Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
Email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au (click news in member area) Submit your audio news
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
url's. When you upload audio email us the txt version.
WIA visit Sunshine Coast with their AGM and Open Forum.
#WIA Congratulates ARRL on 100 years
#WIA Congratulates 2013-2014 Volunteers
President Phil Wait VK2ASD vk2asd@wia.org.au
Vice President Chris Platt VK5CP vk5cp@wia.org.au
Secretary David Williams VK3RU vk3ru@wia.org.au
Treasurer John Longayroux VK3PZ vk3pz@wia.org.au
Sunshine Coast AGM and Open Forum
Hi I'm Phil Wait VK2ASD, WIA President, and this is the WIA news for the week
commencing 25th May.
Last weekend the WIA held its annual AGM, Open forum and conference weekend on
Queensland's Sunshine coast.
Sunnysome of the time..the weekend started with the AGM, the Open Forum and
the WIA dinner on the Saturday, followed by local attractionslike sea world
on the Sunday.
One important function of the AGM is the WIA awards, and our highest award is
life membership of the WIA. Life membership is by a vote of all members
present at the AGM and this year, unanimously, the meeting decided to award
life membership to a person who has devoted a huge part of his life to amateur
radio. Somebody we all know so well.in fact the originator of this broadcast,
Graham Kemp, VK4BB.
I'm sure you will all agree that Graham was a great choice.
After the short AGM we move onto the Open Forum, where reports are presented
from each of the 10 WIA functional Committee's and the meeting is thrown over
to a general question and answer section. Those Open forum reports can be
downloaded from the WIA website.but first at the open Forum we present the
other WIA awards:
Chris Jones VK2ZDD had a major influence on the formation modern WIA, and this
year Marc Hillman VK3OHM was awarded the Chris Jones award for his 18 months
hard work on the new online awards system. Mark would like us to also
acknowledge the work of Bob VK3SX and Robert VK3DN and his son Tim who were
also instrumental in bring the system to fruition.
Marc tells us that the award will take pride of place at his QTH.
A number of other important award presentations were also made,
The Higginbotham Award - was presented to Don Jackson VK3DBB for many years of
service on Publications Committee and in particular his work in compiling the
Annual Index and his work on collating a Cumulative Index of all issues of
Amateur Radio magazine.
The Ron Wilkinson Achievement Award - was presented to Alan Devlin VK3XPD for
achieving multiple microwave distance records, for sharing knowledge, teaching
at both clubs and GippsTech, for his contributions to WIA publications, and
for nurturing amateur technical development.
The "Amateur Radio" Technical Award for the best technical article published
in Amateur Radio in 2013 year was presented to Graham Byrnes VK3XDK for his
article titled 'Transverter Systems', published in the December, 2013 edition
of Amateur Radio magazine.
The Al Shawsmith Award for the best non-technical article published in
Amateur Radio in 2013 was awarded to Stephen Warrillow VK3SN for his article
titled 'The Overland Track - HF QRP in the VK7 World Heritage Wilderness',
President's Commendations - Went to Richard Cerveny VK2AAH for Repeater
Jason VK2LAW as a WIA National news reader over many years and for his work
with his WIA Affiliated club
Mal VK2YVA for Leadership in Amateur Radio at a club level
Felix VK4FUQ WIA National News Announcer over may years,
Rick VK4HF for Restoration of Armadale and District AR Club.
Geoff VK4ZPP for WIA VK4 QNEW reader over many years,
Joseph VK7JG for Construction and maintenance of Tasmanian remote area
Repeaters and beacons
and the VK9NA Group for the VK9 Dxpeditions in 2010 and 2011.
The Open forum also provided a wealth of valuable information and feed-back to
the WIA which we will be reviewing in the coming months, much of which will
contribute to the formation policy on the many activities of the WIA.
And we all managed to have a great time as well.
The board would like to thank Trent VK4TS, Loraine, Richard VK4RY and all the
members of the Sunshine Coast Amateur radio Club for putting on a very
successful weekend.
This is Phil Wait, VK2ASD, for the WIA.
ITAR restrictions on US radio amateurs to be eased
The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) inexplicably applies
to amateur radio satellites. It threatens US radio hams with jail terms or
six figure fines if they cooperate with amateurs outside the USA on satellite
projects. Cooperation includes talking about or publishing on the web certain
information regarding amateur radio satellite systems.
Among the projects affected by ITAR has been the New Zealand Amateur Radio
satellite Kiwi SAT. A 2009 IARU Region 3 report highlights that ITAR
requirements made AMSAT-NA direct its members to cease cooperation with
AMSAT-ZL in the development of Kiwi SAT.
Satellite Today reports that after 15 years of restrictions and intense
scrutiny, the United States Department of State is reclassifying satellites
and several related components so they will no longer be treated as weapons.
The changes affect Category 15 of the U.S. Munitions List (USML), which covers
spacecraft and related articles, by shifting most commercial, civil and
scientific satellites and accompanying equipment to the Department of
Commerce's Commerce Control List (CCL).
"The Department [of State] has committed to reviewing during the six months
after the publication of this rule whether further amendments to the USML
controls on civil and commercial remote sensing satellites are warranted, and
seeks additional public comment on this matter," according to a statement
released by the Federal Register.
This rule is effective November 10, 2014, except for Sec. 121.1,
Category XV(d), which is effective June 27, 2014. Interested parties may
submit comments on paragraphs (a)(7) and (e)(11) of USML Category XV and
ITAR Sec. 124.15 by June 27, 2014.
2005 amateur radio P3E IHU project killed by ITAR
ITAR impact on the Eagle project
2009 AMSAT files CJ requests with US State Department
Australian Telco "Telstra" has confirmed its plans to pour over $100 million
to get a public Wi-Fi network up and running by 2015.
The plan announced by Telstra chief executive David Thodey will see the
Telco install up to 8000 new wireless hotspots as it seeks to connect
customers to two million Wi-Fi hot-spots across Australia.
Mr Thodey said the plan was designed to not only help meet current data needs
but also deliver the capacity needed in time to deal with higher volumes of
There's also an overseas component with Telstra striking an exclusive
partnership with global Wi-Fi technology provider Fon.
Telstra customers, who choose to join Telstra Wi-Fi, will be provided
compatible modems to access their allowance at no extra charge via domestic
hotspots and connect to more than 12 million Fon-enabled hotspots globally.
Non Telstra customers and Telstra customers who have not joined the
Wi-Fi community will be able to connect to Fon-enabled Telstra Wi-Fi hotspots
for a small charge using 'day passes.'
(The Australian)
3D or not 3D
By the end of this month, 3D Printing Studios will have three stores open
dedicated to the technology, with plans to open up to 30 within two years
if franchise partners can be found.
CRN reports that the company plans to add to its existing store in The Rocks
(Sydney CBD) with a Parramatta (western Sydney) store opening, followed by a
Fremantle (Perth) store opening on the 30th of May.
The Rocks store opened last year.
Co-founder Stuart Grover told CRN, "I want to get it out to large centres,
like Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Darwin, then also places like Newcastle
and Wollongong as well."
Grover's stores offer printers ranging in price from hundreds of dollars to
about $5,000, putting such printers at the hobbyist to "prosumer" levels of
The stores do design services as well as print-readiness finishing and basic
printing services.
Last weekend, 17-18 May, the CRARC conducted another Foundation Licence
Course in VK1.
Following the course, assessments were carried out and CRARC are pleased to
say that the following candidates were successful :-
Justin Craig, Ross Kelly, Barnaby D'Cruz, Felix Barbalet, and Martin Foo.
We look forward to hearing them on air in about 4 to 5 weeks following the
issue of their licence.
Stephen Shaw VK1FJJJ follows in the tradition of his Grandfather by
successfully completing his Advanced Licence upgrade.
The next Foundation Licence Course is scheduled for the weekend of 19-20 July
(CRARC Committee)
What use is an F-call?
Every day Amateur Radio adds a little something to my life in fun and
unexpected ways. I know that's a big call, but it's true.
This morning whilst preparing to participate in a contest I was looking for
a map that shows which direction to point an antenna in order to have the best
chance of your signal ending up where you intend.
Over the past few years I've seen lots of maps around, but none of them really
did what I wanted from them, namely be readable, helpful and contain specific
Amateur Radio information.
I've got a wonderful Ham Radio Map on my wall [hamradiomap.com] and it
contains many useful bits of Amateur Radio Information. Soon it will have
pins on it for every country I've contacted, but it doesn't contain things
like beam headings, or ITU zones.
So, I googled my way around the 'net and found a great circle mapper. It is
intended for flying, that is, you want to fly from this airport to that one,
what heading and distance is that?
Funnily enough, those two numbers are pretty useful for Amateur Radio too.
Now I have a much better understanding on which way Europe is, what direction
Dallas Texas is and on what heading I'll mange to contact Cape Town and why
when I did, I made a QRP contact with Marion Island on the way.
Amateur Radio, blows me away, every day.
I'm Onno VK6FLAB
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA. John VK2JPM :-
Inmarsat, the global mobile satellite provider, says it will
offer free basic tracking services for planes flying over
oceans. This in the hope of preventing another incident
like the loss of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 in late March.
The company says that the service is being offered to all
11,000 commercial passenger aircraft already equipped with
an Inmarsat satellite connection. This accounts for most of
the world's long haul commercial fleet.
The first South African Radio League Radio Technology in
Action symposium will be held at the University of Kwa Zulu
Natal on Saturday June 21st. The program features a great
variety of subjects of interest to radio amateurs and
electronic enthusiasts with a number of presentations to be
supported by practical demonstrations. The full program and
registration form are now available at sarl.org.za. Simply
select the Radio Technology in Action link on the left hand
side of the home page.
The American Amateur Radio Relay League was formed on 18 May 1914,
exactly 100 years ago last Sunday. By coincidence, Sunday was the
final day of the Dayton Hamvention, where ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN,
and Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, hosted a party,
complete with cake, to wish the ARRL a happy 100th birthday.
KickSat, the KickStarter-funded amateur satellite project, has re-entered
and burned up in the Earth's atmosphere without releasing its payload of
Sprite micro-satellites.
The satellite suffered an unexpected computer glitch on 30 April that caused
the deployment countdown timer to reset. It proved impossible to correct the
problem, meaning the timer did not trigger in time to release the hundred-plus
Sprites before re-entry.
Some names in the news. CQ magazine has announced its 2014
Hall of Fame inductees, adding two members each to the CQ DX
and Contest Halls of Fame, as well as eight new members of
the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame.
CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame:
The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame honours those individuals,
whether licensed hams or not, who have made significant
contributions to amateur radio; and those amateurs who have
made significant contributions either to amateur radio, to
their professional careers or to some other aspect of life
on our planet. The 2014 inductees (listed alphabetically)
Clifford Berry, W9TIJ, who helped usher in the computer age
as co-inventor of the Atanasoff-Berry computer (or ABC), the
precursor of virtually all electronic computers.
Warren Bruene, W5OLY, prolific radio designer and innovator
who designed many Collins radios and helped the company
introduce single-sideband voice communications.
John Huntoon, W1RW, former ARRL General Manager, QST Editor,
helped bring about international allocation of the 30-, 17-
and 12-meter bands.
Mike Koss, W9SU, DXer and DXpeditoner; founder and owner of
filter manufacturer ICE (Industrial Communications
Engineers); key player in establishment of Indianapolis
Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club, W9IMS; organizer of
special event station W87PAX at 1987 Pan American Games in
Nancy Kott, WZ8C, former Editor of WorldRadio and WorldRadio
Online and tireless promoter of Morse Code as U.S.
coordinator of the FISTS CW Club.
Paul Laughton, N6BVH, software designer whose
accomplishments include developing Apple's disk operating
system and Atari's operating system.
Ralph Showers, ex-W3GEU, expert on electronic interference
and leader of efforts to set national and international
standards for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). He holds
several awards from the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) and the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Steve Wozniak, ex-WV6VLY and ex-WA6BND, co-founder of Apple
CQ DX and Contest Halls of Fame:
The CQ DX and Contest Halls of Fame honour those amateurs who
not only excel in personal performance in these major areas
of amateur radio but who also "give back" to the hobby in
outstanding ways.
The 2014 inductees to the CQ DX Hall of Fame are:
Joe Reisert, W1JR, a DXer and DXpeditioner since the 1950s,
Joe has DXCC Mixed, Phone, CW, Digital and QRP with over 300
entities confirmed for each, along with 13-band Worked All
States, 13-band Worked All Continents and CQ's USA-CA All
Counties award. Joe is also a pioneer in 432-MHz EME (Earth-
Moon-Earth) communications, ran his own antenna
manufacturing company (Antennaco) and is a prolific writer
and public speaker.
David Collingham, K3LP, a leading DXer and DXpeditioner who
is also focused on using amateur radio as an educational
tool, at home and around the world. He has equipped a
complete station at his hometown elementary school and has
taught amateur radio to young people in Iraq, Ethiopia and Rotuma.
The 2014 inductees to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame are:
J. Scott Redd, K0DQ, is already a member of the CQ Amateur
Radio Hall of Fame for his service to our nation as an
Admiral, Deputy Administrator of the Coalition Provisional
Authority in Iraq and the first Director of the National
Counterterrorism Centre. Scott has always found time within
his professional duties for amateur radio and his first
love, contesting. He is one of only two people to have won
the single-operator category of all of the world's major contests.
Ed Muns, W0YK, is a noted RTTY contester with 9 single-op
all-band and one multi-two championships and six world
records. Ed is also Director of the CQ World Wide RTTY DX
and RTTY WPX Contests, and manager of the North American
Sprint RTTY Contest. He is also very active in the Northern
California Contest Club and is a past club officer and director.
Formal inductions to the CQ Contest and DX Halls of Fame
were scheduled for the Dayton Hamvention. More detailed
descriptions of inductees will appear in the official
announcement in the July 2014 issue of CQ magazine.
A new commercial video service called the High Definition
Earth Viewing or HDEV was launched the International Space
Station on April 18th on board the SpaceX Dragon re-supply mission.
The set of four High Definition video cameras and are now
operational, after being installed on the External Payload
Facility of the Columbus module. The cameras and
electronics are enclosed in a pressurized box to provide
protection to the equipment from the harsh environment of
space. This is not the HAMTV experiment and your screen
will appear black when the ISS is in its orbital night.
You can see the new live ISS video feed anytime at
This week saw the 40th Anniversary of the Rubik Cube.
The original (333) Rubik's Cube has eight corners and twelve edges.
There are 40,320 ways to arrange the corner cubes.
Seven can be oriented independently, and the orientation of the eighth depends
on the preceding seven, giving 2,187 possibilities.
There are 239,500,800 ways to arrange the edges, since an even permutation of
the corners implies an even permutation of the edges as well.
(When arrangements of centres are also permitted, the rule is that the
combined arrangement of corners, edges, and centres must be an even
Eleven edges can be flipped independently, with the flip of the twelfth
depending on the preceding ones, giving 2,048 possibilities.
A total of approximately 43 quintillion.
The puzzle is often advertised as having "billions" of positions, as the
larger numbers are unfamiliar to many. To put this into perspective, if one
had as many standard sized Rubik's Cubes as there are permutations, one could
cover the Earth's surface 275 times.
Manly-Warringah Radio Society's Flagpole contest September.
Amateur Radios International Air-ambulance Week, 9 days from Sep 28.
Tablelands Radio Group will again hold AM and CW on ANZA Day 25 April
Bill Moore, NC1L at the ARRL Awards desk says that the 2014 VU4K operation's
from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Operations have been approved for DXCC
credit. If you worked this operation you can put in for credit as soon as
your card arrives at your QTH.
The new beacon in Southern Tasmania at grid square QE37 with the callsign
VK7RST is slightly higher power than originally reported - 25W and is CW
It is co-located with the VK7RST 6m beacon on 50.297MHz and the CW keying is
common to the two beacons. The antennas are omni-directional and horizontally
TM 70 BBC - commemorating the 70th anniversary of the landing of Allied Forces
in Normandy. This special event station will be active from 3rd June to 13th
Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net this Tuesday
One of the friendliest radio nets in the land happens this Tuesday evening
May 27th from 7-30pm on the Townsville UHF Repeater.
the Ann Renton Memorial Ladies Net is open to young and old, YL or OM and is
a golden opportunity for anyone who needs practice on-air to go onto the net
as 2nd operator.
VK Club Bulletins http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aarnie/
VK2 CCARC news ccarc.org.au/wp/2012/09/ccarc-news-12-31/
INSIDE ROOM 40 - The Code breakers of World War I - a book by Paul Gannon.
Many hams are familiar with the code breaking efforts of Bletchley Park during
WWII however few are aware of the British code breaking efforts during WWI.
Inside Room 40 sets out to explain the activities of the British code breakers
and their successes during the 1914-18 World War.
Inside Room 40 is based on previously secret files which bring to life the
hidden history of the British code breakers. From the very earliest luck of
capturing a German Naval code book from a hapless German cruiser which ran
aground in August 1914, through to the deciphering of the famous "Zimmermann"
telegram that brought the United States into the 1st World War, it is all
chronicled here.
There are even details of the efforts of a few British radio amateurs who
established a receiving system so sensitive that it picked up messages the
Germans believed couldn't be overheard, so didn't even encode them.
As coding technology developed so did Room 40, such that by wars end they were
reading the messages used by German warships, U-boats and naval zeppelins,
and breaking the ciphers used by the Germans to communicate with their
naval attaches and embassies around the world.
Inside Room 40 also details the methods used in code breaking, along with the
early tabulating machines that were the forerunners of the "Colossus" computer
famously used at Bletchley to break German codes in WWII.
For those who are unaware of the huge contribution made to the war effort by
the code breakers of Room 40 this hardback book is a revelation.
Inside Room 40 authored by Paul Gannon provides a detailed and comprehensive
view of this little known area of WWI history.
WIA ARDF COORDINATOR VK3WWW Jack vk3www@wia.org.au
If you are in the vicinity of the Townsville Region on Saturday June 21st
and want to get involved in a Foxhunt then Tony VK4TJS wants to hear from you.
A foxhunt will start at a secret location from 1pm BUT TO PLAY YOU MUST HAVE
your attendance numbers in by 19th for the Foxhunt.
There will be activities for all family members to participate in during the
Foxhunt and things will end up with some in-flight catering.
To cater for the event Tony needs to know your attendance numbers.
Who do you have to call ?
Tony VK4TJS of course.
New Ham Radio Digital Mode
The ROS software FHSS Mode is a new HF digital mode based on FHSS-CDMA
It uses 16 different CDMA codes with 1.8 seconds per Hop.
Every transmission uses a different CDMA code randomly chosen.
Further information at
The launch of Amsat's Fox 1 ham radio satellite will now
take place in 2015. Fox 1 was originally manifested to be
carried to orbit from Vandenberg AFB this December. But due
to what is being termed as governmental priorities, Fox 1
will likely launch in the summer of 2015.
This delay is mixed news for AMSAT. While it is
disappointed that this will keep Fox-1 reaching space this
year, it also means that the organization has more time to
complete and test the spacecraft prior to delivery. AMSAT
says that in the overall scheme of things, the delay allows
it to have greater confidence in the delivery of a
thoroughly tested spacecraft by taking more time to allow
for unforeseen contingencies and to do more ground testing.
More information on the Fox 1 project is on the web at
Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
Belgrade, Serbia - The hoarse but calm voice of rescuers is coming from a
small device. They tell each other which parts of the town need to be visited,
who needs to be evacuated and by what means.
Although the floodwaters have receded, the tragedy is continuing - as is the
fight to save human lives.
Heard on Aljazeera were messages such as:-
" I have been trying to send you an ambulance That is what people need
Wasn't it agreed that they get transported by tractor?...A tractor won't do as
the lady is in such a condition that this is not possible The ambulance
cannot approach.. it has to be a tractor."
"Did you hear that you need to pick up a woman with six children"
That's the type of message being handled by Hams in Serbia as I speak.
Nenad Supurovic is a member of the Radio Amateur Union of Serbia. Having
listened to conversations of professional rescuers via radio, Supurovic and
another union member headed for one of the worst hit towns, to help ease
communication between rescuers and crisis staff.
These radio amateurs transmit pieces of information received from crisis staff,
such as who needs to be evacuated from flooded houses and apartments, and how.
Another great example of Amateur Radio Helping the Community.
(Aljazeera via ROAR Facebook)
To commemorate ANZAC 100 a series of articles is to appear in Amateur Radio
magazine by the WIA Historian, Peter Wolfenden VK3RV. Here's a summary of
one of them.
Those who have been around in amateur or communications fields for 40 or
more years will know the name, Howard Kingsley Love.
In February 1915 he joined the AIF as a 19 year old, giving his 'trade or
calling' as Electrical Engineer.
A letter dated the 23rd April 1918, stated that Lieutenant H. K. Love was
missing. He was later found as a prisoner in Germany.
After the war he was one of the early experimenters to be licensed and he
was a great friend of Ross Hull, one of Australia's foremost experimenters.
They teamed up as editors of a new magazine, "The Radio Experimenter and
Broadcaster" published in Melbourne from December 1923.
Proclaimed as the "Official Organ of the Wireless Institute of Australia",
the editors in June 1924 called for accuracy in claiming long distance
achievements, and wanted the WIA to act immediately.
The editors also addressed opening up the shortwave bands and the need for
radio amateurs to retain their frequencies as the commercial wireless world
awoke to the possibilities.
The magazine reported on the First Australian Wireless Convention held in
conjunction with the Melbourne Town Hall exhibition on 24th May 1924. This
was the first official meeting of the individual State WIA organisations
- on their way to forming a Federated organisation.
In 1929 the RAAF Wireless Wing was established, initiated by Howard under
the auspices of the WIA.
Kingsley Radio, managed by H.K. Love, was involved in cutting edge technology.
During 1938 the RAAF saw supply difficulties and contracted it to mass produce
a general purpose receiver, the AR7.
Kingsley Radio closed in 1948 after Howard's sudden death. Howard Kingsley
Love VK3KU, a man of great drive, leadership, enthusiasm and skill, was sadly
lost to Australia.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)
Jun 7- 9 VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club field day Port Macquarie
Jun 7- 9 VK5 South East Radio Groups' (SERG) 50th annual Convention and
Australian Foxhunting Championship.
Nov 2 VK5 HamFest Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society
Nov 15 VK7 Hamfest (Venue to be advised)
Nov 30 VK3 SPARC HamFest at Rosebud ( howardjones155@gmail.com )
Submitting news items
If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au
to submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.