Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
Email nationalnews@wia.org.au
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Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
url's. When you upload audio email us the txt version.
In this week's news we cover -
Board comment by Phil VK2ASD
VK3PC Funeral Details
2018 WIA Radio and Electronics Convention and AGM
Callbacks report
Spratly Islands, Where is Earhart, Hina Matsuri and PicSat
Ross Hull Contest for 2018
Space Weather Report
VK2, 3 & 4 events
Yls around the World
RAOTC Broadcast
DroneFest and Summit to Summit
Wrap-up from Wyong
Rewind with Tandy
Finish with Spies and Cladestine Radios in Scotland!
and now across to Phil VK2ASD...
Like all previous years, the WIA manned a stand at the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field Day, held again at the Wyong race course. It was certainly good to meet so many old friends, but alas we are all getting older by the year.
Although I was mainly confined to the WIA stand, I'm told that the presentations were of a very high quality.
WIA Director Brian Clarke, VK2GCE was thrilled at the number of people attending his lecture entitled The Crystal Set Explored - and no doubt very deeply explored. The other lectures on topics as wide ranging as Digital Modes, Vintage AM equipment and controlling quadcopters.
It may be my imagination, but I did think numbers were down a bit this year, but maybe that was because the venue has recently been expanded and much of the activity was in a separate building. However, it was disappointing not to see any of the major equipment vendors this year such as Icom and Yaseu. Hopefully they will reconsider next year.
Being tied to the WIA stand I didn't have any change to spend money, something for which my wife is both grateful and surprised.
On a very sad note, the passing of Jim Linton, VK3PC, comes as a very great shock. Jim was a great help during my time as President, and on many times I asked and received his sound advice, both as a friend and an associate. It was Jim that provided guidance during the difficult period in the WIA towards the end of 2016 and early 2017.
Jim performed his role of WIA Secretary with expertise and absolute devotion to Amateur Radio, all during a period in his life when things must have been difficult due to his previous medical condition.
A G.A Taylor medallist, oneof Amateur Radio's greatest championsand one of its indelible characters, Jim will be remembered by everyone who knew him for a very long time to come.
Vale Jim Linton, VK3PC.
This is Phil Wait, VK2ASD, for the WIA.
Jim Linton VK3PC Silent Key - Funeral Details
The Funeral Service to Remember the Life of Mr James (Jim) Keith Linton VK3PC (SK) will be held at the Springvale Botanical Cemetery, Boyd Chapel, 600 Princes Hwy Springvale Vic, on Monday 5th of March at 1.00pm.
Following the service a burial will take place within the cemetery grounds where Jim will be laid to rest.
Family and friends are then invited to a celebration of Jim's Life to be held at 57 Cafe Bar Restaurant located at Pinewood Shopping Centre, 57 Centreway, Mount Waverley.
(Sourced from the WIA website)
2018 WIA Radio and Electronics Convention and AGM
Reminder that registrations are now open and they have been flooding in.
Did you know that the 2018 WIA Radio and Electronics Convention and AGM is being held at the SeaWorld Resort on Queensland's Gold Coast. The venue is located in the heart of the Gold Coast, with easy access from the airport and to a wide range of hotel accommodation and price range and lots of parking nearby.
For those arriving at the Gold Coast on Friday evening the traditional informal dinner and get together is being held at Fisherman's Wharf Tavern and the evening meal will be of your choice and budget.
On Saturday morning from 9am the WIA AGM and Open Forum will take place in SeaWorld's conference centre. This will be followed by the eye opening afternoon program themed "Beyond 2020". This program will include guest speakers presenting on some cutting edge technologies as well as a range of strategy workshops providing members with the opportunity to share their views and ideas for the shaping the future of the WIA beyond 2020. A commemorative activity to launch the armistice is to be announced by the WIA.
Saturday evening is the WIA Annual Dinner being held at SeaWorld's Shoreline Restaurant. During the evening our guest speaker will be Jeff Johnson VK4XJJ as he talks to us about his walk across Australia with Amateur Radio.
Sunday morning there are a broad range of activities from a Champagne and Breakfast Hot Air Balloon Ride, the Queensland Telecommunications Museum, Surf Life Saving Command Centre, plus a variety of demonstrations and displays of Amateur Radio equipment including a Microwave shootout.
And last but not least, for those not travelling back to their home QTH on Sunday afternoon, you are invited to join us for a free BBQ dinner courtesy of the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society.
Further information and the Full weekend program with online registration form is now available on the WIA Website at the link on the email edition of this broadcast.
And now across to Gordon VK4VP..
This is Gordon VK4VP with an update on the news callback reporting.
As you would have heard myself and Peter VK4NBL are collating the weekly callback figures after the WIA news broadcasts each week. I have sent out the first report a couple of days ago and I ask all of the people that are submitting the numbers to carefully go through the report and let me know if there are any errors or omissions. It has been quite a task to match the emails with the report entries so there could be mistakes.
There are still a couple of emails coming in to the old National news email address so just a reminder to change those to callbacks@wia.org.au in due course.
Well until next time, this is Gordon VK4VP.
Thanks Gordon
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, Local News Services VK2, VK3, VK6 & VK7, and the WW sources of the WIA.
Spratly Islands DXpedition
An international amateur radio team has plans to be on the air in early March from Layang Layang Island also known as Swallow Reef. Layang Layang is administered by Malaysia so the team will be using Malaysian callsign 9M0W and working 160 to 6m using CW, SSB and digital modes. The Spratly Islands group is located in the South China Sea and is disputed territory with six different asian nations claiming them. The Spratlys are currently number 56 on the DXCC most wanted list.
Other March DX activity in the Pacific region includes call sign 3D2EU from Rotuma Island which is 650km north of Fiji, on 160 to 10m. Also OE3GEA from French Polynesia on 30 to 10m bands.
(source GB2RS News)
81st Anniversary of Earhart Disappearance
The Baker Island Expedition KH1/KH7Z is marking the anniversary of Amelia Earhart's final flight in 1937 when she disappeared without trace. The group is also honouring the students from Hawaii who were living on the island at the time and had built an airstrip in preparation for Earhart and Noonan's arrival. After her plane failed to land as scheduled, a large search and rescue mission was undertaken. Many reports detail transmissions assumed to be from Earhart that were heard over the following few days. One version of events even includes a report of an amateur radio operator in Melbourne hearing a transmission that included Amelia's callsign KHAQQ. For all the Expedition details go to baker2018.net
(source ARnewsline.org)
HIna Matsuri - the Doll Festival
YLs in Japan yesterday took part in the 900 year old Hina Matsuri festival. This festival is known as the Doll Festival and is for wishing good health and happiness to girls. The festival is held annually on the third of March that is 3-3 which is also the sign off used by YLs. The 3-3 salutation was officially adopted by Young Ladies Radio League in 1940 and is said to mean "love sealed with friendship and mutual respect" between one YL and another YL.
(source ARnewsline.org)
PicSat is a nano-satellite with a mission to observe the transit of exoplanet Beta Pictoris b in front of Beta Pictoris. Since launching in January 2018 the commissioning has gone well and the team is learning how to operate the satellite. When not in science mode the satellite is a transponder and it will be available to radio amateurs. The project is encouraging radio amateurs to participate by receiving and relaying data which will help accomplish the mission's science goals. The website https://picsat.obspm.fr has all the details.
All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.
The Ross Hull Contest for 2018 results have been released.
First a little history on the contest - it was established in 1950 to honour the memory of the late Ross A. Hull and his pioneering achievements in the study of tropospheric propagation and the development of new equipment techniques for the higher bands.
The contest runs for the whole of January and entrants may operate on every contest day, but the final score is based on the best seven days nominated by the entrant.
For amateurs with limited operating time, there is also a "Best 2 Days" section. For many entrants, the two days of the Summer VHF-UHF Field Day will probably turn out to be the best two days in the month.
Each contact scores one point for each 100 km of distance worked. This score is then multiplied by the band multiplier. The total score is the sum of the scores on all bands.
The contest operates on 6m and above and now the announcement you have all been waiting for.
This year the winner of the analog section is again Ted Thrift, VK2ARA, and the digital winner is again Rex Moncur VK7MO.
Congratulations to them and to all other entrants.
(Thanks to John VK3KM for that information)
For those who watch what the Sun and space events and pray to the propagation Gods - this last week was very exciting on a couple of fronts.
The first was the celebration of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) celebrated 22 years of observing the Sun, marking one complete solar magnetic cycle in the life of our star. SOHO is a joint project between NASA and the ESA and its mission is to study the internal structure of the sun, its extensive outer atmosphere, and the origin of the solar wind.
The activity cycle in the life of the Sun is based on the increase and decrease of sunspots. We've been watching this activity for about 250 years, but SOHO has taken that observing to a whole new level.
Though sunspot cycles work on an 11-year period, they're caused by deeper magnetic changes in the Sun. Over the course of 22 years, the Sun's polarity gradually shifts. At the 11 year mark, the orientation of the Sun's magnetic field flips between the northern and southern hemispheres. At the end of the 22 year cycle, the field has shifted back to its original orientation. SOHO has now watched that cycle in its entirety.
Launched in 1995 and was designed to operate until 1998. But it's been so successful that its mission has been prolonged and extended several times.
SOHO's 22 years of observation has turbo-charged our space weather forecasting ability. Space weather is heavily influenced by solar activity, mostly in the form of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). SOHO has observed well over 20,000 of these CMEs.
Space weather affects key aspects of our modern technological world and many amateur radio operators watch these events with interest as they provide many of the novel communications events we all crave!
The other interesting space event that was reported last week and was described as an insane star eruption. Not the Sun but our closest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri. According to new research, in March of last year it erupted into an absolute beast of a stellar flare, 10 times brighter than the largest flares produced by our own Sun, even though it has only about one-eighth of the mass.
In November last year, researchers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA) in Spain announced that they'd detected a glow coming from Proxima Centauri. However on re-analysis of the data by researchers led by Carnegie's Meredith MacGregor have come up with a very different interpretation. It came down to not averaging the data and this presented a very significant 1000 times spike in the star's emission.
Marvellous what a difference an average or a decimal place can make to the results.
There was an article appear in the last week via the Netflix show, "Stranger Things," about students at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) giving the century-old technology a new voice in this social media world.
The program was all about ham radio making a comeback after it proved to be the last line of defense when communications systems failed. During and after the hurricane in Puerto Rico, ham radio was often the only way to communicate with emergency first responders. It doesn't need internet access or cellphone towers to work, and the signal can travel around the world.
"When they had the major hurricane season that knocked out many of the communications systems and the power on the island, amateur radio was the primary form of communication back to the United States," said Nathaniel Frissell.
Frissell is an assistant research professor and founder of HAMSCI, a group formed to join hams and scientists. NJIT held a conference recently to review data collected by ham radio operators during the solar eclipse. The purpose is to find out how part of the atmosphere that carries radio signals was affected.
"The conference joins ham radio operators and professional scientists, and we're very interested in studying the electrically charged portion of the upper atmosphere known as the ionosphere," said Frissell.
There are about 14,000 ham radio operators in New Jersey.Students say the ham radio club is growing, thanks to efforts by Frissell in merging the hobby with science.
"There's a generation gap. Everyone now has cellphones and the internet, and to learn you can do this all through radio waves, between AM and FM, it really encouraged a lot of them," said Andrew Gerrard, professor of Physics at NJIT.
The scientists at NJIT say they are very pleased working with the ham radio operators; They have their own equipment, they're all over the world and they're very enthusiastic. They're using an old technology for the modern day theory of crowd sourcing to help science.
ARNSW advises that the 2018 Upgrade course is delayed by one week, It will now commence on Monday evening the 12th March.
The annual Urunga Radio Convention will be held - as usual - over Easter at the NSW north coast village of Urunga.
The Oxley Region A R C advise that this years field day on the long week in June - the 9 th and 10 th - is being held at the Wauchope High School. The usual venue is unavailable due to renovations.
Dstar Tech Day in VK3
Well its time to do it again and that is another Dstar Tech Day like we did last year in November which I think was a good day had by all and I think a few of us ended up a little lighter in the pocket a few weeks later after seeing Wayne's demo on his Blue stack and being able to us it with Blue tooth on the phone.
Anyway to get the year started we are going to do it again at the Club rooms of the Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club in Morwell. So if you able to come down for the day and maybe show the group what you have been playing with or would like some help in getting things work or help programming radios between us we can help.
It will be held on 24thMarch @ 10.00am in the Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club - The Youth Room, 39-49 Well Street,Morwell, Victoria.
For more details take a look at the email edition of this broadcast.
Again there will be a BBQ Lunch and Coffee and Biscuits, so if you could RSVP to Allan VK3SLRvk3slr@apollo-net.co.ukor myself Terry VK3BMXvk33bmx@tpg.com.au by the 20th of March so we can see how many will be coming so that we can cater for Please..
Ok hope to see as many of you all on the day..
Cheers Terry, VK3BMX
The Clairview Gathering
This is an annual event where Radio Amateurs meet at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown Saturday Night Mega-Auction. There might even be some fox-hunting and there will definitely be RAFFLES !
The Gathering is one of the main revenue raisers for the Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club Inc and Mackay Amateur Radio Association.
It happens in 2018 from Friday arvo 4th May to Monday morn 7th May.
Those who are keen to chill out completely in one of the most relaxing and laid back venues in the cosmos arrive earlier and stay later.
Check out the Mackay ARS website on the email edition of this broadcast for more details.
You also need to let Neil/VK4NB know about your catering numbers for the Saturday Night feed-up. Let him know now on email [qrm] vk4wim [at] outlook [dot] com [dot] au [qrm]
One of the justifications we use to keep ever more valuable radio spectrum is the provision of services to the community when needed. All Amateurs take advantage of this, but how many play a role in the provision of those services when an opportunity arises?
Around Australia there are many WICEN groups who undertake many roles from search and rescue, safety communications, community event communications, JOTA/JOTI and much more.
Many of these organisations are finding it difficult to adequately staff operations, due primarily to an ageing and declining active membership. There are relatively few younger people making a contribution. By younger this mean under sixty!
So, if the WIA is to continue to use community contribution as a justification for all Amateurs to keep our valuable spectrum, we need more people to get involved and enjoy using their mobile and portable radios for the community good. It's usually enjoyable and has a great social component, on top of being greatly appreciated by the served organisations.
It's not necessary to be mobile or portable equipped, or even be licenced. Groups have equipment to use and you'll be paired with an experienced operator until you find your feet.
Why not give it a try?
Take a look on the WIA website for the WICEN clubs in each state and give them a call.
(Edited from VK7 News)
Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)
Special Interest Groups YL's Around The world
International Women's Day Activity
The Deutscher Amatuer Radio CLub YL group and Sophie F4DHQ are organizing an international YL-Activity on the International Women's Day on Thursday, March 8th, 2018 from 18:00 until 22:00 UTC on 20m, 40m and 80m in SSB & CW. The objective of the contest is to make as many contacts with YLs as possible.
Ham Radio, YLs and Universities
Universities are a great place to foster interest in amateur radio particularly amongst YLs. Here in Australia the James Cook University Amateur Radio Club started in 2013, has now morphed into a combined electronics, robotics club with many members also being members of the JCU UAV club. The club has quite a few active female members, doing all kinds of exciting stuff.
In the US, Ruth Willet KM4LAO, knew she wanted to continue her ham radio activities when she started at Kettering University. "It's such a special hobby because there's so many people that want to get to know you, and want to help you learn and grow " she says ". "This hobby supplements very well what I'm doing at Kettering because it has application in a lot of different subjects. I love seeing the practical application of electronics, solar weather and the way radio signals propagate around the globe. It's fascinating."
YL Radio Pioneers
A few weeks ago WIA News brought you the story of Mrs Mac, the first female member of the Wireless Institute of Australia. Today we introduce Miss Kathleen Parkin of San Rafael, California, whose story featured in The Electrical Experimenter of October, 1916 .
The article read in part "at fifteen,years of age Miss Parkin is an expert radio operator and mechanician, and one of the youngest, fully qualified ladies we have had the pleasure of reporting. Her call is 6SO and Miss Parkin says she will be pleased to communicate with any amateur within range. Miss Parkin writes:
I think wireless telegraphy is a most fascinating study, and one which could very easily be taken up by girls, as it is a great deal more interesting than the telephone and telegraph work, in which so many girls are now employed.
It seems to me that everyone should at least know the code, as cases might easily arise of a ship in distress, where the operators might be incapacitated, and a knowledge of the code might be the means of saving the ship and the lives of the passengers. But the interest in wireless does not end in the knowledge of the code.
You can gradually learn to make all your own instruments, as I have done with my kilowatt set.
More detail about each of these stories is available via the links in the text version of this broadcast.
I'm, Kimberly Olsen VK2KMI for the WIA National News
Hallo everyone this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's March bulletin goes to air tomorrow.
This month the main topic will be "bendy batteries" describing research into thinner, more flexible battery technology, plus the latest Club news. Everyone, RAOTC members and non-members alike, is most welcome to tune in and to join in the call backs afterwards.
The broadcast originates in Melbourne at 10 am local time on the VK3REC 2m repeater with simultaneous relays on 1843 kHz and 7146 khz.
At 0100 UTC for eastern states listeners, Hans VK5YX will transmit the program on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz.
At 0200 UTC, for West Australian listeners the program is transmitted simultaneously on 7088 kHz and via the linked repeater network.
At night the broadcast is repeated at 2030 hours Melbourne time on 80 metres on 3650kHz, in Tasmania at 1930 on the VK7RAA and 7RTC networks plus a TV presentation by Tony VK7AX at 2030 hours Tasmanian time.
From Tuesday you can download the audio file from the Club website at www.raotc.org.au where you also find full details about our Club.
Tune in tomorrow for the March RAOTC bulletin.
73 from Clive VK6CSW.
A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.
Nordics On The Air - first subregional YOTA camp
Youngsters On The Air are glad to announce their first YOTA IARU Region 1 sub-project! It's called Nordics On The Air (or NOTA for short) and will be hosted by Sweden's SSA.
NOTA is essentially going to be a camp for young radio amateurs which will take place at Hems fortress in the middle of Sweden near Sundsvall/Hrnsand this weekend.
The camp will be held on an island which is connected to the mainland by ferry. The campsite is inside an old large military base in a mountain. The shack and cafeteria are inside the mountain as well. There will be many outdoor activities during the camp. Breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks will be catered and the food will correspond to normal Scandinavian food traditions.
At the camp there will be 3 working HF stations covering 20, 40 & 80 meters plus VHF using the call SM8YOTA.
Some of the activities that the YOTA attendees will get up to include - Tournament "Battle of Hemsn", Mountain BBQ, QSO and Off air contest and kit building.
Announcement at
Youngsters On The Air
(Sourced from the SouthGateARNews)
website: www.ifroar.org
email: webmaster@ifroar.org
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/RotariansROAR/
0645z - 0730z Anzo Net 7.118 (varies due to propagation)
0730z - 0830z International net 14.293 (varies due to propagation)
Looking for an "out of the box" way to demonstrate radio?
In VK7 yesterday there was Dronefest which was a one day exhibition highlighting all aspects of drone use organised by Rotary.
Dronefest included working drone demonstrations, exhibitions from more than 10 of the state's leading Drone-using companies and researchers, a Drone Dungeon to test pilot skills of the young, as well as an Inspiration Theatre showcasing the amazing application of drones throughout the world.
So why a dronefest?
The commercial use of drones in Tasmania has generated a rapidly growing multilevel industry to be proud of.
In total there are 160 commercial drone pilots in the state working on industries ranging from agriculture, civil engineering, surveying, hydro power generation, cinematography, tourism and real estate.
Backing them up is the highly regarded Terraluma research group at the University of Tasmania.
Additionally we have 2 companies designing and manufacturing, largely for export overseas, large drone engines and specialised parts for very expensive cine cameras.
The drones used in the state range from those weighing less than 2 kg to 8 engine monsters that carry very large cameras, with an all up weight of 40 kg.
It is estimated the industry employs full time about 70 Tasmanians and is expanding at about 30% per annum.
Drones are a perfect example of the real-life application of science, technology, engineering, maths (STEM) and radio as these platforms carry multiple radio frequency transmitters and receivers.
SOTA Summit to Summit Europe to Australia and beyond on March 10th. 2018.
In Summits on the Air (SOTA), one of the more difficult and therefore challenging actions is to communicate from one summit to another usually using low power and a simple antenna at both ends. Add to that distance and poor propagation and the challenge is enormous.
This will not deter over 30 SOTA activators who are planning to climb again this year to summits in Europe, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Japan on Saturday the 10th. of March. In time for long path propagation between Europe and Asia Pacific.
The summit to summit (or S-2-S) event will start around 0630 UTC - for Long Path between Europe and Australia over the following 90 minutes or so. Despite predicted poor propagation there are from time to time openings even at the bottom of the solar cycle.
It is the first time that South Africa is joining in and while contacts from there to Europe are unlikely contacts over to Australia may take place.
The organisers - Mike 2E0YYY, Andrew VK1AD and Ed DD5LP are hopeful that as well as several S2S contacts within the regions, contacts between regions will be possible. The best chance will be stations using CW however those using SSB will be trying hard as well.
For anyone wanting to join the party, either as an activator on a summit or a chaser, home station, discussions can be found on the "reflector (dot) sota (dot) org (dot)uk" web site.
These events are organised by individuals within the SOTA community, so it just shows how much fun can be had based simply on an idea, choosing a date and a loooong walk up a hill on possibly a freezing morning!
73 Ed DD5LP.
March 11 - VK2 - Sydney Amateur Radio Ferry Contest - Waverley ARS
March 17 & 18 - VK7 - Meet The Voice Event - Ross Tasmania
March 17 & 18 - VK - John Moyle Memorial Field Day Contest
March 25 VK3 - EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont
April 7-8 VK3 - Antennapalooza 2018 - EMDRC, GGREC, MDRC & FAMPARC at Drouin in VK3
April 22 - VK6 - Hill Amateur Radio Group HARGFest Swapmeet 10:00-14:00
April 22 - VK5 - South Coast Amateur Radio Club Annual Buy, Swap and Sell 10:00-15:00
May 4 -7 - VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton/Mackay )
May 18 to 20 - VK4 - WIA Radio & Electronics Convention & AGM weekend
June 9 & 10 - 2018 South East Radio Group's Convention and Australian Fox Hunting Championship
July 7 & 8 - VK3 GippsTech 2018 - The 21st annual Gippsland Technical Conference vk3bez.org
August 11 & 12 - VK - Remembrance Day Contest
August 18 & 19 - WW - Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
October 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest
Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Spies, morse code and clandestine radio in Hamilton, Scotland
During February, the CQScotland group delivered an introduction to basic electronics and amateur radio for children from two Hamilton Schools on behalf of the South Lanarkshire Council.
In the fourth session, thechildren all built a Morse code sender and learned a little of the code.
Roy Kavannah GM4VKI the Scotland Club Rep from the GQRP club then shared his extensive knowledge and demonstrated some of his collection of clandestine radio equipment.
Later Tony Miles - RSGB Region 1 Manager - revealed both his dad and granddad used similar equipment when operating in the S.O.E. or Special Operations Executive.
Excitement grew, when a parent attending announced "I used to be a radio operator in the Soviet Navy and am familiar with the techniques mentioned by Roy."
What a day of wonderful memories for the children!
(Sourced from the SouthGateARNews)
Submitting news items
A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
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WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
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