
coming of the Queen, the arrival of the Beatles, Cyclone Tracey, and some of
the greatest politicians."

Mr Mitchell is on a mission to see the Marconi transmitter laid to rest in a
preserved state in the Queensland Museum.

The 44-year-old transmitter model is a remarkable time capsule for the
development of technology throughout the years.


Jan 24-27 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Weekend Family Radio Camp
at Girl Guides Campsite Bluewater. (

Feb 23 VK2 Wyong Field Day and it is on come rain hail or shine.

Hi, and here's this week's update on the Wyong Field day.

The closing date for trader and exhibitor applications for the Wyong
field day as stated on the application forms was yesterday December 7.
We will try to fit in late applications however space is limited, so if
a trader or exhibitor still wishes to apply please do so as soon as
possible, so as to get the best spot possible of the ones remaining.

Being the largest event of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, the
Wyong field day attracts the largest number of Radio Amateurs, so if
you wish to exhibit or trade, there's no better place than Wyong.

The response received for the club fair has been disappointing. The
couple of clubs that did apply will be accommodated along with the other
exhibitors however we will not have a separate area for clubs to present
themselves and sign-up new members as had been planned. It's a shame
that this opportunity was not taken up by more clubs.

We do however have some additional Exhibitors to announce this week,

The Marine Rescue group who are based locally at Norah Head will be
exhibiting at the Wyong field Day for the first time.

As usual WICEN, ALARA and the Hornsby & district ARC will be exhibiting.

Whether it's seeking that bargain from the flea market, buying that
discounted new equipment from the traders stands, educating yourself at
the seminars and exhibitors stalls or even taking that licence upgrade
assessment. The place to be on February twenty three is undoubtedly -
The CCARC Field Day at Wyong!

73 'til next week, this is Ed VK2JI, Publicity Officer of the Central
Coast Amateur Radio Club.

Apr 13-15 VK PR4AmateurRadio Expo.

Apr 18 WW Amateur Radio Day: Your Gateway to Wireless Communications.

Apr 25 vk3 ANZAC Day event Ballarat Showgrounds

May 2- 4 VK4 Clairview Gathering Clive VK4ACC 0429 632 815

Nov 2 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)