Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
Email nationalnews@wia.org.au and for audio
wia.org.au click news in member area
Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, NEVER send
just links & url's but write your story as you would expect to hear
it being read back.
Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!
wiaq.org.au/ftp/wianews_128.mp3 (28 megs)
wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link
to the original text version and original audio on wia site)
WIA Secretary Peter Clee VK8ZZ. -
WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee and Grant Willis VK5GR. -
WIA DX Awards Manager Graham Alston, VK3GA, TRIPLE PLAY.
Not a WIA Member? details email nationaloffice@wia.org.au
OR the link on bottom right of wia.org.au
WIA board minutes can be found on wia.org.au click
WIA Information.
Directors regular broadcast roster
Jun 28 = Aidan VK4APN (VP Retires July 25)
Jul 5 = Lee Moyle VK3GK
Jul 12 = Philip Shields VK2CPR
Jul 19 = Oscar Reyes VK3TX
Jul 26 - Scott Williams VK3KJ
Aug 2 = Greg VK2GPK (President),
Aug 9 = Peter VK8ZZ (Secretary),
The Annual General Meeting for 2020 will be a hybrid meeting to be
held on 25th July 2020 at the National Office in BAYSWATER VIC with
due restraint as to the COVID-19 restrictions.
Good morning I am WIA Director and Secretary Peter VK8ZZ
The Board of the WIA has this week appointed Scott Williams VK3KJ
to fill a current vacancy on that Board. Scott’s appointment will
be until the cessation of the WIA AGM next month. The constitution
of the WIA provides that the number of board members can be
determined by resolution of the board. The current minimum number of
Board Members is 5 members and a maximum number of 7.
At the conclusion of the AGM to be held next month Aidan VK4APM will
retire and as a result there will only be 5 board members.
Continuing Directors Greg VK2GPK and myself, Peter VK8ZZ’s term
will end in 2021.
The three new directors coming onto the board from the recent
election process namely Lee VK3GK, Phil VK2CPR and Oscar VK3TX
will continue on until 2022.
So there will be two vacancies on the board next month.
The Board of the WIA are now calling for expressions of interest to
fill those two vacant board positions. Please complete the
nomination form on the WIA web page and send your expressions of
interest to Secretary@wia.org.au
As promised in last weeks broadcast and my email to members, I also
wish to update you on the progress of the publication of AR magazine
and I am pleased to confirm that Peter Rentsch VK3FPSR has been
appointed as the Secretary of the AR Publications Group. Peter has
hit the ground running and has been working through the articles to
be published in the magazines. Welcome aboard Peter. The
publications Group met last Thursday evening and progress is being
made. I will report again next week.
There has been a very positive reaction to the email that I sent out
to members last week. I am still in the process of replying to all
of the emails that I have received.
We now have an adequate number of volunteer proof readers. We also
have two volunteers step up to assist provide editorial assistance,
however we are still looking for people to spread the workload and
provide editorial assistance in both print and online publications.
Expressions of interest should be sent to secretary@wia.org.au
This has been Peter Clee VK8ZZ WIA Secretary
This is Grant, VK5GR, on behalf of the WIA Spectrum Strategy
Committee, with some news on the proposed 60m amateur band.
The ACMA released a discussion paper proposing four options to
finalise access to the 5351.5 to 5366.5 kHz band for VK Amateur
Service operators. This is the next step in the process, following
inclusion of the ITU agreed Amateur Service allocation in the
Australian Radio Spectrum plan since WRC 2015.
The four options take into account the need to manage sharing and
interference between the Amateur Service and the incumbent
commercial and government spectrum users.
They are:
1) grant nationwide access except for Queensland, where a
significant number of commercial licences have been granted
2) grant Nationwide use, but exclude amateur access to the top
1.5kHz of the nominated ITU band
3) implement channelized and geographically restricted access to
manage inter-service interference or
4) not permit Amateur Service access to the band in VK.
The WIA submission has supported option 2, noting that the top
1.5kHz of the band has hundreds of commercial land mobile licences
allocated across Queensland which require protection from
interference. Support for this option was also strengthened by the
feedback from over 1000 Amateur Radio operators across Australia who
responded to the WIA's survey conducted over recent weeks.
Other evidence supporting Amateur Service access included the
successful sharing track record with commercial users on the 30m
band, the low power levels being proposed by ACMA in alignment with
ITU, and the ability for amateurs to use a variety of communications
techniques, including modes that can utilise the inter-channel guard
bands in the commercial band plan without impacting non-amateur
communications. All of these arguments form, in the opinion of the
WIA, a compelling case for access to the band in Australia.
So, what are the next steps you may ask?
The ACMA will now consider all responses from Amateurs and the
industry. If they find the case compelling, amateurs should see a
draft revision of the Amateur LCD in due course.
The WIA will continue active discussions, pushing for access to this
band, with ACMA. We want VK amateurs to join with the more than 80
other countries in realising the benefits of the 60m band for the
Amateur Service as a matter of priority. As the process unfolds,
keep watching the WIA Website and listening to this broadcast for
further updates.
This has been Grant, VK5GR, for the WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee
and the WIA Board.
VEA (Volunteer Examiners Australia) is pleased to advise we are
currently able to perform online remote exam sessions for both
AMC and ARRL VE Examinations.
VEA has AMC Level 3 examiners that can conduct remote online
Also, the ARRL VEC has entrusted us by extension the FCC, to be
examiners for FCC-issued license via remote online examinations, a
volunteer examiner, must ensure the exam conducted fairly and that
there is the same level of integrity as there would be for an
in-person examination.
Candidates need to be aware there are conditions & eligibility in
registering to do an ARRL online remote examination, e.g. living in
a remote location, or the candidate is physically impaired to attend
an exam session.
VEA does run bi-monthly AMC & ARRL VE exam sessions during the year,
so if you are interested, visit our website www.vea.org.au and
complete the online registration form.
VEA currently have AMC and ARRL VE examiners in Queensland,
New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia.
VEA looks forward in supporting the ham radio community in
providing this valuable service to both AMC and ARRL VEC.
73 from Peter VK3FN
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.
Tonight @ 8: Antennas for small gardens
Don't forget the RSGB's series of webinars that we have reported
on previously because on June 29 the next "Tonight @ 8" is on
and is a presentation on Antennas for small gardens by Steve
Nichols, G0KYA.
You can watch the live stream and ask questions on either the RSGB
YouTube channel or the special Tonight @ 8 channel on the BATC
website, batc.org.uk/live/RSGB
You can find out more about all the webinars at
rsgb.org/webinars and you can also watch previous talks in the
series at the same site.
All RSGB ham radio exams slots for July booked
All the amateur radio online exam slots for July that were made
available on June 1 have now been booked.
It is believed the RSGB made 600 exam slots available for July
but the demand for online exams has been so high that the last
of the slots were booked on June 22 and now people have started
booking the August slots.
Pat Herbert, curator of the Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio SK.
The museum has been a very special place since it first opened in
2003, and many a VK/ZL Amateur has visited. Pat was a real
character and gentleman. He had been collecting radio paraphernalia
since the early 1950s when he was working on the building sites in
The museum is a credit to him. It is a magical, quirky and welcoming
Aladdin's Cave where everybody receives a genuine personal welcome.
Pat was an encyclopaedia of knowledge on the history of radio and a
great storyteller as well. He generously allowed the setting up of
the amateur station EI 0 MAR in the Martello Tower and was always
fascinated with the contacts made.
Let us hope that the museum continues as a celebration of Pat's
life and passion for radio.
It's time to pack your virtual suitcase and prepare for a virtual
journey that will take you to the first QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo.
The venue may be virtual but the hams and the expertise and support
they are offering are very real. The QSO Today podcast, hosted by
Eric Guth 4Z1UG, has already lined up such well-known speakers as
Glen Johnson, to discuss DXpeditions, Ward Silver, to talk about
grounding and bonding and John Portune to explain building slot
antennas in an HOA environment.
This free 48-hour event on August 8th and 9th is a first for the
popular QSO Today podcast Eric hosts weekly. The virtual platform
allows attendees to interact with exhibitors via chat, video and
audio and true to the ham expo experience, it will also feature an
exhibit hall with booths as well as an auditorium for speakers.
Although the expo will be live for 48 hours during the 8th and 9th,
August, it will also be accessible for another 30 days as an
on-demand event.
For additional details visit qsotodayhamexpo.com - and then make
sure your smartphones, tablets and laptops will be charged up as
you are likely to be there for some time!
Apple has announced CarKey, a way to wirelessly unlock your car
with your iPhone, it could herald the start of an era that sees
13.560 MHz NFC transmitters installed in cars
NFC has a typical bandwidth of 14 kHz but signal sidebands
may extend up to 1.8 MHz either side of 13.560 MHz
The data rates range from 106,000 to 424,000 bps
When it is summer time again DON'T curse the humidity that often
accompanies the season, think of what that water vapor might be able
to do for your operating power with your radio.
Graham Kemp VK4BB reports now on some promising research going on
in Israel.
What happens when water molecules interact with metal surfaces?
The result is nothing short of electric! So say researchers at
Tel Aviv University who've just completed a study into how the
atmosphere's water vapor might just provide a renewable energy
source. SOTA enthusiasts and other portable radio operators, are
you listening?
The study from the university's Porter School of the Environment
and Earth Sciences, published recently in Nature Scientific Reports,
pursued the evolution of electricity in thunderstorms noting how it
morphs from vapor to droplets to ice and eventually spurs formation
of the electricity we know as lightning. The researchers used a
small low-voltage battery to determine voltage buildup between
two discrete metal surfaces and found that when the environmental
humidity dropped below 60 percent so did the voltage.
With humidity able to charge surfaces to as high as 1 volt,
researcher Colin Price says he believes this process could
eventually help develop batteries that could be recharged
using water vapor in the air - provided the humidity is a
very tropical 60 percent or higher.
FT 8 DMC Anniversary Activity Days 2020
Several special event stations will be on air during the
"FT8DMC Activity Days" between July 1-31st and all stations
will bear the FT DMC or FT DM suffix and here 'down under'
listen for ZL 6 FTDMC
NZART Memorial Contest July 4 and 5
IARU HF World Championship July 13-14
Next contest - 17 JUL - VK and ZL on 160 80 and 40M using
RD or Remembrance Day Contest will be August 15 - 16
Alara Contest 0600 UTC Sat 29 till Sun 30 August at 0559 UTC.
VOICE from 0600 UTC Saturday October 3 to 0600 UTC Sunday October 4
CW from 0600 UTC Saturday October 10 to 0600 UTC Sunday October 11
December 6 - 8 160 Meter WW
DECEMBER 14 - 15 10 Mtr World Wide
4 award periods, each of 3 months starting in January of each
calendar year and 2 categories in the contest,
Top 5 you try and work the 5 most wanted DXCC entity's
Most Wanted you work the most wanted DXCC entity.
The dx entity's in play are those most wanted DURING those
3 month windows.
Complete details can be found at contest.fgarc.org.au/
All major AUSTRALIAN contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.
WIA DX Awards Program - New Triple Play Awards
The WIA Awards Committee is pleased to announce the availability of
Triple Play DXCC Awards. A “Triple Play” is when you work a DXCC
entity on all 3 modes - Phone and CW and Digital.
These new awards are designed to encourage operation consistently
across all 3 modes.
Triple Play awards are available for single band, multi-band and
multi-mode (ie.any-band). Endorsements including Honour Roll and
Excellence are also available as per the other DXCC awards.
Triple Play has also been added to the annual DX Leader board
competition as a new category.
Graham Alston, VK3GA, WIA Awards Manager, on behalf of the Awards Committee
Members of the Wireless Institute of Australia are QRV with special
call VI 110 WIA until the end of 2020 to celebrate our 110th
anniversary, in fact the world's oldest Amateur Radio Society.
Activity is on the HF bands and QSL is via LoTW.
Special event station CO 200 SMP is QRV until June 30 to celebrate
the 200th anniversary of San Miguel del Padron, one of the fifteen
municipalities that make up the city of Havana.
Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB and FT8.
QSL direct to CO 2 AME.
The 28th of June is the Centenary of the Royal Corps of Signals.
GB 100 RSM has been on air and goes QRT at the end of this month
BUT don't despair if you didn't work it because another
Royal Corps of Signals centenary station is GB 100 RS Royal Signals
which will start operating today the 28th of June.
Full details of the centenary stations
(sourced to RSGB)
Be listening for Giorgio IU 5 HWS who is on the air from Iraq
until mid-July on 40, 20 and 10 metres. For details on his
activation visit his YI/IU5HWS page on QRZ.com which he is
updating regularly.
Falkland Islands
Look for VP8HDM/A. The HDM suffix standing for
Historical Dockyard Museum and it’s to be active during the 2020
International Museum Weekends.
Normally, operations are from the Historic Dockyard Museum in
Stanley, Falkland Islands, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
VP 8 HDM / A will operate from "alternative locations" this final
weekend of the event, 27-28th.
For more details about the International Museums Weekends, see:
Special event station VX3X is QRV until June 30 to commemorate the
Apollo 13 space mission.
Active will be YN 5 AO from Casa Guacalito, Guacalito de la Isla
(WW Loc. EK61xi), Rivas, Nicaragua, between November 21st and
December 5th.
Activity on 160-10 meters mainly during the local evening and night
hours. Focus will be on the low bands CW.
Also YN5AO will be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th).
QSL via DL 7 VOA
ATV (Every pixel tells a story) -
As well as 'showing' this WIA National News on your ATV channel
what about showing what the IARU is?
The video 'What is IARU?' is now available on the IARU Region 2
website and it explains the mission and roles of IARU to represent,
develop, and defend frequencies for amateur radio around the world.
It also explains the regional organizations and the critical roles
of its 160+ Member Societies.
These videos are available in MP4 format at the link in this weeks
news from VK1WIA.
AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org
NASA TV plans to have live coverage on Wednesday July 1st as
astronauts Robert Behnken KE5GGX and Chris Cassidy KF5KDR
venture outside the International Space Station to replace batteries
on one of the ISS power channels. It's a power upgrade that swaps
out the old nickel-hydrogen batteries with lithium-ion batteries
that were delivered last month to the station on a Japanese space
cargo ship.
The live broadcast will be seen on NASA Television and the agency’s
website and it is expected that the walk could last as long as
seven hours.
Chris is the commander of Expedition 63 and will be identifiable by
the red stripes on his spacesuit.
Doug joined the crew in May following the historic launch of
SpaceX's Crew Dragon 'Endeavour' spacecraft.
There are even more happenings above the earth - and this one
concerns the sun.
With the first twinkling’s of Solar Cycle 25, it appears we're
getting some big help into solar insights from the Solar Orbiter
that was launched earlier this year by the European Space Agency
from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.
On Monday June 15th, the orbiter was reported to have made its
first perihelion - the point in the orbit that is closest to the
sun - in its mission to capture detailed imagery. In this case that
distance is 77 million kilometres.
Although the Parker Solar Probe launched in 2018 by NASA makes
approaches closer to the sun, it does not have telescopes to
capture such direct imagery as this orbiter does.
A posting on the ESA website said that the images are to be
released in mid-July and are described as the closest images of the
sun to ever be taken. Scientists hope the probe will gather
additional details about solar winds, flares, magnetic fields and
atmosphere. It will also attempt to capture the first images of its
polar regions.
(Sourced to ARNewsLine)
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
The 23rd ILLW, which usually takes place during the third weekend
of August, has been moved to August 22-23rd.
There are already over 180 registered Light-house/Lightship stations
For more details about this year's event, see:
Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz
IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz
Emergency Call!
ARRL Letter reports Ken Dix, KB2KBD, picked up an emergency call
on his 2meter repeater: Richard Tashner, N2EO, was suffering a
medical emergency and could not reach his phone to call for help.
BUT - He was close enough to grab the microphone to his DMR radio.
Dix called a police department in New York, and help was sent.
New York dispatchers were able to hear part of the call and were
also surprised at how quickly the information had been relayed
across the Atlantic.
(Youngsters On The Air)
Young hams here in Australia and across the ditch in New Zealand
may be getting a different way to spend their summers soon.
Jim Meachen ZL2BHF has been following this development.
"The organisation is called Youngsters On The Air Oceania and it's
something of a youngster itself, having only come into being in
late May of this year. Its members, however, can surely relate:
they are the some of the youngest ham radio operators in
New Zealand and Australia and they share a youthful devotion to
radio operating and all it entails, from antenna-building to
participating in nets. Benjamin Isaacs ZL2BCI told NewsLine he has
created the group to fill a gap in services and mentoring for this
next generation of hams -- a safe place to ask technical questions
or any questions at all relating to ham radio.
Benjamin is also hopeful that by next summer there might be a YOTA
Oceania camp possibly held in Wellington or Auckland.
In its short lifetime, YOTA Oceania has already attracted more than
80 members. The group also needs adults who can offer skills,
contacts and experience.
Look for updates on the group's Facebook page and, of course, here
where we will be reporting important developments as YOTA Oceania
grows and matures.
I'm Jim Meachen ZL2BHF."
APRS and WSPR balloon completes 2nd circumnavigation of Earth
A balloon launched on May 20 by Tom Medlin, W5KUB, and team has
begun its third circumnavigation of Earth transmitting
144.390 MHz FM APRS and 14.0971 MHz WSPR
The ARRL say:
The balloon, at 43,000 " 45,000 feet, completed its second trip
around the globe June 19. It crossed the Atlantic ocean “in record
time” at a speed of about 170 MPH, the balloon website reported
this past week.
The balloon, identified as W5KUB-18, carries APRS and WSPR amateur
radio payloads. As of the afternoon of June 23, it was heading over
Uzbekistan at over 100 MPH.
As the balloon website states, the mission and goal are to launch a
high-altitude balloon for long-duration and multiple trips around
the world. The balloon, an SBS-13, is capable of flying up to
45,000 feet. “It will be filled with hydrogen to obtain higher
altitude,” the website explains. “It will be solar powered only
(no batteries, so it will only transmit during daylight). They
will receive tracking every 10 minutes via WSPR on HF [14.0971 MHz].”
Tracking transmissions will be turned off over the UK, Yemen, and
North Korea due to regulations.
Read the full ARRL story at
W5KUB-18 Balloon Information
2020 Social Scene
Due to the COVID-19 situation, please check these events'
direct for up-to-date status information.
VK7 - VK7 biennial HamFest Nov 20-22 Miena Community Hall (vk7tw)
VK4 - Rockhampton Amateur Radio Annual Dinner Sat Nov 21 (tarc)
VK4 - TARC Xmas Party - Sun 13th December from 2pm (tarc)
VK4 - TARC Xmas Lights Tour - Fri 18th December from 7pm (tarc)
VK4 - TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp
Thursday afternoon 21st to Tuesday afternoon 26th January
at Girl Guides Association of Queensland Campsite
and Training Centre Bluewater. (vk4zz)
VK2 - WYONG FIELD DAY (tentative) February 28 ( vk4zz)
VK - WIA Annual Conference 2021 Hobart VK7 30 April-2nd May (vk7tw)
VK - ALARAMEET 2021 Bendigo VK3 October 1 - 4 (vk5yl)
Reception Reports
WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
straight after the Local News. Local news follows the National news
in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would email their
reception reports and location to callbacks@wia.org.au
Here is one such report received from VK6 last weekend
"Hi Phil I listened to your Broadcast on 160m this morning
and it sounded fantastic it was one of those days from long ago,
I had “no noise “ you were loud and clear BBC quality, if you were
on the 890 it sounded GREAT. Congratulations on a first class BC
station it’s a real credit to you, 5/9 plus all the way through.
Take care Phil
73 Lee VK6TY"
Submitting news items
If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.
To submit audio email nationalnews@wia.org.au and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on
We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 minutes in
length as we only have a half hour.
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item)
A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."
We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles.
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...
If you would like to see the call-backs reported each broadcast,
OR have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
tally then please send through your call-backs to
How do I join this National News List?
(subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.
How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to
unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list
unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions
given in that mail to complete the unsubscription.
Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.