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WIA Battle of Long Tan stations heard around the globe. -

WIA AGM 2017 taking shape. -

WIA MEMNET users MAY have to upgrade their browser. -

WIA recruitment, digital AR magazine, and the Committee System. -

WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee's Roger Harrison VK2ZRH.


Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

Amateur Radio active in Italian earthquake

Following the magnitude 6.2 earthquake which struck central Italy on
last Wednesday and killed around 300 people, Italian radio amateurs
were active in the emergency response.

The call went out to keep 7060 kHz clear along with other Emergency
Centre of Activity frequencies in the 80-metres a nd 40-metre bands for
emergency communications within Italy.

No external assistance was required at this time. The Italian radio
amateur groups are following the planned response with their government.

Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
says any requests for information on missing persons should be made via the
Red Cross or other recognised relief organisations.




CRARC's next foundation course and assessment weekend is scheduled for
September 17/18th.

At this stage they need two more candidates for the course to run.

If you know of anyone who may be interested please encourage them to contact
the club, their email is


The Home of the Good Guys

Historic shearing shed fit-out gives opportunity to activate

Sunraysia Radio Group members are fitting solar lighting this weekend to the
remote Shearers Quarters in Murray-Sunset National Park - and will put it on
the 40-metre band.

John Williams VK2AWJ from Gol Gol in New South Wales, a veteran of portable
amateur radio, is among the group.

The unique bunk style accommodation is on unsealed 4-Wheel Drive only tracks.

Now the largest conservation area in Victoria, the Murray-Sunset National Park
was once leased to the Sunset Pastoral Company. John VK2AWJ says he'll be on
7.1 MHz in the morning both Saturday and Sunday looking for contacts,
including those wanting a QSO for the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks

The Murray-Sunset National Park is in the north-west corner of Victoria about
15 kilometres from the South Australian border.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Battle of Long Tan anniversary on air

The Australian commemoration of 50 years since the Battle of Long Tan during
the Vietnam War continues with at least the states of Western Australia (VK6),
Queensland (VK4) and the Australian Capital Territory (VK1) already on air.

The Wireless Institute of Australia has obtained ACMA licences for each state
and territory that end with the suffix B L T 50.

These are available under conditions and on a roster for use in the
commemoration over 30 days.

The Battle on August 18, 1966, saw 108 ANZACS against an enemy of an estimated
up to 2,500 soldiers that resulted in a heavy loss on both sides, and one the
few engagements in history to be won against such odds.

The driver of the event, a veteran himself, is Mal VK6LC who has the VI6BLT50
callsign with a team of Steve VK6OZ, Phil VK6GX Craig VK6VCK, Paul VK6LOT,
Marty VK6RC and himself, all working through sometimes adverse conditions to
make 800 contacts.

VI6BLT50 is on SSB, CW and RTTY working from the North Pole to Antarctica as
well as logging the six continents - well done.

The VI6BLT50 calling frequencies and other details are on which has
had about 2,500 hits.

VI4BLT50 in Queensland has been active on all bands since August 18, and is on
air for 30 days. Ewan VK4ERM says several VK4 stations have activated the
callsign and made good contacts across Australia in spite of the generally
poor conditions.

VK4 individual and club stations may book their operating time slots, remember
the need for an accurate log of VI4BLT.

Those on the roster must log the start and end times, plus the location used
for the callsign.

Ewan VK4ERM welcomes this commemorative activity and thanks all who have so
far made the contact.

VI1BLT50 is in Canberra courtesy Tex VK1TX. All report good activity and
appreciation of the effort being shown.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


WIA AGM 2017 taking shape

The Wireless Institute of Australia will hold its annual general meeting in
Hahndorf, near Adelaide South Australia in May 2017.

The iconic town is Australia's oldest surviving German settlement in the
Adelaide Hills, a 20 minute drive from Adelaide, where visitors can walk
the past and taste the future.

The venue is to be the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre with the weekend of
events from Friday May 19 to Sunday 21. A team of 10 mostly from radio clubs
in and around Adelaide have been busy organising the event, and its full
program will be announced later.

Format is to be similar to other years, with registration starting on the
Friday night during an informal gathering at a restaurant, the AGM is Saturday
morning along with the open forum, with technical presentations in the
afternoon. Partners tours are offered on Saturday, and the traditional gala WIA
dinner on Saturday night. Sunday has a visit to a local landmark, or a
SOTA/Parks operation, and a final BBQ gathering on Sunday night.

Much more information about the program and a registration form will be on the
WIA website by the end of the year.

Members registered with MEMNET who use PC's and web

Browsers which are more than 10 years old, such as Internet Explorer 6 or Opera
version 5, will need to upgrade as support is being withdrawn for these early
browsers. Sunday the 28th August Omni Software the provider of the WIA's
MEMNET service will be undertaking maintenance works and system improvements to
support the latest security protocols.

Omni have advised that any users affected by the upgrade will need to upgrade
from their old Web browser versions. They advise that all versions of Chrome,
Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 7 and above should be unaffected,
although they recommend all users update their browsers to the latest version

The WIA apologises for the short notice given but timing of the change is
purely in the hands of the MEMNET software provider.

A warning from Telstra is that the 2G mobile network is to be shut down at
the end of November this year. The telecom company has written to its affected
users advising them they need to switch to newer 3G or 4G technology.

WIA recruitment, digital AR magazine, and the Committee System

The WIA Board continues to discuss a range of matters on its busy agenda each

Due to the depth of input and written reports, some matters have to be deferred
seeking more information or due to time running out.

An idea floated at the AGM was to give all new radio amateurs a period of free
WIA membership with hard copies of the Amateur Radio magazine in the post. It
fits in with the WIA Board priority of seeking to recruit new members. It was a
good suggestion however, after investigation, it was considered that the
administration costs of the proposal would be too high.

Out of this exercise came a better way to effect the original recruitment tool.
This would be a coupon system that allows new amateurs to download a free
digital edition of Amateur Radio magazine, for a limited period. The Board
decided to move ahead with development of such a coupon system for new radio

On another matter the WIA Board is keen to strengthen is the WIA Committee
System. A new structure was discussed where each Committee could consist of a
Director, and a Committee Leader.

This would reduce the day-to-day involvement of Directors, except in Committees
dealing with Regulatory, Financial and Administrative issues.

Instead of having them all just called a Committee, it was decided to reflect
more closely their purpose and method working, with them to fall under four

Permanent Committee: One that acts together or meets regularly, to effect its
on-going functions or tasks.

Advisory Groups: Set up on an ad-hoc basis to provide advice to the WIA

Working Groups: To study and report on all aspects of a particular issue,
and make recommendations.

While Taskforces will work on a single, defined task or activity to be
completed within a specified time frame.

On another matter, also arising out of the AGM, where about 40 per cent of
members present indicated that they preferred the digital edition of Amateur
Radio magazine, and do not want the paper copy.

When specifically asked, most did not expect to receive a WIA membership fee
reduction. The WIA Board has resolved to move ahead with the development of a
paper edition opt-out for Amateur Radio magazine. WIA members who still wish
to receive the paper edition will not be affected. The WIA Board is to be
briefed further on the mechanics of the proposed opt-out system, before testing
and then introducing the system later this year.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH from the WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee with
a few words on the licence conditions submission to the A C M A.

The submission will soon be discussed, again, with the A C M A. So, I'd like
to talk about a few of the key issues incorporated in it.

Many of you will have heard on these broadcasts - as well as the general
publishing and broadcasting media - the issue know as STEM, or STEAM, an
acronym for science, technology engineering and mathematics - S T E M - or,
with the addition of arts - S T E A M.

Hardly a week goes by without S T E M or S T E A M getting a mention in the
context of education and career pursuits for young Australians.

The preamble to the submission puts amateur radio in the context of
developments and directions perceived in society today.

Let me quote:

"The continued existence of the Amateur Service provides a resource for the
self-education of individuals through both peer-to-peer learning and
formalised classes undertaken by those who wish to qualify as radio amateurs,
providing a basic education in radio communication disciplines for many who
would not otherwise acquire that knowledge.

". . . over many decades, an interest in amateur radio has served as a
catalyst and motivation for many thousands of young people to enter scientific
or technological careers. From that start, many individuals have gone on to
forge outstanding careers and contributed to Australia's business, government,
scientific and technological achievements.

"In the current socio-political climate, in which an emphasis on science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in education at all levels is
issuing from the academic, business and political spheres, developing an
interest in amateur radio provides new avenues and a strong motivator for
young Australians to explore and engage in STEM activities, education and

The submission preamble goes on to say:

". . . the WIA is actively working to forge links with curriculum-complementary
and extra-curricular school programs and tertiary courses as a means of
providing practical support for STEM activities and for recruiting new
amateurs from the pool of students taking an interest in STEM pursuits."

The recent announcement of the WIA's STEM / STEAM Symposium, to be held in
Canberra, is a direct consequence of this statement in the licence conditions

We not only "talk the talk", we also "walk the walk".

Another matter of keen interest to the existing Australian radio amateur
community is that of access to new frequency bands.

The "top" one of interest is 60 metres - that 15 kHz slice at 5.3 MHz
allocated to the Amateur Service at the International Telecommunication Union
World Radiocommunication Conference, or W R C, in November last year.

In the WIA licence conditions submission, achieving access to this band is
"Priority 1".

The submission points out that the WRC gave a date for it to be available,
which is 1st January 2017. That's just four months away.

But that slice of 5 MHz is chock-a-block with assignments to essential
government and community services located across the four eastern states
and territories.

It looks like amateur radio is not going to be flavour of the year with them
when it comes to implementing the WRC's allocation.

The ACMA updates its regulatory instruments following every WRC. The main one
is the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan - the A R SP (more acronyms !).

Accordingly, the ACMA has a consultation process to follow in updating the
Spectrum Plan.

The WIA understands that the ACMA will commence that consultation process
later this year, which will engage all stakeholders with an interest in the

Naturally, the WIA will participate in that process.

How long will it take and how soon before we get to see some changes to our
amateur bands?

I'll have more to say about that in following broadcasts.

This has been Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

Life Vice-President of the Radio Society of Great Britain, Lord Rix G2DQU SK.

Radio amateur Brian Rix G2DQU passed away on the morning of Saturday, August
20, 2016, aged 92

While known to the general public, particularly in the UK, as an actor,
Brian Rix had been a licensed radio amateur since his early teens.

In 1979 he was made life vice-president of the Radio Society of Great Britain.

Lord Rix used his position in the House of Lords to ask questions related
to amateur radio, the polluting Power Line Telecommunications technology was
one such example.


International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 Directors have met in Tokyo with
an agenda that included measures to further improve the website facility
and support to seek greater access to 50 MHz at the next World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC).

The JARL headquarters gathering saw Professor Rhee HL1AQQ, Peter Young VK3MV,
Don Wallace ZL2TLL, Wisnu Widjaja YB0AZ, Shizuo Endo JE1MUI, Gopal Madhavan
VU2GMN, and Secretary Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP.

Also attending the two-day meeting were IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH, and
IARU Region 2 President Reinaldo Leandro YV5AM.

Special attention was given to how all member societies could take action in
support the IARU move for spectrum defence and expansion at the upcoming WRC
in 2019.

In particular the IARU is seeking support for Agenda Item 1.1 that seeks the
50 MHz amateur allocation now in Region 1, to be harmonized worldwide.

The IARU Region 3 will have high level representation at the Asia-Pacific
Telecommunity Preparatory Group (APG) meetings in the lead up to WRC-19.

The meeting also decided it was essential for member societies to have
interactive pages on the IARU Region 3 website where they can update
information themselves and post important news items.

Major work is underway to re-format the Region 3 bandplan so it aligns with
the other two regions and also to make it easier to read.

All documents including guidelines have now been reformatted and are also on
the website.

The reactivation of Amateur Radio in Fiji and the other Pacific islands is
being actively pursued, along with consideration on how to assist newcomers
to the hobby, especially young radio amateurs, with low cost entry level

Directors also reviewed the various resolutions made at the Region 3
Conference in Bali Indonesia last year to measure progress and future action
on them.

The WIA in 2013 initiated the Michael J Owen Award to recognise excellent
Single Operator achievement within Region 3 during the IARU HF Championship.
This prestigious award is to be presented. The directors are expected to
have a face-to-face meeting in the first week of September 2017, soon after
the JARL Ham Fair in Tokyo.


Illegal GPS sea buoys (boys to English booies to our US friends) on 10 meters.

A group of Portuguese amateur radio enthusiasts are spending their own
vacation time trying to identify the location of a series of GPS buoy clusters
that are transmitting, illegally and for many years, on the 10 meter band.

"So far, we have had some success in determining the location of the few that
we can receive when propagation allows. The data suggests that these clusters
are located in the Atlantic, alongside the coasts of Africa and Europe but
its possible that they are present elsewhere", indicates Paulo CT2IWW.

According to Paulos description, these transmissions consist of three second
long F1B bursts (RTTY) at 51bd. Individual transmissions are 10 seconds apart
with the whole process repeating every five minutes.

Frequencies are between 28000kHz and 28120kHz, at 5 kHz intervals.

This week in and radio futurologist James Cridland
asks the question: AM Radio - What's Its Future? There's a growing trend for
AM operators to move to other modes and a global trend which sees individual
AM stations closing, with some countries ceasing AM transmissions altogether.

WIA News spoke to James Cridland this week:

"Try and get AM radio in your BMW i3, or your Tesla Model X, and you won't
find it. AM is removed: because these electric cars make too much
interference to the AM band.

"It's not just electric cars, either: everything from tram tracks, cheap LED
lights or DSL broadband connections cause interference to the AM band.

"For broadcasters, AM is hugely expensive to run in terms of electricity bills,
and real estate for towers and earth mats.

"Noise on the bands doesn't JUST stop with AM either and broadcasters are
upset about this "rising noise floor."

James Cridland, filing a special report for WIA International News this week

Full story at

The National Association of Broadcasters, the trade organisation which is the
voice for the USA's broadcasters, has urged authorities to aggressively and
expeditiously address increasing spectrum noise from manmade sources. Failure
to do it they believe, risks licensees of all radio and TV broadcast services
drowning in a sea of noise and devaluing the spectrum.

The NAB has claimed that much of today's noise is caused by the proliferation
of cheap and simple electronic designs with little or no regulatory enforcement

Imagine, for a moment, U.S. President James Buchanan and Great Britain's
Queen Victoria exchanging QSL cards. Imagine too the 19th century world
figures giving one another signal reports. It didn't quite happen that way
but in August of 1858, the president and the queen communicated across the
Atlantic, as Victoria sent the president an invitation to visit Buckingham

Her message began: QUOTE "Come, let us talk together" - as clear an opening
for a rag chew if ever we heard one.

It was the first transatlantic telegraph message between the two and the
president received it at the summer White House in Pennsylvania.

To commemorate that telegraph's anniversary, hams from the Bedford County
Amateur Radio Society in Pennsylvania, using the callsign N 3 B, sent an ARRL
Radiogram on Aug. 16 to Queen Elizabeth II.

It was delivered to GB3RS at the Radio Society of Great Britain's National
Radio Centre Bletchley Park. The message was sent in CW on 20 meters by
Lloyd Roach K3QNT and Bernie Frank W3DRW.

Band conditions weren't optimal but in the UK, Trevor Hughes, G4WKJ and
Andy Roberts M0GYK, were still able to copy the good wishes and forward them
on to Buckingham Palace where, despite poor signal reports that had
challenged the amateurs, it was never the less well-received.


36th ALARA Contest is on this weekend August 27-28.

September 23-25 D-STAR (Digital Amateur Radio) QSO party.


Ham Radio On The Ferries 12th of March

The annual lighthouse weekend was full of fun

Hundreds with portable gear had a marvellous time putting former marine
navigation on air during the 19th International Lighthouse and Lightship
Weekend held last Saturday and Sunday.

Organiser Kevin Mulcahy VK2CE says thank you to all who registered for the
fun-event, with some them needing to avoid contests and keep out of
inclement weather.

Its final result of 471 from 45 countries was excellent, says Kevin,
considering unsettled conditions in some areas of the world.

Now expected on the ILLW.NET website are more reports of 2016 activity.

At the end, Germany and USA both had 69 registrations, followed closely by
Australia on 65.

Among a lot of media publicity came the Australian Bureau of Metrology on
its Facebook page with words and pictures of lighthouses - all good for
Amateur Radio.

Looking ahead already there are 25 registrations for the 20th fun-event on
the third weekend of August 2017.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


We may not have had any detail on this years RD in the news, other than
the date, but now a plea for logs has come in.. Alan..?

Hi, this is Alan VK4SN

Thanks to those who joined in the Remembrance Day
Contest. At this point in time we're looking for more logs.

The cut-off date is 0300z Sunday.

Please send your logs to
along with any photos you would like in the final report.

Thanks again, this is VK4SN.

Thanks Allan VK4SN.. Now another WIA Contestwe heard nothin of was this years
Worked All VK Shires contest held back last June. The winner of the 2015
WAS contest was VK4HH Diane Main. Diane now VK4DI also just happens to be
this years ALARA contest Manager and thanks to Diane we have been kept abreast
well and truly of details in this contest, held this weekend

Now for a bit of extra fun with the Shires, why not join in the VK4 Shires Net?

VK4 Shires Net

Every Friday
20m - 14.238 MHZ from 0630Z then if required QSY 7.088 MHz
(40m only if required)

Various operators handle the Net Control.

Your chance to get contacts towards the Worked All Queensland Shires Award.

Want to be a net controller for the VK4 Shires Net ? The net needs operators
to work as controllers on a roster basis. Contact Bill VK4FW to find out more
or put up your hand.



Air Cadet Organisation - will be operating at Stalham ATC Squadron, Norfolk,
from 3rd to 18th September. They are celebrating 75 Years of the Air Training
Primary activity will be on 40m


GB 100 E
Commemorates the rescue of the crew of the Endurance by Ernest Shackleton
in August 1916.
Activity will be from 24 to 31 August
More information is at

((Editorial content supplied to 4fuq via vk4bb))


Who and Where are our broadcast stations?

A look at Amateur Radio magazine for September

On the cover is the EMDRC team at the VHF/UHF Field Day, and inside are the
WIA Winter Field Day Results.

This issue has the HF Digital Voice experience of John Nunan VK3IC and
Peter Wolfenden VK3RV, some uses for centre-off toggle switches by
Peter Parker VK3YE, and the electronic eQSL system from Robert Janoska VK4AAC.

Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW has done a good job summarising the premier
technical conference GippsTech 2016.

Other articles include; the retirement of the ARISS coordinator Tony
Hutchison VK5ZAI, and a look at our founder GA Taylor, named in honour
by the highest award given by the WIA.

The latest GA Taylor medallist is Dale Hughes VK1DSH - read a report on his

In the President's Comment, Phil Wait VK2ASD explains where he sees the WIA
heading. Recently spending some time looking at the WIA financial position,
he shares some of those observations.

If the WIA is to remain a strong Amateur Radio advocate, both nationally and
internationally, we need more and better ways to make money, and reduce the
dependence on a slowly shrinking membership income.

To learn more about the financial health of the Institute, members should
read this column.

Elsewhere in the magazine, details are given of the RAOTC QSO Party in
October, and the Waverley Amateur Radio Society Power Distribution Box is
reviewed by Martin Luther VK7GN.

The regular columns are there also on SOTA & Parks, VHF/UHF An Expanding
World, Contests, and DX Talk.

Amateur Radio magazine, the journal of the WIA, is a membership service
published 11 times a year.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA.

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

The British Amateur Television Club (BATC) has announced Graham Shirville,
G3VZV, has been chosen to be the organisation's next President

He first joined BATC in the early 1970's, where he supported the development
of the network of ATV repeaters in the UK for many years.

More recently he has been closely involved with the development of the
HAM-TV system on the ISS.

He provided the deployment mechanism for the SSTV satellite ARISSat-1/KEDR
which was released from the International Space Station by cosmonaut
Sergei Volkov RU3DIS.

British Amateur Television Club

(sourced to SouthGate)


Happy 20th birthday to FO-29!

FO-29, known as JAS-2 (Japan Amateur Satellite #2) prior to launch, was
built by the Japan Amateur Radio League and launched on August 17, 1996.

In addition to a 100 kHz wide analogue Mode V/u (JA) transponder, the satellite
also includes a packet BBS and digitalker. While the packet BBS and
digitalker are non-functional, the analogue transponder continues to provide
excellent service to the present day.

The sensitivity of the transponder and Mode V/U configuration also allow for
the effective use of minimal equipment. QSOs have been reported using a
stock rubber duck antenna.

AMSAT - North America say that "to this day, FO-29 remains the most widely
used linear transponder satellite and an ideal satellite for beginners."

JARL offer an award for confirmed QSOs with ten different stations via FO-29.

BIRDS CubeSat Constellation to Launch in 2017

AMSAT-UK reports that four CubeSats comprising the BIRDS (Joint Global
Multi-Nation Birds) constellation are set to deploy from the International
Space Station (ISS) in 2017.

The 1U CubeSats -- BIRD-B, BIRD-J, BIRD-G, and BIRD-M -- have identical
designs, will use the same Amateur Radio frequencies, and will be deployed
as a group.

The main mission of the 2-year project is to use the constellation to carry
out radio communication experiments via a network of UHF/VHF Amateur Radio
ground stations around the world.

(arrl letter)

Kind of like Ripleys, believe it or not.

We have all heard of the ionosphere and how it refracts radio signals
enabling communication beyond the limits of the horizon. Now the US Airforce
is looking at a possible technology to use plasma BOMBS to create an
ionospheric-type path, generated by emissions from a special CubeSat above
the Earth.

The thinking is that the charged particles can be created by adding plasma
to the atmosphere using small CubeSats.

The US Airforce has got teams working on the idea, and possibly a new

One approach is chemical reactions to heat a piece of metal beyond its
boiling point to create the needed plasma, and other is looking at a small
bomb to achieve the "aim."

The results are expected to take a few years will be interesting, then comes
a decision of whether to go ahead.

The researchers are trying to see if there is a way they can do it, and it
will be several years before it's known if plasma created ionosphere is

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Aug 28 VK2 Summerland (Lismore) HamFest at Clubrooms. (vk2src)

Sep 18 VK2 Westlake's AR Club field day Teralba (J Green)
Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)
Sep-Oct 30-3 VK4 Cardwell Gathering Long Weekend, Beachcomber Motel(theTARCinc)

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (VK5KC)
Nov 26 VK3 Rosebud RadioFest 9:30 am till 2pm (vk3pdg)
Nov 26 VK7 Miena HamFest Saturday 26th. (vk7wi txt)


March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

Ap 28- May 1 VK4 Clairview Gathering between Rockhampton and Mackay (TARC)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Aug/Sep date to be advised - ALARAMEET 2017 in Cairns (vk4swe)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)