Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
Email nationalnews@wia.org.au
http://www.wia.org.au click news in member area & submit your audio
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio,
NEVER send just links & url's but write your story as you would
expect to hear it being read back and then when you upload audio
also email us the txt version.
Good Morning from Sydney, I am WIA Director Peter VK8ZZ,
As this broadcast goes to air, we are all actively involved at the
2019 SYDNEY Amateur Radio Convention celebrating 100 years since the
Waverley Amateur Radio Society was established. Last Friday night saw
the official celebrations by the Waverley club at the Sydney Town
This year's Amateur Radio Convention was organised by the Waverley
Amateur Radio Society, the WARS organising committee and AR NSW.
So, a big congratulations for a job well done.
Yesterday (Saturday) was the Annual General Meeting of the Wireless
Institute of Australia. That was followed by a number of forums and
technical sessions. It was difficult to choose between the events on
the day.
This AGM sees the end of the term for President Justin Giles-Clark
VK7TW. Justin has been an extremely hard worker and an active member
of the WIA Board. Justin did not re-nominate for a board position and
he will be sadly missed. We all wish Justin well for the future and
look forward to his continued participation as a volunteer with the
The new WIA president will be elected today at a WIA Board meeting.
The next Annual Conference and AGM will be held in Hobart in 2020.
Registrations will open soon.
I am often contacted by members saying that the WIA should do this
or complaining that they are not doing something else. An article in
the current AR Magazine by Ted Thrift VK2XA hits the mark. Ted says
in his article that one of his greatest dislikes includes: -
"That is people having a whine about something that has or has not
happened and lay the blame at THE WIA. . There is no "THE WIA",
it is a collective group of people who put substance into Amateur
Radio in Australia"
Well said Ted!!
Ted Thrift is a past Director of the WIA and was a volunteer WIA
Assessor for many years. He is definitely in touch with "The WIA" as
he has been the Clubs Co-ordinator for a number of years.
So, if you as a member of the WIA think that the institute should be
doing something that it is not, then stand up and be counted. Put a
proposal together and offer to run it. That's what volunteers do.
If you think that the management or committees are not up to scratch,
then put your hand up to nominate as a director, or as a member of
that committee, that's what I did and why I am here now.
I also am often asked what members get for the membership fees.
Well the WIA is the peak body for Amateur Radio in Australia. We hold
the same position as the RSGB does in Great Britain or the ARRL in
the USA. The WIA is recognised internationally as such. So, amongst
other things, we as members get representation both domestically and
internationally for our beloved hobby. Those amateurs that are not
financial members of the WIA or have chosen to support other splinter
groups are, in my opinion, freeloaders, reaping the benefits of the
representation made for and on behalf of all amateurs by the Wireless
Institute of Australia. Member subscriptions help this representation
and members should be very proud of that.
Today the Sydney Conference continues at ARNSW's DURAL site. I for
one, am keen to be part of the field day today and look forward to
meeting as many members as possible up at Dural.
This has been Peter VK8ZZ.
A reminder that VK2WI News will have a live report of the WIA AGM
at the end of today's VK1WIA news. For those who can receive one or
more of the VK2WI HF frequencies - the segment will be at about
10.25 am EAST, right after this broadcast.
For those who have reception difficulties VK2WI News is also streamed
at arnsw.org.au/audio The segment will be recorded and available
later on the web site at arnsw.org.au/audio
This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH from the Spectrum Strategy Committee.
Last month, the Australian Communications and Media Authority - the
A C M A - released a document setting out the work that it plans to
do in spectrum management from now through to 2023.
Called the "Five-year spectrum outlook 2019-23", the 71-page document
is what the Authority calls a consultation draft. That is, they
called for all interested stakeholders to comment on all aspects of
interest to them. Naturally, that includes the WIA, on behalf of
members and the radio amateur community in general - both licensed
amateurs and prospective licensees.
During the next year or so, the ACMA intends to work on reform of the
Amateur licence conditions, progressing access to the long-awaited
60m band allocated to amateurs on a secondary basis at the 2015
World Radio Conference, and furthering availability of amateur
qualifications, amongst other things.
The WIA has submitted a detailed response to the ACMA's draft work
plan, covering all key topics of interest to the Australian radio
amateur community, which include:
## reviewing amateur licensing in the context of the single licensing
system being brought in with the new Radiocommunications Act, yet
to be considered by the federal parliament.
## consultation on proposed amateur licence conditions, which were
submitted by the WIA in 2018 following a survey of the Australian
radio amateur community.
## advancing access to the 5.3 MHz - or 60 metre band - allocation .
. . after talks with the defence department, the WIA has submitted
a proposal to provide some limited access that avoids or mitigates
interference to incumbent services.
## amateur licence tenure and fees framework - based on models used
in other countries, where amateurs have low fees and long licence
The WIA has told the ACMA it is concerning that amateur licensing
issues are being considered when the foreshadowed new
Radiocommunications Act is not in place and there is little or no
indication about how the new Act will deal with delegations,
regulations and codes of practice.
Accordingly, the WIA reiterated that the radio amateur community
- individual licences bearing a unique callsign
- certainty of licence tenure
- an equitable framework of transaction costs - that is, fees
- certain and continuing access to frequency bands throughout the radiofrequency spectrum, and
- continued participation and representation in spectrum management
For those interested in the 70 MHz band, the Institute has put
forward a proposal to enable conducting experiments through the use
of Scientific licences obtained by the Institute which then
authorises individual amateurs to conduct experiments. In the
proposal on licence conditions submitted to the ACMA in 2018, the
WIA suggested an allocation at 70.0 to 70.5 MHz, which is congruent
with allocations in Region 1.
There is a precedent.
Before the 470 kHz band was allocated, transmission and propagation
experiments were conducted by local amateurs under experimental
licensing held by the WIA.
Check out the WIA's response to the ACMA's latest work plan on
WIA News on the website, wia.org.au
This Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.
ITU Working Party 5A1 Completes Draft New Report on WRC-19 Agenda
Item 1.1
They completed work on the sharing and compatibility studies required
for WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.1 during the meeting of WP 5A that concluded
on May 9. The report, which began as a nine-page document in 2016,
grew to 158 pages developed from 60 input contributions over a 3-year
period. Working Group 5A1, responsible for amateur matters, is
chaired by WIA's Dale Hughes, VK1DSH.
Agenda item 1.1 calls on the ITU to study Amateur Service spectrum
needs in Region 1 in the 50 - 54 MHz band, taking into account the
results of sharing studies between the Amateur Service and other
services using the band to ensure protection of these services.
The report describes work undertaken to prepare for Agenda Item 1.1
of World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 and the associated
Conference Preparatory Meeting, which addressed the technical
background for WRC. National administrations will use the Draft
New Report and the CPM Report to prepare proposals for WRC-19 later
this year.
WRC-19 will only consider proposals actually offered by
administrations or RTOs.
No impact on Amateur Radio allocations in Regions 2 and 3 is
WRC-19 takes place October 28 - November 22 in Egypt.
BBC extends 5G broadcast radio trial
The Orkney islands were selected for the BBC's broadcast radio and
broadband access trial because the region has poor digital radio
coverage and limited fixed and mobile broadband connectivity.
The trial was launched in February in Stronsay, Orkney, making
residents there among the first in the world to receive live radio
broadcasts over 5G.
AGM's are 'in the air.'
88th IRTS AGM hosted by SEARG
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC will be hosting the
88th Annual Irish Radio Transmitters Society AGM over the weekend
of the 18th and 19th April 2020 in Carlow.
Any VK hams intending on an overseas jaunt might we suggest you check
out the web page for this huge 88th event, best read on wia.org.au
This will be E12WRC's 2nd time to host the event and they look
forward to welcoming everyone, Ireland and beyond, to Carlow.
This story reminds us that school shootings in the USA have, sadly,
become a common reality -- but so too has the fact that radio can
make a difference even in the face of such horror.
With this report here is Amateur Radio Newslines Mike Askins KE5CXP.
Administrators at one high school outside Denver, Colorado, are
true believers in what amateur radio operators have known for years:
radio helps save lives. The school is the STEM School Highlands Ranch
where on Tuesday May 7th, two students with guns killed one teenager
and injured eight other people. It was radio, however, that was
credited with getting quick police response.
Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock said in a recent NBC News report
that the school's use of their on-premises police radio got word out
about the active shooter situation immediately. That frantic message
was, in effect, a broadcast to local law enforcement.
The fact that one of the suspects was in custody within minutes was
attributed by experts to a healthy two-way radio link from the campus
to the cops. Curtis Lavarello of the School Safety Advocacy Council
told NBC that fewer than 10 percent of school agencies have such
radio links. He said providing them is as easy as adding police
channels to existing radios a school may have or giving the schools
unused police radios.
Whether it's cyclones ravishing Asia or hurricanes trouncing the U.S.
Atlantic Coast or nightmare situations in schools, radio remains the
wireless lifeline for us all. Ask any ham.
All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.
That weekend is also the VK SHIRES CONTEST
This in from VK4TI and we will have more in both text and audio
news June 2nd.
We will accept logs that contain Digital Modes however the exchange
information is still required. AND THE MODE must be included.
Probably easier to send digital file separately.
>From 2018 the VK Shires is an official WIA Contest and will
count towards the Peter Brown Contest Champion Awards.
Contest Introduction
ALL HF Bands available to Standard licensees -
Modes are SSB and CW, stations can be worked once on each mode.
EXPERIMENTAL RULE 2019 We will accept logs that contain Digital Modes
however the exchange information is still required. AND THE MODE must
be included. Probably easier to send digital file separately.
Digital will be a separate standalone category. The preferred mode is
FT4 but whatever floats your boat.
ROVER stations as well as portable entries make up part of the
character of the VK Shires as well as the timing to take place over
an East Coast Long Weekend.(Queens Birthday)
Aim of The Contest
The objectives of this contest are for amateurs around the world to
contact as many VK shires as possible in the contest period.
VK amateurs are to work the world including VK, whilst the rest of
the world can only work VK.
(trent vk4ti)
IARU HF World Championship 13-14 July.
RSGB IOTA Contest July 27-28th
Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest July 20
VK Remembrance Day Contest is August 17-18
CQ magazine has announced the induction of one individual and one
group to the CQ DX Hall of Fame, which honors those DXers who not
only excel in personal performance but who also "give back" to the
hobby in outstanding ways.
CQ DX Editor Bob Schenck, N2OO, presented Hall of Fame plaques at
an induction ceremony held at the annual Dayton DX dinner on May 17th.
The 2019 inductees to the CQ DX Hall of Fame are:
Joe Taylor, K1JT - Nobel Prize winning-astrophysicist who has
revolutionized the face of DXing with his suite of WSJT weak-signal
digital modes, including FT8, which is capable of decoding signals
well below the noise level.
KIJT shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of
binary pulsars.
Silvano Borsa, I2YSB, and the Italian DXpedition Team.
The Italian DXpedition Team has made more than 20 major DXpeditions
in the past 20 years, mostly to Africa, where its members have
activated more than a dozen rare countries, making nearly 1.4 million
QSOs along the way. In addition, the team has arranged for the
donation and delivery of two ambulances from Italy to Somalia, one of
the many countries it has activated.
Extended 2m coverage in the NSW South Coast, Snowy Mountains and
Northern Victoria regions.
A new 2m Repeater VK3RDH is now operational on 146.625 MHz-600Khz
(no tone) in Northern Victoria. The Repeater, located on
Mount Delegate, is just over the border with NSW. Early signal
reports are said to have been favourable and so far received from
Sale, Bairnsdale and North Eastern Tasmania amongst others.
This 146.625 Repeater is linked to VK2RSE 147.375MHz + 600Khz
(no tone) located at Mt Roberts near Bredbo and VK2RFS 146.750MHz
- 600Khz (no tone) located at Mumbulla Mountain on the Far South
Coast of NSW near Bermagui.
With these three Repeaters linked, 2m access is now provided from
south of the Batemans Bay NSW area along the coast down to Eden, into
the Monaro Plains and Snowy Mountains areas between Bredbo (and for
those not familiar with the region it IS Bredbro with a B.
Then Jindabyne as well as up into the NSW Main Range ski areas and
west to Adaminaby.
This addition of VK3RDH now extends that coverage into Northern
Victoria and surrounding areas.
VK2FJCM, Angelo Giuffr, says that the "Snowy Mountains Amateur Radio
Club would really appreciate signal reports and testing from Amateurs
in the North Victorian areas and welcome you to join them on their
weekly 2m Net (VK2SNO) every Saturday at 1930 hours. They
re-broadcast the WIA Weekly News Broadcast every Sunday night at
1800 hours. (Angelo, make sure callbacks@wia.org.au does get the
check in figures.)
The club appreciates the work conducted by Peter VK2DIE and
Didge VK2DIG over the course of the last couple of years to make the
facilities and coverage possible.
(Angelo Giuffr VK2FJCM)
Juha, OH5CW and the OH5C group are active as OG 0 C from Kokar,
in the Aland Islands, IOTA reference EU-002, until Tuesday
the 28th of May.
CW, SSB, FT8, FT4 and MSK144 on the 160 to 2m bands.
QSL via the bureau, or direct to OH5CW
Thomas, F4HPX will be active holiday-style as FR/F4HPX from
Reunion Island until the 5th June. He will operate mainly SSB and
FT8 on 40, 20 and 15m.
Waldi, SP7IDX will be active as LA/SP7IDX from Store Molla,
Lofoten Islands, EU-076, until the 29th of May. He will operate
SSB and FT8 on the 40 to 10m bands.
QSL direct to home call or via Logbook of The World.
Ham radio operator sports 'hairtenna'
The Xenia Daily Gazette reports on the 'hairtenna' worn by
Kristen KB3OQV at Hamvention
The 27-year-old is known around Dayton Hamvention as Antenna Hair
Girl. Think Marge Simpson with bleach blond hair and an antenna stuck
down in the middle of the gel-laden quaff.
"I do my hair up every year for this," Andrews said while posing for
pictures with other hams. "I started doing it when we were at
Hara Arena. I saw (a man dressed as) Cat in the Hat. I was like
'I've got to do something different.'"
Using a tube of hair gel each day, KB3QQV carefully styles her hair
straight up to cover the bottom part of the antenna. The rest of the
antenna is adorned with her call sign KB3OQV and some purplish
Read the full story at
50 MHz activity needed - 13 June 2019
This year the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) starts
on 28 October and will last four weeks. An important agenda item for
the amateur service is for the WRC to consider the consolidation and
extension of 50 MHz in Region 1 (Europe, Africa, Middle East and
Asiatic Russia).
One of the national telecoms administrations, which are actively
supporting the proposal, is the Czech Republic; unfortunately some
other administrations are actively opposed.
To gather solid evidence of the high level of amateur activity on the
band, and at the same time to demonstrate that amateurs can co-exist
with other band users including the military, IARU is supporting a
monitoring trial Thursday 13 June 07:30 - 09:00 UTC and
11:00 - 12:30 UTC
Government and professional users will be monitoring and some will be
transmitting as well, so it is important that HAMS make a good
Remember, by the way, that if you do hear any non-amateur stations
you must make sure you do NOT cause them any interference.
Full details can be found on the iaru-r1.org website.
Date and times are Thursday 13 June 2019 07:30 - 09:00 UTC
and 11:00 - 12:30 UTC
ILLW reaches 200
The 200th registration for this year's International Lighthouse
Lightship Weekend is from Latvia which is a rare country for the
event and a new lighthouse as well.
Uava Lighthouse, originally established in 1879, is located on the
Latvian coast of the Baltic Sea. The lighthouse stands in an isolated
location, on a 28 metre high sand dune, which is permanently
threatened by wave action from the Baltic Sea.
This highly popular event now in its 22nd year, takes place on
17th-18th August with over 500 entries expected.
It is a fun weekend with many entrants returning year after year
with some taking part every year since 1998.
All the details and registration form are on the ILLW web site
A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.
Ham Radio Kidsday
IARU Region 1 report this year's second Kidsday will be held on
June 15. This event is especially created to promote Amateur Radio
to youth
This is a moment where you can share your amateur radio hobby with
your family, grandkids, friends, scouts or even to the general public.
This day can be the first time for youth to experience a real radio
QSO, hopefully they get interested in becoming a licensed amateur
radio operator.
You could make use of this suggested exchange:
Name, age, location and favourite colour.
Be sure to work the same station again if an operator has changed.
To draw attention, call "CQ Kids Day."
Suggested frequencies IARU Region 1:
10 Meters: 28.350 to 28.400 MHz
15 Meters: 21.360 to 21.400 MHz
20 Meters: 14.270 to 14.300 MHz
40 Meters: 7.080 to 7.120 MHz
80 Meters: 3.650 to 3.750 MHz
Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz
IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz
Radio Amateurs Demonstrate Emergency Messaging Capabilities
for Red Cross and FEMA.
Just days ahead of the 2019 hurricane season, dozens of hams along
the US East Coast demonstrated Amateur Radio's ability to deliver
messages without commercial power, infrastructure, or permanently
established stations for officials of the American Red Cross and the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Last Thursday's event took place in coordination with ARRL, during
a joint meeting with Red Cross and FEMA officials in Baltimore.
The demonstration was a mock response to a simulated disaster
scenario -- a major hurricane with mass casualties striking the east
Amateur Radio operators at portable stations from New England to the
Carolinas delivered messages to W 1 AW, which then coordinated and
delivered the information to officials attending a joint
FEMA-Red Cross meeting in Baltimore.
(sourced to arrl.org)
It seems that Mount Etna was particularly active recently -
but no worries, there was no lava involved at this volcanic site.
This trio of hams only had a short time on the summit -- but this
summit happened to be Mount Etna, site of an active volcano on the
east coast of Sicily, so they made the most of their time. Beppe
I1WKN and his friends Riccardo IZ1GDB and Fabrizio IZ1DNQ hiked up
with all their gear on the 12th of May but did not go to the very
Ed Durrant DD5LP explains.
Beppe told Newsline that inclement weather and the park rules at this
UNESCO World Heritage site only permitted them a short time for their
They set up a distance of 20 meters below the top, on the south west
border of the crater and operated between the rocks for protection
against the winds.
According to Riccardo, wind speeds reached as much as 80 or 90
kilometres per hour - or more than 50 miles per hour. The team
managed a few QSOs on 40 metres and 20 metres - contacting Italian
operators and hams elsewhere in Europe, including Spain and the Czech
Republic. Beppe told Newsline he hoped to return to Etna but he plans
to wait for better weather and warmer temperatures.
From AR Newsline, on VK1WIA, this is Ed Durrant DD5LP.
2019 Social Scene
2019 WIA Annual Conference Sydney THIS weekend 24-26 of May.
This is the end of National News and
for those listening to VK2WI please
stand by as we cross for a live report
on the final day of the WIA AGM weekend
from some of the delegates at Dural this morning.
VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Field Day June 8 and 9 (vk2zhe)
VK5 - South East Radio Group 2019 Annual Convention and Australian
Fox Hunting Championships 8-9 June (vk5hcf)
VK3 - GippsTech 2019 13'14 July (vk3pf)
VK4 - Townsville Amateur Radio Club's Cardwell Gathering 4 days
commencing October 4 (vk4zz)
VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Group HamFest, 13th October (vk3cnw)
WW - JOTA 2019 Friday 18th, Sat 19 & Sunday 20 October (vk2gx)
VK3 - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention Oct 27 (vk3kqt)
2020 Social Scene
ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)
October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.
Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.
Submitting news items
If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.
To submit audio email nationalnews@wia.org.au and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on
We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 2 minutes in length
as we only have a half hour.
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.
A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."
We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. (new Jan 2019)
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
TWITTER http://twitter.com/VK1WIA
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...
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